U.S. Department of Education National Blue Ribbon School
(2021, 2014, 2008)

October 4, 2023

Second graders took time to be with God while they drew what they are thankful for.


Tues, Oct 3: Student-Led Conferences (Grades 3-6)

Wed, Oct 4: Student-Led Conferences (Grades K-2, 7-8)

Thurs, Oct 5: Home & School Meeting (10 AM)

Fri, Oct 6: Spiritwear Dress Down Day

Mon, Oct 9: School Advisory Committee Meeting

Thurs, Oct 19: Early Release (1:30 PM)

Fri, Oct 20: Barn Bash

Mon, Oct 30: No School


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The O'Reilly Minute

Dear Parents,

This morning we sent out a Parent Alert text, email, and phone call to test our Parent Alert system. This is the system we use for school closings and emergency notifications. If you did not receive either a phone call, text message and/or email this morning, please contact the school office at (614) 718-5825 or mrs.dorley@stbrigid-school.org.

While on the topic of safety I would also like to take this opportunity to remind you that when students arrive late in the morning (after 8:00 am) or are returning from an appointment we ask that an adult walk the student to the school office and sign them in.  This helps to assure the safety of each child. Thank you!

Students and staff are invited to show school spirit by enjoying a dress down day this Friday, October 6th.  Students are encouraged to wear Bishop Watterson, Saint Charles or Saint Brigid school colors or spiritwear!  Please see info below regarding this week’s tailgate on Friday evening.  

Enjoy the beautiful sunny weather this week!

Fall blessings,

Kathy O’Reilly

Photo Newsletters: 2nd Grade

Click the album link below to see the photo newsletter.

View 2nd Grade Photos

School Accreditation Survey Coming

St. Brigid of Kildare School is accredited through The Ohio Catholic School Accrediting Association (OCSAA).  The purpose of the OCSAA is to strengthen Catholic school identity and mission and to engage Catholic schools in the ongoing improvement of student learning. To be accredited means that we are recognized as having a particular status which in our case is that we are a chartered school in the state of Ohio. In our setting, we go through an accreditation cycle every six years. This year, we are starting a new cycle and are involved with the self study process, taking a look at our staff, school, and community profiles, as well as revisiting our mission statement and creating two new goals, a student learning goal and a catholic identity goal.

Part of the self study process involves surveying the staff, students, and parents in the community. Teachers will take a survey on October 5th. Students in grades 5-8 will take a survey the week of October 16th. Next week, we will send out a parent survey on October 11th, and we ask that you submit this by October 23rd. These results will help with our self study process.

If you have any questions regarding the parent survey, please email Jill Carfagna at mrs.carfagna@stbrigid-school.org.

Your Annual Fund Dollars Have Been Busy with the Beginning of the School Year

The Annual Fund is a once-a-year contribution that covers the costs of after-school programs,

school performances, field trips, and activities organized by the Saint Brigid of Kildare Home & School Association. Home & School is funded entirely by contributions made to the Annual


With your Annual Fund contribution, 100% of every dollar raised goes directly to school

projects and activities that enrich the learning experience for our children. Because of this, we

will never ask you or your children to sell items door to door (such as flowers, candy, wrapping

paper) to raise money for our school.

Home and School has hosted several welcome events since August (see pictures below):

  • Parent Admin Day Welcome Back Celebration during Meet the Teacher
  • The New Family Breakfast
  • Tears & Cheers Social/Breakfast

These are just a few of the many events that are funded by the Annual Fund during the school

year. Thank you to everyone who supports this important program. Please consider a donation.

Support the 23-24 Annual Fund

2023 Fire Prevention Poster Contest Winners

Each year Washington Township sponsors a poster contest during fire prevention month. We are very proud to announce that third grader Annie Creekmur (pictured on left) was a first place winner, and third grader Anna Doll (pictured on right) was a second place winner.

Congrats Annie and Anna!

NEW St. Brigid Parents Walking Club

Sponsored by Home & School

New to the Saint Brigid community? Enjoy walking? Have more time in your schedule now that school has started? Looking to meet more people?

Whatever your reason, join the St. Brigid Parents Walking Club! The St. Brigid Parents Walking Club is an opportunity to meet new people, get some exercise in, and enjoy God's beautiful scenery (while the weather is still pleasant). The first walk will be October 10th at 8:30 am.  We will plan to meet by the Church under the bell.  The walk will proceed down and around Avery park and back to the church, plan for about 45 minutes.   *If the weather is not pleasant we will reschedule- RSVP on the sign up genius for updates*  Thank you! 

