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U.S. Department of Education National Blue Ribbon School
(2021, 2014, 2008)
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Dear Parents,
It’s hard to believe that our first quarter is coming to an end this week! On Friday we will be enjoying a fun day of fall festivities including a costume/dress down day and classroom parties (see article below for costume guidelines)! Keep in mind that there will not be school on Monday, October 31st. Have a great time trick or treating in your neighborhoods.
Next week we will attend the 9:00 am Mass on Tuesday, November 1st for the Feast of All Saints. Please plan to join us if your schedule allows! (Please make note that there will not be a school Mass on Thursday, November 3rd.) All Saints Day invites us to reflect on the kind and courageous actions of the saints and how we can model our lives based on their example. More than ever, in today’s world we need to find as many ways as possible to spread the Gospel messages of kindness and respect. During the month of November our students will be studying the lives of the saints. The lives of the saints give all of us role models on how working together as ONE we can serve God, our school and our community.
You will be receiving school pictures today. Please see info below regarding retakes for students who were absent or for families who are not happy with the original picture. Class composites will be delivered after the retakes are completed.
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Congratulations to Karen and Brian DeLucia on the birth of our newest Wolfhound baby....Charlie (Charles) Mack DeLucia weighing in at 7lbs 4oz.
May you continue to enjoy the blessings of Autumn,
Kathy O’Reilly
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Photo Newsletters: 3rd & 4th Grades |
Click the photo albums below to see what the classes have been up to.
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Proud St. Brigid Family Metal Signs for Sale: Deadline to Order is Friday! |
We are excited to offer a brand new product to our St. Brigid School families! We will be taking orders for these 11" metal outdoor signs that look great in a front flower bed or landscaping. These signs are made of no-rust aluminum with a UV resistant paint designed for long lasting outdoor durability, and will hold up a minimum of 5-10 years. They are made of 3mm max metal and come with a 48" metal T-bar stake for stability into the ground.
You may have seen our sample in front of the school this week. The attached photo shows our final design that shows support and unity in our St. Brigid community.
Total cost for the sign and stake is $32. We are selling these signs for cost to help encourage your participation in helping us spread awareness of our great school and building our community!
To order, fill out the form below by Friday, October 28 and pay via credit card. Signs will be produced after the ordering period is over, and plan to be ready for pickup in November (details will be sent in November).
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World Kindness Day - Nov 14th Teacher Appreciation | | |
Please join the Gifts of Gratitude Committee in showing our teachers and staff some extra kindness! On November 14th and November 16th parent volunteers will celebrate World Kindness Day by taking over drop off, lunch, and recess duties for our teachers and staff. We are also looking for volunteers to provide lunches to the staff members still required to be onsite during those times with our volunteers. There are lots of opportunities to help, so if you can spare some time, please join us. Volunteers must be PGC compliant.
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Much of the success of the past Saint Brigid musicals is thanks to all of the behind-the-scenes work and leadership of many talented staff, parents, and adult volunteers. We are in need of volunteers interested in becoming involved in the school musical productions. Areas of skills and leadership needed include set design and building, costumes, props, production, and much more. All volunteers of different skills and backgrounds are welcome.
If you are interested in sharing your talents, please email Ms. Bensonhaver at ms.bensonhaver@stbrigid-school.org.
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School Picture & Retakes Info | | |
School Picture retakes are scheduled for Wednesday, November 2nd. Retake picture day is for anyone that was absent on the original picture day, anyone who previously purchased a package and is not happy with their picture or anyone who needs a retake and is placing a package order.
Class Pictures that are part of a package purchase will be delivered about 2-3 Weeks AFTER Retake day so those that missed original picture day or those having a retake will be included in the Class Composite Picture.
In order to receive a Retake - the ENTIRE UNCUT picture package must be returned on Retake Picture day.
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Spirit Wear - Just in Time for Holiday Gifting! |
We are excited to announce that we have another Spirit Wear Sale with orders available in time for Christmas. New with this sale….St. Brigid Wolfhound drink ware items are available! These will make perfect gifts for all the Wolfhounds in your home. The sale is open now and will remain open until November 11th. Orders will be filled and ready early December.
Morganheimer/Premier Spirit Wear store
Our long-time vendor for St. Brigid spirit wear options (non-vintage) is now open and available. Use the link below to shop their sale, which includes new drink ware options. The link will be available for shopping through Friday, November 11th. *As a reminder, if you are looking for items in a certain color, click on the item to see all available color options.
Check out the link below to order:
https://saintbrigid.itemorder.com/ [saintbrigid.itemorder.com]
Stay Tuned for Rah Rah spirit wear sale!
We will also be offering additional Rah Rah spirit wear items before the holidays. Details and links will be available in next week’s Wolfhound Wednesday!
Any questions? Please contact Lesley Beran 614.257.9791 or Shauna Durant 740.815.9053
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Winter Coats, Scarves & Hats Drive |
We are collecting new or gently used coats, mittens, and scarves to help support Basement Blessings. The coat drive is being run out of the Help My Neighbor food pantry, which is a sister effort of Basement Blessings, both of which run out of Smoky Row Brethren Church. The coats we collect will be spread between the Smokey Row location, a Hispanic church, and a church in the hilltop.
