U.S. Department of Education National Blue Ribbon School
(2021, 2014, 2008)

May 17, 2023

Last week, our specials instructors along with our eighth grade students invited the 55 Plus Club to the school to experience a project-based learning showcase of the arts. They worked together on different activities in art, music, and movement that show how different cultures impact our languages, art, physical activity and music.  View more photos on our Instagram or Facebook page.


Thurs, May 18: May Crowning Mass (9 AM), Early Release (1:30 PM)

Wed, May 24: All School Rosary (1:15 PM)

Fri, May 26: Wolfhound Field Day at Brigid's Green

Mon, May 29: No School (Memorial Day)

Thurs, June 1: Graduation (5 PM)

Fri, June 2: Last Day of School; Leadership Mass (9 AM); Early Release (1 PM)


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The O'Reilly Minute

Dear Parents,

Tomorrow our second-grade First Communion class and eighth-grade Confirmation class will be leading our May procession for the traditional May Crowning ceremony. The procession will leave school at 8:45 and walk towards Avery Road and proceed through the front doors of the church. This will take place as a part of our 9:00 am school Mass. Please plan to join us if your schedule allows. 

Next week there are several additional events that you are also welcome to attend. We will be praying the rosary together as a school community on Wednesday, May 24th at 1:30 pm in the gym. Also at this time we will be recognizing Monsignor Joseph Hendricks as our pastor and leader of our school as he prepares to leave for his next assignment in the Diocese. Monsignor has dedicated his life to furthering the development of Catholic education, faith formation and the sustainability of both our parish and school. His dedication in particular to Catholic education is like none other. 

Our final pep rally and traditional eighth-grade vs. staff volleyball game will take place on Thursday, May 25th beginning at 1:15 pm in the gym.  

Wolfhound Field Day, sponsored by the Home and School Annual Fund, is scheduled for Friday, May 26th. Thank you to all of our volunteers. We have all volunteer slots covered! A separate email will be coming to your inbox this Friday with specific details regarding dress, lunch etc. There will also be an opt out permission slip if you do not wish to have your child participate.

We are very pleased to announce today the recipients of our Oak Society Scholarships. This program keeps growing every year with generous donors establishing scholarships to honor family members, dedication to service, good sportsmanship and discipleship. Please see the story below for more information.  

Spring blessings,

Kathy O'Reilly

Photo Newsletters: Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grades

Click the photo albums below to see what the classes have been up to.

View K Photos
View 1st Grade Photos
View 2nd Grade Photos

Oak Society Scholarship Winners

The scholarship program under the Oak Society is designed to recognize Saint Brigid of Kildare School families and students who meet or exceed the criteria of the many scholarships offered as set by the donor.

Congratulations to our 2023 Oak Society Scholarship Award Recipients:

The Brendan Foley Spirit Scholarship 

Francis "Frankie" Dziewiatkowski

Stephen Freiburger

The Elizabeth Jane Zetzer Memorial Scholarship  

The Steinbrunner Family

The Babs Pulsfort Memorial Gift of Giving Scholarship 

Annabelle Adkins Davidson

The Holthus Family Scholarship

The Szlosek Family

The Henri and Flora Bucci Scholarship

The Nakamura Family

The Joyce O’Reilly Family Scholarship 

The Heise Family

Karen & William Nomina Faith & Service Scholarship 

Colin Willison

Home & School Association Scholarship

Ethan Farnham

Samuel Hollis

St. Brigid of Kildare SPiCE Nomination Scholarship - Children Modeling the Mission

Charlie Mifsud

Landon Eilerman

Rose Pervan

St. Brigid of Kildare SPiCE Nomination Scholarship - SPiCE Supporting Families 

Stacy Austin

St. Brigid of Kildare SPiCE Scholarship - Children Benefiting from SPiCE 

Collins Family

Pelz Family

St. Brigid Athletic Association Scholarship

Michael Baumel

Luke Braun

If you or someone you know may be interested in creating a legacy scholarship, please contact Sarah Moore at smoore@stbrigidofkildare.org.

