Please see the correction below -- May Crowning Mass will be at 9 AM on Thursday, May 12
U.S. Department of Education National Blue Ribbon School
(2021, 2014, 2008)
May 4, 2022
Sixth grade students help their first grade buddies on a scavenger hunt.
The O'Reilly Minute
Dear Parents,
This Saturday, our second graders will receive their First Communion. We believe that the Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith. When we receive the Lord in the Eucharist, it is an act of thanksgiving to God. It recalls the Lord’s Supper with his Apostles. It is the nourishment that enables us to remain spiritually strong and healthy.
Let us pray for our First Communicants as they make their final preparations this week:
Lord Jesus Christ, bless the children coming forward
to receive Holy Communion for the first time. 
May this day be the step toward a life-long love of the Eucharist.
Give them a hunger for this sacred food so that
they turn to you for comfort, guidance, and wisdom as they grow into full discipleship.
Thank you for their innocence and goodness.
May their hands, extended in anticipation of your body and blood,
inspire all of us to cherish this sacred Sacrament. 

On May 12th our May traditions continue with our 2nd and 8th grade students leading our May procession for our May Crowning ceremony. Please join us for the 9:00 am school Mass if your schedule allows.  

This coming Thursday our school administrative team will have the opportunity to meet Bishop-elect Fernandes. He will be celebrating Mass and also greeting all of the Diocsean high school and elementary principals when we gather at the Josephinum for our final Diocesan meeting of the school year. I would also like to invite you to please join other families throughout the Diocese by praying a Rosary a Day in the Month of May for Bishop-elect Fernandes. There are more details about this opportunity in the story below.
Our Home and School Association has decided to postpone the May 13th Hounds Hoopla and hold the event in late January/early February 2023. Due to the abundance of Spring activities our registration and volunteer numbers are much lower than expected, more details are in the story below regarding refunds. Thank you for your understanding.

In closing, this weekend take the opportunity to celebrate and honor all mothers. 
Kathy O’Reilly
Photo Newsletters: 5th & 6th Grades
Click the images below to view this week's photo newsletters and see what the classes have been up to.
Wax Museum Thank You!
Our seventh graders would like to thank all of the parents, visitors, students, and teachers who came to the Wax Museum on Friday. The event was a huge success, and we were able to raise $420 for Catholic Relief Services. This is enough money to buy a community latrine and basic hygiene education for a third world community fighting water scarcity. We also appreciate all the teachers, staff, and parents who helped with costumes, props, and logistics for the event.
Saint Brigid of Kildare School Scholarships Now Open
The Oak Society is possible thanks to the generosity of our parishioners. It is committed to helping families in our parish continue a Catholic education through parish-supported grants, scholarships, and tuition assistance. The Oak Society will provide scholarships to students with criteria set by the donor or organization. We have continued to build this scholarship program, and are happy to announce there are three new scholarships available this year. 

Today we are opening the application process for our Spring 2022 scholarships. The deadline to apply for these scholarships is Thursday, May 12, 2022. Winners will be announced by June 3, 2022.

Current scholarship opportunities are:
  • Karen and William Nomina Faith and Service Scholarship
  • The Brendan Foley Spirit Scholarship
  • The Home & School Association Scholarship
  • The Joyce O'Reilly Family Scholarship
  • The SPiCE Scholarship Program
  • The Elizabeth Jane Zetzer Memorial Scholarship
  • The Babs Pulsfort Memorial Gift of Giving Scholarship
  • St. Brigid Athletic Association (SBAA) Scholarship (new this year)
  • The Henry and Flora Bucci Scholarship (new this year)
  • The Holthus Family Scholarship  (new this year)

To read the criteria, award amounts and to apply for any of these scholarships, click the link below.

If you are interested in donating or creating a scholarship, please contact Sarah Moore at or (614) 761-3734.

Please note: all families are eligible to apply and receive scholarships regardless of if they did/did not receive tuition assistance or an Oak Society grant.
Hounds Hoopla - Postponed
Hounds Hoopla, scheduled for May 13, is now rescheduled back to its original time in January due to a low attendee and volunteer commitment. As families are very busy this time of year, we are looking forward to bringing the event back to its original time and format (with some fun updates) in January 2023.

If you already paid to attend, you will be refunded to the card charged.

Thank you for your support!
Register for Bus Transportation 22-23
The transportation departments from Dublin, Hilliard and Olentangy schools require all new and returning families to register your students for busing this fall. If you are a new family moving to the area, and don't know your new address yet, please contact them as soon as you have this information.

Olentangy Schools Requests:
All Non-Public parents (new or returning) must fill out this online form by June 19, 2022.

Dublin Schools Requests:
All Non-Public parents (new or returning) please complete this form.

Hilliard School Requests:
All Non-Public parents (new or returning) please complete this form by July 29, 2023.
World's Largest Diaper Drive - THANK YOU!
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Bottoms Up World’s Largest Diaper Drive! As a school, we collected 20,626 diapers! That beats last year’s collection by 2,500 diapers.
Home & Schol Meeting - Today
The next Home & School meeting is today, May 4 at 10 AM. The meeting is in-person, but anyone who can't make it is welcome to join via the Zoom link below. All are welcome!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 811 190 1817
Passcode: EzZN3f
SPiCE Committee Meeting - All Are Welcome
All are welcome to join the next SPiCE committee meeting via Zoom.