With winter approaching, they are in desperate need of cold-weather gear in sizes baby - adult L. Coats, hats, gloves, scarves, hoodies are all needed —— gently used and washed, please.
The drive goes through Wednesday, November 2.
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Wolfhound Football Championships |
Exciting Wolfhound football news!
The 5th and 6th grade football team defeated St. Agatha this weekend in double overtime to advance to the diocesan championship! They won by a score of 14-13.
The 8th grade football team also won this weekend! They combined with the Western Irish this season and defeated St Pius by a score of 22-21.
St Brigid 5th and 6th will play the Northern Bishops this Saturday, Oct 29 at 11:30am at Bishop Watterson for the senior reserve championship. The undefeated 7th grade team who combined with St. Brendan this season will be in the Varsity diocesan championship game following at 1:30 pm. The 8th grade will play with the Western Irish at 3:30 pm for the Varsity Division 2 championship! Please come out this Saturday and support our 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Wolfhounds!!
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Fall Festival - Friday, October 28 |
Our Annual Fund supports the treats and games for this annual classroom party. Students are invited to wear costumes on this day if they wish. In place of a costume, students may choose a fall color dress down day, or they may wear sweatshirts or t-shirts recognizing their favorite athletic team’s colors or logos.
Fall Festival Costume Guidelines
- Make them simple, easy to wear all day, and not too hot or cold.
- Face masks that cover the entire face and/or head (examples-Spiderman, clown, skeleton, etc.) are not allowed.
- Inflatable costumes will not be allowed.
- Please limit accessories (like wings, crowns, wands) that will be difficult to handle at school, or could be lost or broken. Also, violent props such as pistols, knives, or swords are not permitted.
- Costumes may not have scary/bloody masks/clothes.
- Costumes may not obstruct the student’s view or ability to do work in the classroom.
- Costumes may not be inappropriately revealing, such as short skirts, bare midriffs, or low cut tops.
- Costumes may not be offensive or make a political statement in any way.
- Please no make-up
Please check your child’s costume or dress down day outfit, and make sure they are following the guidelines. Thank you!
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Earn Box Tops for Our School |
For over 25 years, Box Tops for Education has given families an easy way to earn for schools with products they already buy. Today, you can find thousands of participating products throughout the store — and all you need is the Box Tops app.
ONLINE SHOPPERS CAN EARN WITH BOX TOPS, TOO! Whether you order groceries for delivery or pickup, shop through your store’s app, or request an email receipt at checkout, you can earn for your school no matter where you shop.
For more information and to download the Box Tops App visit: https://www.boxtops4education.com/
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News from Our Parish & Community | |
Requirements to Volunteer with Our Children |
If you are 18 years or older and interested in volunteering with youth activities at SKB, attending PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN is required before you can volunteer. Register at www.virtus.org
Limited space Nov 12, 9am @ St Patrick London OH
All volunteers with our children and youth must complete PGC, a St. Brigid volunteer application, submit the signed code of conduct, copy of photo ID, and complete a criminal background check prior to volunteering.
Full details and forms can be found at https://stbrigidofkildare.org/safe-environment/ or contact John Denzel, Safe Environment Manager at jdenzel@stbrigidofkildare.org
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October is Respect Life Month |
October is Respect Life Month. When we talk about respecting life, we see the full picture of human life – from womb to natural death. This October, we are inviting two local organizations to speak on how their organizations serve to respect life in unique and invaluable ways and how you can become part of their missions.
Join us at 7:15 PM in Hendricks Hall on Wednesday, October 26 to hear from Kindway!
Everyone is invited to an evening of compelling testimonies full of inspiration and hope from those whose lives have been impacted by incarceration. Kindway exists to invest in the lives of those impacted by incarceration by empowering people, restoring hope, and honoring god.
This event will also offer a unique shopping experience by making Kindware available. Kindware is a variety of handcrafted gifts made by incarcerated women and men to support their incarcerated brothers and sisters as they transition to freedom.
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Advent by Candlelight Registration is Open |
Advent by Candlelight registration is open! You can register at the button below.
Join the women of our parish for an evening of prayer and reflection to prepare your hearts and minds for the Advent and Christmas seasons!
Brooke Taylor Thursday, November 17, 2022 at 6:30 pm Monsignor Hendricks Hall
Brooke is a radio veteran, speaker, writer, and the host of the globally downloaded podcast The Brooke Taylor Show.
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News from Our Catholic High Schools | |
Please email any alumni news for sharing to Allie Wing at mrs.wing@stbrigid-school.org. | | |
November 6th at 1:00 PM
Each fall, St. Charles hosts community-wide events for prospective families. Families can register to attend the Open House and hear directly from teachers, administrators, parents, and students about the St. Charles experience.
Click here to RSVP.
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K-8 children interested in wrestling can sign up to attend the Bishop Watterson High School Little Eagles Wrestling beginning in November.
To learn more, view this flyer.
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Submit Materials for Wolfhound Wednesday |
If you have information you'd like included in the next Wolfhound Wednesday, email it to Allie Wing at mrs.wing@stbrigid-school.org.
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www.stbrigidofkildare.com | |
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