U.S. Department of Education National Blue Ribbon School
(2021, 2014, 2008)
May 25, 2022
Our 25th Anniversary Musical Revue took place last week, featuring musical performances from past school productions. Congrats to our many 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students involved!
The O'Reilly Minute
Dear Parents,

As Memorial Day approaches we are grateful for the many blessings of the 2021 - 22 school year! 

One of our blessings is having Monsignor Joseph Hendricks as our pastor and leader of our school. Monsignor has dedicated his life to furthering the development of Catholic education, faith formation and the sustainability of both our parish and school. His dedication in particular to Catholic education is like none other. We honor Msgr. Hendricks this week as he celebrates his 25th anniversary as our pastor and his 50th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood.  
This week would have been the time we would have been ordaining new priests for the Diocese. Sadly we have no ordinations this year and only one ordination planned for next year. The Diocese is encouraging all of us to pray this week for vocations to the priesthood. Each morning during our morning prayers to start the school day I am praying the following prayer with our children. I encourage you to join in praying this prayer not only this week, but regularly, so that we may harvest more vocations for the Diocese of Columbus.  

Super Games field day is truly a blessing coming our way this Friday! Details for the event and an opt out permission slip was emailed to you last Friday. Our Home and School Annual Fund has provided the funds that allow us to have this day of fun and games. Students will also enjoy an outdoor picnic complete with hot dogs grilled by Mr. Rich, side dishes served by our amazing cafeteria staff and snow cones! 

Next week we will proudly graduate our 24th class of 8th grade students on Thursday, June 2nd at 6:00 pm. Our 8th grade leaders have truly been a blessing to us this year as faith-filled role models for our younger students.

Please mark your calendar for our last day of school, June 3rd, which will include our Leadership Mass at 9 am. Parents, grandparents and alums are all invited to attend. There will be early dismissal at 1:00 pm.

Have a great Memorial Day weekend and remember to honor our men and women who have served and continue to serve in the U.S. armed forces.  

Kathy O’Reilly 
An Additional Minute
This morning I ask all of you as a school community to pray for the children and families in Uvalde, Texas.  This most recent senseless act of violence and tragic loss of lives in Uvalde, Texas have again brought focus to school safety.  As we watch the news and empathize with the Uvalde community, our own safety, the safety of our community, and specifically our children quickly come to the forefront of our thoughts.  We are blessed to live in a strong, caring, vibrant community; however, we must continue to work collaboratively to ensure the safety of our schools.  As a school principal, I wish school safety conversations did not have to happen, but there is nothing more important.  This morning I chose to not make a school wide announcement for prayers for the children of Robb Elementary School due to the sensitive nature of this topic and the wide range of ages and exposure to news.  However, teachers are prepared to talk with children age appropriately in their individual classrooms.  Msgr. Hendricks will be joining the staff at 3:15 pm today to lead us in prayer for the children and families of Ulvalde. 

Student and staff safety remain our top priority.  We have a strong collaborative relationship with the Dublin Police Department.   Working with Bruce McKenna, our law enforcement agencies and first responders, we have developed and continue to revise, implement, and practice emergency operation procedures.  We have several operational guidelines that we follow on a regular basis that are aligned to national researched best practices.  Below are some of the safety measures in place at our schools:

  • Check-In Procedures:  We have established a locked, single entry point in our building where visitors are required to follow check in procedures prior to entering the building.  
  • School and Campus Safety Director:  We have hired Bruce McKenna to focus on the safety  of our school community.   
  • ALICE:  Our staff has been trained in ALICE, active shooter response training, which encourages a multi-leveled response to violence including flight, hide/barricade, and fight.  We conduct regular age appropriate safety drills to practice and train students.
  • Mental Health Support: We work closely with Stacie Williams and Megan Flannery, our guidance staff as well as with  community agencies to assist struggling students and families with mental health and behavior needs.
  • School-wide monitoring software for all student and staff devices.

One of the most important tools in our toolbox when it comes to safety is PARENTS.  We know despite all our procedures, emergency plans, and precautions that relationships matter most.  The relationships between staff and students, parents and their children, as well as families and schools make a difference.  While we strive to connect with every student and foster trusting relationships with each child, we need parents and families to partner with us.

Some great ways to support:

  • TALK to your child often about school, their activities, and ask questions.
  • Monitor your child’s social media activity, text messages, and other activities.
  • Know your child’s friends.
  • Remind them safety is a collective responsibility, if they know something, tell someone.
  • Threats are serious.  Remind them not to joke around about any type of school safety issue, it is not a joking matter.
  • Take action if something does not seem right - let us know, contact the police, or contact a safety line.  
  • There are many great resources to help support our efforts as parents and educators to support our children’s mental health.
Nationwide Children’s Hospital On Our Sleeves:
Common Sense Media - How to Talk to Kids About Difficult Subjects:
American Psychological Association - How to Talk to Children About Difficult News:

We are truly blessed to live in a community like Dublin.  Our school community is reflective of the positive, supportive, and wonderful people who live here.  Together we can make a difference as our faith calls us to care for the common good.  Together we can grow and maintain a caring community and a safe school environment where our students can continue to live, learn, pray and grow.