Any questions please feel free to reach out to Sherri Johnson @ clarke97sd@msn.com or Sara Norton @ nortonsarae@gmail.com.   

St. Brigid Parents Walking Club is coordinated by the Social Committee of Home & School, finding social ways to bring our community together to the table. 

Sign Up

St. Brigid Ski & Board Club Winter 2024


Is your 4th-8th grade child interested in joining St. Brigid Ski and Board?  No experience is needed! To register, please look for the winter sports registration email coming soon.

Parent meeting: November 1st @7pm. 

We will be providing lots of information and highly advise at least one parent attend.

Winter Ski & Board Club will run on Tuesdays from January - February.

For all dates, pricing, and details, click the link below.


If you have any questions, feel free to contact:

Stacie Williams ms.williams@stbrigid-school.org 614-718-8025

Aileen Hoffman, aileenph@gmail.com 614-204-3302  

Jessica Hoffman, jh@barringtonschool.com 614-296-9000

More Info

Spirit Wear Order Updates

Morganheimer/Premier Spirit Wear – orders ready for pick up 9/28!

If you placed an order with Morganheimer/Premier, you will be receiving an email letting you know that orders are ready for pick up (or were shipped if you chose that option).  Orders will be ready for pick up starting Thursday, 9/28!


Pick up hours and location:

Wednesday – Friday 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm


473 Village Park Dr.

Powell, OH 43065


If you have any questions, please contact art@premiersportsandspirit.com


Rah Rah orders – reminder to pick up.

As a reminder, spirit wear orders from Rah Rah are in and ready for pick up. If you chose to pick up your order, you may do so at:


6702 Royal Plume Drive, Dublin (home of Jaime Erickson)


All pick up orders will be placed in a large tote on the front porch. Orders will be bagged and marked with your name.


Any questions? Please contact Jaime Erickson 614.578.8960 or Shauna Durant 740.815.9053

EdChoice Scholarship Application Instructions: Next Steps Coming Soon

We are excited that many families have taken advantage of the EdChoice Scholarship program which makes scholarship dollars available to all K-8 school families.

Many families are anticipating notifications of awards. We know the State is overwhelmed with applications at this time, and are currently working to process all submissions.

Watch for an email in the next week with additional details about the next steps in this process, including notification and acceptance of awards.

If you have any questions, please continue to email edchoice@stbrigid-school.org or call Andrea O'Reilly at (614) 718-5825.

EdChoice at St. Brigid Overview
FAQ Sheet

Tailgate & Dress Down Day: This Friday!

It's time for the annual St. Brigid of Kildare tailgate sponsored by the SBK Football program! The Watterson/St. Charles football game is at St. Charles on Friday, Oct 6th at 7pm. Please join us for our St, Brigid tailgate prior to kickoff from 5:00-6:30pm. Please look for the Green SBK Tent. Come help us celebrate our Wolfhound Football Alumni!

In preparation for the students' dress down day to show their High School spirit you can visit Eglehoff Sports at 50 Dillmont Drive, Columbus. They carry spiritwear for both schools! Or wear your Maroon/Gold or Black/Red or St. Brigid green and gold to show your school spirit.

Barn Bash is October 20: Tickets On Sale Now!

Tickets are now on sale for Barn Bash on Friday, October 20 from 6-8:15 PM at Leeds Farm in Ostrander, Ohio!

The price to attend is $12 per person (children 2 and under are free). The price will increase to $15 per person on October 11. The last day to purchase tickets is October 18.

All are invited to attend this fun night for families, which includes games, snacks, a DJ and family fun on the farm all evening! Please note that all children must be supervised by an adult at all times. Alcohol is not permitted on the Leed's Farm property.

For questions related to Barn Bash, contact co-chairs Ashley Storey (ashleymueller.173@gmail.com) or Anne Knapke (bannie3@yahoo.com).

Click the link below to buy tickets to attend.

We are also in need of many snack and drink donations for the event. Click the link below to sign up to donate.

Buy Tickets

Crucial Conversations Parenting Workshops 23-24

Crucial Conversations, a parenting speaker series for St. Brigid of Kildare Parish and School parents of school-aged children, is back with a series of events for the 2023-24 school year. These parenting workshops will focus on student wellness and safety—physically, emotionally, and online.

Emotional Safety—November 7, 6:30 PM, School Gymnasium

Professional Clinical Counselor Laura Lewis will share ideas and strategies about emotional

wellness, touching on anxiety, depression and the role of mental health. She brings practical ideas and strategies to integrate mental and emotional wellness into your family.