Learn More About Scholarships

Summer Learning Packets

Summer reading and activities are an important way to ensure children are ready for the next school year and don't experience the "summer slide" loss of learning. Teachers have prepared information packets that include activities for each grade level to work on over the summer months. These activities are all strongly encouraged to ensure readiness for the next school year. Check the packet instructions for any required components.

Click the link below for the summer learning packet for the grade your child is currently in.

This is also posted on our school website on the "Current Families" page.




1st & 2nd Grades

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade

6th Grade

7th Grade

Parent Account Instructions:

Clever Access

Google Account Access

Lunch Account Balances

Student lunch account balances at the end of the school year with a balance of $15.00 and above will be refunded to families who will not be returning the following year. Any balance below $15.00, a written request will be needed to request these funds.

Register for Bus Transportation 23-24


The transportation departments from Dublin, Hilliard and Olentangy schools require all new and returning families to register your students for busing this fall. If you are a new family moving to the area, and don't know your new address yet, please contact them as soon as you have this information.

Olentangy Schools Requests:

All Non-Public parents (new or returning) must fill out this online form by June 19, 2023.

Dublin Schools Requests:

All Non-Public parents (new or returning) please complete this form.

Hilliard School Requests:

All Non-Public parents (new or returning) please complete this form by July 28, 2023.

Back to School Uniform & Spirit Wear Exchange

August 13, 2023 10 am-1 pm;

Collect Lost and Found Items by June 9 from School Cafeteria

To everyone who donates, volunteers, and uses the uniform and spirit wear exchange—thank you so much! Your donations help other families and reduce waste! 


In the coming months, please gather gently used items your children no longer need and donate them to the school office by June 9 or during the week of Aug 7-11, when the school office will again be open to donations.  If you can’t donate during daytime hours, a collection bin will be placed outside my residence at 6588 Wynwright Dr. Aug 5-10 only. Items accepted include all gently-used logo and non-logo uniform items AND spirit wear. Non-logo articles that are not claimed at the exchange will be donated to other local schools in need! And remember, you don’t need to donate to “shop” the exchange!


So that you don’t forget about this important event, please use these Signup Genius links below to attend and/or volunteer as you’ll receive reminders. Friday night volunteers can shop while they work!


Sign Up to Attend: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090B44A8A929AB9-summer3

Sign Up to Volunteer: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090B44A8A929AB9-summer2


Items remaining in the Lost and Found after June 9 will be donated or discarded, so come check the collection in the school cafeteria.


Questions? Contact Erin Heise erinjolene@hotmail.com or Gracie Dziewiatkowski marygracedzski@gmail.com.

School Supply Kit Ordering

Go to this link by June 20, 2023 to order your kit and receive FREE shipping!

Saint Brigid of Kildare is offering the EduKit program for our families to order school supplies for the 2023-2024 school year. EduKit has put together specific grade level kits approved by your student’s teacher. Some supplies can be reused next year (Earbuds, Spanish-English Dictionary, etc.).

Order by June 20, 2023 and your kit will be shipped directly to Saint Brigid of Kildare and delivered to your student’s classroom.

For questions, please contact Jennifer Musser, jmusserfamily@aol.com

To view supply lists for each grade, visit this link.

Order Link

Summer Tutoring

Summer tutoring is available from many Saint Brigid of Kildare staff members. Staff can be contacted via email or by calling the school office and leaving a message.

Click below for the list of teachers, subjects and contact information.

View List

Keep earning money for our school by submitting Box Tops this Summer!

For over 25 years, Box Tops for Education has given families an easy way to earn for schools with products they already buy. Today, you can find thousands of participating products throughout the store — and all you need is the Box Tops app

ONLINE SHOPPERS CAN EARN WITH BOX TOPS, TOO! Whether you order groceries for delivery or pickup, shop through your store’s app, or request an email receipt at checkout, you can earn for your school no matter where you shop.