SPiCE Committee Meeting
Monday, May 16 · 6:00 – 7:00pm
Google Meet joining info
Save the Date—Back to School Uniform and Spirit Wear Exchange
August 14, 2022 10 am - 1 pm
To everyone who donates, volunteers, and uses the uniform and spirit wear exchange—thank you so much! Your donations help other families and reduce waste! In the coming months, please gather gently used items your children no longer need and donate them to the school office before the end of the school year or hang onto them until the week of Aug 8-12, when the school office will be open to receive donations.  Items accepted include all logo and non-logo uniform items AND spirit wear and PE uniforms. Non-logo articles that are not claimed at the back to school exchange will be donated to other local schools in need! And remember, you don’t need to donate to “shop” the exchange!
Summer Tutoring
Summer tutoring is available from many Saint Brigid of Kildare staff members. Staff can be contacted via email or by calling the school office and leaving a message.

Click below for the list of teachers, subjects and contact information.
News from Our Parish & Community
A Party for Monsignor Hendricks
Sunday, May 22 following 11 AM Mass

Join us to celebrate all that Monsignor Hendricks has accomplished! In his 75 years, he is celebrating 50 years of Ordination as well as 25 years at St. Brigid of Kildare. We are so grateful for the many years of service and dedication he has provided us, and the work he has accomplished to create our beautiful parish community.

We will be celebrating him at Brigid's Green following the 11 AM Mass on Sunday, May 22. Please RSVP at the link below.
Altar Server Training May 15
Sunday, May 15, 2:00 PM—3:30 PM in the Church
All students in the fifth grade and older are invited to become Altar Servers for Weekend and Holy Day Masses.
Is the Lord calling you to serve? Answer the Lord’s call by becoming an Altar Server! St. Brigid of Kildare is encouraging all those in the fifth grade and above to consider becoming an Altar Server. You will have only one training session to attend and one short manual to read and study. Do this and you are ready to be scheduled as an Altar Server. It is a rewarding service!
To register to become an Altar Server, please reach out to Mr. Joe Feehan via his email address:
Thank you very much for your interest. We look forward to having you part of this most important team.
Eucharistic Adoration This Friday (Adorers Needed)
You are invited to adore Jesus, as modeled by Mary, on Friday, May 6th for the First Friday Eucharistic Adoration following the 9:00AM Mass and concluding at 4:00PM with Benediction.

“Jesus has left us His Divine Mother to be the Mother and Model of Adorers … It was Mary who first adored the Incarnate Word.” - St. Peter Julian Eymard

Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, Pray for Us (Feast Day: May 13)

Mary invites us to follow her example and adore her son during Eucharistic Adoration. All are welcome, including families with children. If you wish to sign up for an hour, please use the link below or email Shelly Cocumelli at
High School Summer Youth Minsitry
Check out this High School Youth Ministry Summer Preview! 

We can't wait to spend time with you at:⁠
  • Weekly service in the Dublin Giving Garden
  • Quick Catholic Lessons w/ Fr. Mike in June⁠
  • Monthly service with Habitat for Humanity
  • Monthly family events (Top Golf and Brush Crazy Columbus)

Registration is open for the HSYM June family Top Golf gathering.

Stay tuned for additional service and event RSVP/ registration information.
Prayer Initiative for Bishop-Elect Fernandes
Please join other families throughout the Diocese by praying a Rosary a Day in the Month of May for Bishop-elect Fernandes.
Excited to join?
1. Print the PDF below and begin Sunday, May 1st. 
2. Please forward this to anyone you know.
Just as St. Catherine of Siena said, "Be who God meant you to be, and you will set the whole world on fire," let's set the Columbus Diocese ablaze in prayer together as we prepare for our new bishop to be installed on May 31st. 
If you get this email after May 1st, please join us!  
Summer Camps
Catholic Family Night with the Clippers
The Diocese of Columbus is happy to announce that we will have Catholic Family Night 2022 with the Columbus Clippers on Wednesday, May 25th.  

Our Columbus Clippers will play the Buffalo Bisons!

To purchase tickets, visit:
News from Our Catholic High Schools
Please email any alumni news for sharing to Allie Wing at
St. Charles Presents Godspell
In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the annual spring musical at the school, the St. Charles Preparatory School Drama Department is proud to present the timeless tale of friendship, loyalty and love, Godspell. Performances will be held Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, May 12-14, at 8:00 p.m. and Sunday, May 15, at 3:00 p.m. in the school’s Campus Theatre.

Saint Brigid of Kildare School alumni Thomas Matthews and Annie O'Connor will be performing!
Submit Materials for Wolfhound Wednesday
If you have information you'd like included in the next Wolfhound Wednesday, email it to Allie Wing at

To view past issues of the Wolfhound Wednesday, find them archived on our website here.