October 14, 2020
Congratulations to our Confirmation Class of 2020! They were able to celebrate the sacrament Sunday afternoon in a beautiful outdoor ceremony at the Bishop Watterson Back Field.
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The O'Reilly Minute
Dear Parents,

By tradition, the Catholic Church dedicates each month of the year to a certain devotion. The month of October is dedicated to the Rosary, one of the best known of all Catholic devotions. October includes the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary (October 7). One of the best ways to celebrate the month is by praying the rosary together as a family. Our school family will be praying the rosary together virtually today at 2:00 pm. If you wish to join at home or at work, please go to your child’s Google Meets found in the Google classroom and enter the word prayer in the box labeled “Join a meeting”.  

Today we are happy to announce the rollout of our new Scholarship program. We had hoped to kick this off in the Spring of 2020, but better late than never! These scholarship opportunities are for the 2020-21 school year. We will open the process again in Spring of 2021 for next school year. If you are interested in donating or creating a scholarship to honor a family member contact Sarah Moore at sarahmoore00@hotmail.com or (614) 761-3734. Please see the story below for the complete details. 
I have another exciting announcement for this week’s newsletter. Congratulations to 4th grade teacher Brittany Burger and Taylor Ford who were married over the weekend at Muirfield Country Club. Miss Burger returned to school yesterday as Mrs. Ford!  

The month of October is Fire Prevention Month. Our 3rd graders are participating in a fire safety poster contest sponsored by our local firefighters. We will also be conducting a fire drill on Friday, October 16th.  

Autumn Blessings,


P.S. Early Release is Thursday, October 15th at 1:30 pm. See dismissal timing below.  
Photo Newsletters - 5th & 6th Grades
Click the images below to view this week's photo newsletters and see what the classes have been up to.
Oak Society Scholarships Open: Apply by Oct 28
As part of our Oak Society revitalization, we are excited to launch our new scholarship program.  The Oak Society is possible thanks to the generosity of our parishioners. It is committed to helping families in our parish continue a Catholic education through parish-supported grants, scholarships, and tuition assistance. The Oak Society will provide scholarships to students with criteria set by the donor or organization. We will continue to build this scholarship program in order to expand the opportunities available to our students. If you are interested in donating or creating a scholarship, please contact Sarah Moore at sarahmoore00@hotmail.com or (614) 761-3734.

We are now opening the application process for our Spring 2020 scholarships (as COVID-19 delayed this launch from the spring). Current scholarship opportunities are:
  • The Brendan Foley Spirit Scholarship
  • The Home & School Association Scholarship
  • The Joyce O'Reilly Family Scholarship
  • The SPiCE Scholarship Program

Deadlines to apply for all above scholarships is Wednesday, October 28, 2020. To read more about the criteria and application process for these scholarships, click the link below.
Thank You for Supporting the Annual Fund
The Annual Fund is a once a year contribution that covers the cost of programs that are planned by our Home and School Association. 100% of every dollar raised goes directly to school projects and activities that enrich the learning experience for our children. Because of this, we will never ask you or your children to sell items door to door to raise money for our school.

Some of the items that have been funded so far this year are:

  • The Home and School Association increased its teacher appreciation activities. Since teachers returned early to school to prepare for our children, H&S provided coffee carts, catered lunches and thank you signage.
  • The Home and School Scholarship program, as described above

The Annual Fund suggests a $100 donation per child (and $50 suggestion per preschool child). We realize that families have varying financial circumstances, so any gift you can give is appreciated.
Preschool Ark Update
The preschool has moved into a temporary location at the church. This is due to ongoing construction delays with the arks. We are hopeful that the arks will be completed soon. Until then, the preschool is in full swing at the church. The preschool staff is grateful to have our students back in the classroom. Learning through play continues! Please continue to pray for a speedy construction of our arks.
Early Release Reminder - Tomorrow
Tomorrow is an early release day. Please remember on early release days, dismissal times will be:

Bus Riders - 1:30
Latchkey - 1:34
A-K Car Riders - 1:37
L-Z Car Riders - 1:50
Terra Nova Testing - Tips
During the week of October 19th, students in grades three through eight will be taking the Terra Nova test, a standardized test adopted by the Diocese of Columbus. The diocese mandates testing in grades three through eight. Testing will occur on each day of the week, Monday-Friday.

As in the past, we ask that parents do a couple of things to help their child do his/her best.

  • Don’t plan any appointments that would cause your child to miss a portion of a test.
  • Make sure that your child is in bed at a time to ensure that he/she has sufficient sleep to function well.
  • Have your child eat a good breakfast before coming to school.

 Thank you for your help in supporting our students during this week of testing.
Fall Festival Costume Guidelines (Oct 29)
Please follow these guidelines in preparing for the Fall Festival dress-up day at school on October 29.