For more information and to download the Box Tops App visit: https://www.boxtops4education.com/

Earn Rewards for Our School by Registering your Kroger Shopper’s Card

Our school earns thousands of dollars each year through loyalty reward programs! Please remember to register your Kroger Shopper’s Card, and use it every time you shop to help our school! For instructions on how to register, click the link below.

Rewards Sign Up 

Gifts of Gratitude: Teacher & Staff Appreciation Gift

What is it?

Gifts of gratitude is a program established by the Home and School Association as a united effort to provide a generous monetary gift to every teacher and staff member at Christmas and the end of the year to thank them for all they do for our children. Gifts of Gratitude is different from The Annual Fund.  

Why participate?

This is a convenient way for families to make sure that each teacher, aide, and staff member who touches your child's life is recognized for all they do at St. Brigid. Instead of several small gifts from each student, each teacher and staff member will receive a monetary gift that they choose how to use.  

What if I already participated at Christmas?

If your family donated to the Gifts of Gratitude program previously this school year, there is no need to donate again. We only ask for each family to donate once per school year.

Will my family be recognized for participating?

Yes -- the teachers and staff will receive a list of families who participate in this



How much should I give?

The suggested annual gift amount is $25 per child, however any given amount is graciously accepted and appreciated!

Can't remember if you already contributed?

No worries -- just contact Sherri Johnson at clarke97sd@msn.com or Anne Flock at anne.flock@gmail.com and they will let you know!

You can find the link for Gifts of Gratitude at the button below. Choose your donation amount and that's it. It's that easy! It's such a simple way to show appreciation to your child/children's teachers and the staff at St Brigid of Kildare.  


New Family Mentors Needed

Home and School is currently looking for parents to sign up to be on the New Family Welcome Committee. This entails being a mentor to a new family for the

next school year. Mentor families will attend the New Family Welcome Breakfast (Sunday, August 20th). They will need to be available to check in with their new family monthly and answer any questions to assist with their transition. Mentors

will be paired up with new families with children in the same grade.

We need more mentor families than usual because we have many new families this year. If you are interested in being a new family mentor, please fill out the short survey below. Thank you!!

Sign Up

Educational Apparel Sale

Educational Apparel, one of our uniform stores, is holding an early shoppers sale offering up to 30% off uniform items.

Fore more info and to view the flyer, click the button below.

Sale Flyer

Summer Camps

Click the links below for more information on summer camp opportunities -- registrations are now open and opening soon for the following camps:

News from Our Parish & Community

You’re Invited to A Mother & Daughter Princess Tea in support of Mommies Matter! 

Dress up and indulge your innate royalty with an afternoon of memorable fun! This Mother & Daughter Princess Tea is an opportunity to celebrate the special little girl in your life - your daughter, granddaughter, or niece! Affirm and reveal her God-given dignity in her truest identity as a daughter of the King, while teaching her what it means to be a woman living in service for the most vulnerable among us. All proceeds benefit Mommies Matter, a local non-profit that walks with single, pregnant women. 


You don’t want to miss it! This event will be held on June 3 from 3-5 PM in Hendricks Hall. Accompanied by an adult female, all girls ages 4-10 are invited to participate! 


Tickets are $25 for your first princess and $20 for additional princesses. Adult admission is $25. The deadline to register is May 22.


SBAA Sport Registrations for Fall

St. Brigid Athletic Association has opened up the 2023 Fall Sports Registration.  Registration will run between now and early August - depending on your sport of choice.  We will offer an Early Bird Discount of 10% off if you register before June 1st - and it will automatically be taken off from your shopping cart if you register before June 1st - so register soon at https://gowolfhounds.sportngin.com/register/form/682995707

Please note, some activities like Summer Football Mini-Camp, Girls Tennis, and Golf - all have activities that start before August 1, so sign up soon to stay in the loop for all summer communication and activities.