In closing, we have many blessings to be thankful for here at Saint Brigid of Kildare. Let us join together in prayer for each other and for the families in Uvalde, Texas.  
Photo Newsletters: 3rd & 4th Grades
Click the images below to view this week's photo newsletters and see what the classes have been up to.
Photo Recaps
Our social media channels feature many more photos each week! In case you missed any of the recent posts, click on any photo below to see the post and photos.
7th Grade Glacier Ridge Trip
Musical Revue
May Crowning Mass
Summer Learning Packets
Summer reading and activities are an important way to ensure children are ready for the next school year and don't experience the "summer slide" loss of learning. Teachers have prepared information packets that include activities for each grade level to work on over the summer months. These activities are all strongly encouraged to ensure readiness for the next school year. Check the packet instructions for any required components.

Click the link below for the summer learning packet for the grade your child is currently in.

This is also posted on our school website on the "Current Families" page.


Parent Account Instructions:
Day of Prayer for Vocations: May 28
Saturday, May 28, would have been our diocesan ordination of new priests if we had had any being ordained this year. This is an opportune time to engage the faithful in “begging the Master of the Harvest, to send out more laborers for the harvest.” 

Please join us in raising our voices to the Lord in prayer for priestly vocations that day.

"Lord Jesus Christ, Savior of the world, show forth,
we beseech You, in Your Church the Holy Spirit with
whose apostles were so abundantly filled.
We thank You for the blessings bestowed on the work of priests;
and we pray that You will add to the number of those who
now pray, labor, and sacrifice themselves for Your glory
and the salvation of souls.
Give them unselfish zeal for Your glory.
O good Jesus, give us more priests after Your own Heart!
USDA Free Meals & Activities This Summer
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is sponsoring a free meals and activities program for kids and teens this summer. There is no cost or enrollment required, and it is open to all children under 18.

To find a site near you, visit their website here or text "Summer Meals" to 97779.
School Supply Kit Ordering: Deadline June 15
Go to this link by June 15, 2022 to order your kit and receive FREE shipping!

Saint Brigid of Kildare is offering the EduKit program for our families to order school supplies for the 2022/2023 school year. EduKit has put together specific grade level kits approved by your student’s teacher. Some supplies can be reused next year (Earbuds, Spanish-English Dictionary, etc.).

Order by June 15, 2021 and your kit will be shipped directly to Saint Brigid of Kildare and delivered to your student’s classroom.

For questions, please contact Jennifer Musser, jmusserfamily@aol.com
Register for Bus Transportation 22-23
The transportation departments from Dublin, Hilliard and Olentangy schools require all new and returning families to register your students for busing this fall. If you are a new family moving to the area, and don't know your new address yet, please contact them as soon as you have this information.

Olentangy Schools Requests:
All Non-Public parents (new or returning) must fill out this online form by June 19, 2022.

Dublin Schools Requests:
All Non-Public parents (new or returning) please complete this form.

Hilliard School Requests:
All Non-Public parents (new or returning) please complete this form by July 29, 2023.
Fall Sports Registration Open
Fall Sport Registration will open on Wednesday, May 11th here:

Please register early - if you register before June 15 - you get a 10% off discount with Coupon Code of "EarlyFall22".  This coupon will only be valid until June 15th.

This fall we will have the following opportunities available at St. Brigid for St. Brigid of Kildare school students, religious education students, and registered parishioners.
Earn BoxTops for Teacher Appreciation
Not yet signed up for the Box Tops rewards program? – Sign up this month and earn St. Brigid 50 bonus Box Tops

From 5/1-5/31, first time Box Tops participants can earn 50 bonus Box Tops for their school! Here’s how:

1.      Download the Boxtops App
2.      Use referral code TeachersMakeUsBetter
3.      Scan your first receipt by 5/31/22

Looking for more ways to help support teachers? Find additional bonus offers at https://www.boxtops4education.com/
Uniform Store Sales
  • Click here for the Schoolbelles sale flyer and here to shop online.
  • Click here for info on their Memorial Weekend sale.
  • The Columbus Location is reopening -- see the image for more details.

Educational Apparel
  • Click here to learn more about the Educational Apparel 30% off sale May 21-31.
Summer Tutoring
Summer tutoring is available from many Saint Brigid of Kildare staff members. Staff can be contacted via email or by calling the school office and leaving a message.

Click below for the list of teachers, subjects and contact information.
News from Our Parish & Community
High School Summer Youth Minsitry
Check out this High School Youth Ministry Summer Preview! 

We can't wait to spend time with you at:⁠
  • Weekly service in the Dublin Giving Garden
  • Quick Catholic Lessons w/ Fr. Mike in June⁠
  • Monthly service with Habitat for Humanity
  • Monthly family events (Top Golf and Brush Crazy Columbus)

Registration is open for the HSYM June family Top Golf gathering.

Stay tuned for additional service and event RSVP/ registration information.
Summer Camps
News from Our Catholic High Schools
Please email any alumni news for sharing to Allie Wing at mrs.wing@stbrigid-school.org.
Bishop Watterson Summer Activities
Bishop Watterson High School is hosting a variety of summer activities, including art camp, sports camps, theatre camp and woodshop camp, with ages varying but beginning as young as 1st graders.

For more information on each type of activity, click below.
Submit Materials for Wolfhound Wednesday
If you have information you'd like included in the next Wolfhound Wednesday, email it to Allie Wing at mrs.wing@stbrigid-school.org.

To view past issues of the Wolfhound Wednesday, find them archived on our website here.