  • Make costumes/attire simple, easy to wear all day, and not too hot or cold.
  • Face masks that cover the entire face and/or head (examples-Spiderman, clown, skeleton, etc.) are not allowed, but instead feel free to decorate or choose a color of a daily mask that will enhance your costume.
  • Inflatable costumes will not be allowed. 
  • Please limit accessories (like wings, crowns, wands) that will be difficult to handle at school, or could be lost or broken. Also, violent props such as pistols, knives, or swords are not permitted.
  • Costumes may not have scary/bloody masks/clothes.
  • Costumes may not obstruct the student’s view or ability to do work in the classroom.
  • Costumes may not be inappropriately revealing, such as shorts skirts, bare midriffs, or low cut tops. 
  • Costumes may not be offensive or make a political statement in any way.
  • No makeup is allowed.

Please check your child’s costume or dress down day outfit, and make sure each outfit follows the guidelines. Thank you!  
Wolfhound Basketball Update
The SBAA has been working to prepare for the 2020-2021 Basketball Season.  Off-Site Gym space for practices has been secured to allow enough practice time for all age levels.  The Diocese Recreation Association is working on their plans for how the season will look, and they are hoping to have those details finalized in the next week.

Registration will open once the season is confirmed - so please be on the lookout for announcement on that in about a week.
PERC Presents: Parenting Through the Pandemic
Navigating Uncertain Times and Change with Resiliency

Child and Family therapists, Matt Dunatchik, LPCC and Libby
Steele, LPCC of Gestalt Columbus will discuss current events affecting
families and children. They will explore how to best support children through emotional connection, healthy boundaries, setting loving limits, and discussing issues and current events.

This workshop will be presented via Googlemeet, but will be interactive as participants can ask questions and comment on their own experiences parenting during COVID.

When: Wednesday, October 21, 2020 9:30am and 7pm
COVID-Safe Halloween Tips
The City of Dublin will proceed with its annual Trick-or-Treat Beggar’s Night from 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, October 29, 2020. The City continues to follow Franklin County Public Health’s advice and guidelines as well as best practices regarding Beggar’s Night.

Residents are strongly encouraged to follow Governor Mike DeWine’s and the Ohio Department of Health’s recommendations on how to celebrate Halloween responsibly to keep your family, friends and neighbors healthy.
Parenting Workshop: Surviving in Trying Times
Sarah Buffie, Founding Director and Trauma Responsive Care Trainer of Soul Bird Consulting will be providing a series of parenting workshops via Zoom for our St. Brigid of Kildare community. Sarah recently worked with our St. Brigid of Kildare School teachers and staff to learn about trauma-informed care and how to apply empathy as it relates to our students' lives and learning. Sarah's trainings disrupt current models of thinking by building empathy and understanding around the effects of trauma and systems of oppression.

The upcoming parenting workshop series will focus on Surviving in Trying Times:

Anyone else feel like they are in survival mode these days? Do you ever have full, happy days where you forget the chaos of the outside (or inside) world? Either way, we are all in the thick of it and one thing that makes it tougher is trying to do it all alone. So, let’s not try to do it alone. In this series we will be inviting families to come together in a supportive learning environment in order to engage with one another and with practices that help us not just survive in trying times, but thrive. We all have the capacity to cultivate safer relationships with ourselves and others. The key is practice. And practicing within the context of community makes it that much sweeter.

As we plan for this Zoom series, we would like parents to complete the one-question availability survey at the link below.
Ski Club Update
As I am sure you are tired of hearing... due to COVID-19 restrictions we will not be able to have Ski Club for the 2021 season.

Stay well and we look forward to next year!!
Virtual All School Rosary
We will be praying a virtual All-School Rosary today, Wednesday October 14th at 2pm.

We will pray together via Google Meets with the same password used for daily morning prayer, which is prayer.

Parents are welcome to join this virtual rosary.
Flu Vaccine at School - REGISTER NOW
We are happy to announce the opportunity for St. Brigid students (K - 8) and staff to receive Flu Vaccine at school this year. The date for Flu Vaccines is Tuesday, October 27. Please print, complete, and return the Consent Form at the link below for each student who will receive a vaccine.

Return the completed form to school as soon as possible to help with our planning purposes.

For questions, contact Peggy Iannarino, School Nurse at mrs.iannarino@stbrigid-school.org.
St. Charles Informational Webinar
You are invited to a Zoom webinar to find out more about St. Charles Preparatory School.

When: Oct 21, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: St. Brigid of Kildare School and St. Charles

Register in advance for this one-hour webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Blood Drive Oct 25
There will be a Red Cross Blood Drive, hosted by Mary Hagen in honor of her late son Drew, taking place Sunday, October 25 from 11 AM - 4 PM.

Location: Shred CrossFit, 7670 Commerce Place, Ste. E, Plain City, OH 43064

Appointments must be made. Click the link below to schedule an appointment.