If you have any questions about each activity, please reach out to the following sport commissioners and coaches:

If you have any registration problems, please reach out to shawn.steinbrunner@gmail.com


Shepherd’s Corner Ecology Center’s 17th Annual Farm Fresh 5K

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Shepherd’s Corner, Blacklick, Ohio

Race beings at 9:00 am

Race check-in begins at 8:00 am

  • $30 for adults (13 years and up)
  • $15 for kids (12 years and under)

Please register by May 19th if you want to be guaranteed a t-shirt.

Partner with Shepherd's Corner's mission to care for Earth and to feed the hungry.

Proceeds will benefit Shepherd’s Corner Ecology Center’s environmental education programs, land and water conservation projects, and our efforts to provide fresh, naturally grown produce to those in need. For the third year we are partnering with nearby


Altar Server Training May 21

All rising Fifth graders and older are invited to become Altar Servers for the Weekend and Holy Day Masses. 

Is the Lord calling upon your son or daughter to serve?  Have them answer that call by becoming an Altar Server!  St. Brigid of Kildare is encouraging all those in (incoming) fifth grade and above to consider becoming an Altar Server.  Attend one short training session, study one short section from the Liturgical training manual and they will be ready to serve the Lord as an Altar Server. What a wonderful, rewarding service! Our next training session for Altar Servers is May 21, 2023, Sunday afternoon in the Church from 1:00 pm until 2:00 pm.  Please register by May 19th so we can be prepared to welcome you.  To register online, please click here or the button below. For more information please contact Joe Feehan at stbrigidaltarservers@stbrigidofkildare.org. 


Sunday, May 21, 2023, St. Brigid of Kildare Church 


Catholic Family Night with the Clippers - May 24

Watch the Clippers vs. the Indians on May 24th at 7:05 PM for the Catholic Family Night with the Clippers!

To purchase tickets and view more info click the flyer linkbelow.


Requirements to Volunteer with our Children

If you are 18 years or older and interested in volunteering with youth activities at SBK, attending PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN is required before you can volunteer. Register under the Diocese of Columbus at www.virtus.org


The Diocesan Safe Environment Department will be offering Virtus Protecting God's Children (PGC) sessions:


5/11/2023 St Brendan (Hilliard) 6:00pm

5/22/2023 St Mary Delaware 6:00pm

5/25/2023 Holy Spirit (Zoom Session) 6:00pm

6/13/2023 St Matthew (Zoom Session) 6:00pm

6/17/2023 St Brendan Hilliard 9:00am

All volunteers with our children and youth must complete PGC, a St. Brigid volunteer application, submit the signed code of conduct, copy of photo ID, and complete a criminal background check prior to volunteering.

Full details and forms can be found at https://stbrigidofkildare.org/safe-environment/ 

News from Our Catholic High Schools
Please email any alumni news for sharing to Allie Wing at mrs.wing@stbrigid-school.org.

BWHS Men's Night

BWHS Men’s Night Columbus Blue Jackets Jared Boll and Brandon Dubinsky and other team members will join us for Bishop Watterson’s 2023 Men’s Night on Saturday, May 20 at 6:30 p.m. at St. Brigid of Kildare. Tickets are $100 per person, with proceeds benefitting the Msgr. Grimes Scholarship Fund. Ticketing and sponsorship opportunities can be found at bishopwatterson.com. All are welcome!


BWHS Bowling Clinic

BWHS will be holding a Bowling Clinic July 22 and 23 from 1 - 4 PM for incoming 6th-12th grade studens. View the flyer for more information.

Submit Materials for Wolfhound Wednesday
If you have information you'd like included in the next Wolfhound Wednesday, email it to Allie Wing at mrs.wing@stbrigid-school.org.

To view past issues of the Wolfhound Wednesday, find them archived on our website here.
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