Social Media Safety—January (TBD), School Gymnasium

Nationally recognized internet safety speaker Jesse Weinberger will share guidance, data, and

resources for keeping children and families safer online. She will share life changing information on the connection between social media and mental health. Learn more about Jesse at her website www.overnightgeekuniversity.com.

Congrats Girls Gold Volleyball Team

Congratulations to our Girls' 7th/8th grade "Gold" Volleyball Team" who won their game this weekend, winning both first sets 25-16. Go Wolfhounds!

Congrats Girls JV Volleyball Team

The 7th grade girls junior varsity volleyball team played a thrilling double header on Saturday, winning both games. In their second game against St. Paul they came from behind in a nail-biting 3rd set!  

Congratulations to our team members who attend St. Brigid school - Maeve Baumgartner, Gia Lombardi, Victoria Nocco, Mel Prevedello, Anabellle Robinson, Mary Schilling and Sarah Ziegler.

8th Grade Appreciation Game This Weekend

The Wolfhounds will be recognizing their 8th grade football players, cheerleaders, and parents before the Varsity game this Sunday at Brigid's Green.

They would like to invite any current students, families, teachers, and staff, and especially alumni to come out and support the team at their last regular season home game vs. IC at 2pm!

There will be introductions beginning at 1:30 PM. We hope to see you there!

News from Our Parish & Community

SBAA Winter Basketball and Cheer Registration

SBAA continues with Winter Basketball and Cheer Registration.  Please note that there is a new Registration form and process that can be found at   https://stbrigid.doodlio.com/register

If you have any questions about each activity, please reach out to the following sport commissioners and coaches:

If you have not registered yet for Basketball or Cheer: just go and create an account and start the registration process.  

If you have already registered: we will be sending you further details on additional steps that you need to complete. Look for all of those details on October 7th to all of those already registered.

If you have any problems or questions about these new registration steps, please email shawn.steinbrunner@gmail.com


Saints Softball Team

The central Ohio Saints Softball team is looking for St. Brigid girls in grades 1-6 to join their softball team. The team is for players who attend Diocesan schools located on the NW side of Columbus.

For more information, see their flyer.

Thinking About Becoming Catholic?

  • Have you ever thought about becoming Catholic?
  • Do you think you might like to look into the Catholic way of Life?
  • Do you know someone interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith?
 You are invited to join us!

Our first meeting will be an orientation on October 17. All classes will be held on Tuesday evenings, from 7:00-8:30 pm in the Berry Room. The calendar for this coming year is on our website at www.stbrigidofkildare.org/rcia. For more information contact Kim VanHuffel at kvanhuffel@stbrigidofkildare.org or complete the form on the website above.

Requirements to Volunteer with our Children

If you are 18 years or older and interested in volunteering with youth activities at SBK, attending PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN is required before you can volunteer. Register under the Diocese of Columbus at 



The Diocesan Safe Environment Department will be offering Virtus Protecting God's Children (PGC) sessions: 

  • 10/26/2023 Our Lady of Lourdes (Marysville) 6:00pm
  • Protecting God's Children (PGC) session Scheduled at St Brigid of Kildare:  11/4/2023 St Brigid's Hendricks Hall 9:00am


All volunteers with our children and youth must complete PGC, a St. Brigid volunteer application, submit the signed code of conduct, copy of photo ID, and complete a criminal background check prior to volunteering.

Full details and forms can be found at https://stbrigidofkildare.org/safe-environment/ 

News from Our Catholic High Schools
Please email any alumni news for sharing to Allie Wing at mrs.wing@stbrigid-school.org.

St. Charles Preparatory School Cardinal Chat for St. Brigid Middle School Families

Middle School Families, You're Invited!

Are you interested in learning more about St. Charles and what it has to offer your son?  Join us for the evening to meet and learn from faculty, staff and parents about what it is like to attend St. Charles Preparatory School.  This is a great opportunity to talk to the staff and current parents and ask any questions you may have about your son being a future Cardinal.  

Drinks and refreshments will be provided.

Tuesday, October 10th from 7:00 to 9:00 pm

Hosted at the Braun Family Home

10055 Morris Dr, Dublin, OH 43017

RSVP at the link below.


If you have questions about the evening, feel free to contact Amy Braun @ 614-506-8313 or amymbraun@gmail.com


St. Charles Fall Events

St. Charles is hosting many fall events open to feeder school families. Click the link below to view the printable flyer.

View Flyer
Submit Materials for Wolfhound Wednesday
If you have information you'd like included in the next Wolfhound Wednesday, email it to Allie Wing at mrs.wing@stbrigid-school.org.

To view past issues of the Wolfhound Wednesday, find them archived on our website here.
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