September 11, 2019
Some of our preschoolers got to meet Flynn the therapy dog on Tuesday!
The O'Reilly Minute
Dear Parents,

This week we kick off our Bring A Disciple To Mass program with our 8th-grade students inviting someone special to them to join them for our weekly school Mass. This program provides a great opportunity for members of our broader community to join together with us in prayer. Attending Mass with a special person in our lives is also a great way to share the Gospel message and to together develop a relationship with our Lord. It is of great importance to help our children grow in faith by the example they see in their families and other important people in their lives, and there is no greater gift we can give to them.

Kathy O'Reilly
After-School Learning & Service Opportunities (ALSO) Program for Grades 3-8
ALSO programs help to supplement the rich curriculum at our school and allow children to explore the various interests they may have. 

When your child is considering programs to sign up for, please help him or her to take a realistic look at his or her current extracurricular schedule. Will an ALSO program enrich him or her, or is he or she already committed to other activities? For those interested in participating, sign-ups will be held in classrooms on Tuesday, September 17th and Wednesday, September 18th. Flyers and permission slips including starting dates will be sent home the following week.
 Supporting the School Annual Fund
Thank you to those who have supported the School Annual Fund!

What is the School Annual Fund?
It covers the cost of student "extras" (illustrated below) so that we don't need to run any other fundraisers throughout the year (no cookie, magazine, wrapping paper sales, etc.). You can read more details here.

How much is it?
We suggest a $100 donation per K-8 child, and a $50 donation per preschool child, though any amount is appreciated! On average, Home & School spends $125 per child each year on these extra activities.

How can I contribute?
Grandparents and friends and family are welcome to support the fund as well!

What all does this cover?
The Annual Fund brings your children the following activities:
Terra Nova Testing Week for Grades 3-8
During the week of October 14th-19th, 2019, 3rd-8th grade children will be taking the Terra Nova test, a standardized test adopted by the Diocese of Columbus. The Diocese mandates testing in grades three through eight. Testing will occur on each day of the week, Monday-Friday.

As in the past, we ask that parents please don’t plan any appointments that week that would cause your child to miss a portion of a test.

We'll be sending out more test preparation details as we get closer.
Kindergarten Parent Social
Kindergarten parents are invited for a social gathering in Hendricks Hall on Thursday, September 19th from 8am-9am. This will be after school drop off and before Mass. Please join us if your schedule allows. The Kindergarten classes will be attending Mass that day.

Hope to see you there!

ATTENTION! Box Tops is Changing This Year!
Exciting news from Box Tops: they are going digital this year! All you need to do is download the app and scan your receipts. No more clipping tags from your boxes of products.

However, we need everyone to download the app and start scanning when you see items in your grocery cart with the new Box Tops label. Help our school raise extra money to go towards added benefits to our students. 

There are still the “old” box tops floating around out there so please clip those and send those into the school so we can get that residual money but eventually all you will see in the qualifying products is the new label. Thanks your your continued support of this great program. 
Earn Rewards for Our School with Amazon Smile
Help us turn Amazon purchases into a force for good! With every eligible purchase, AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% to the charity of your choice.  

To set St. Brigid of Kildare School as your preferred charity, visit and search for St. Brigid of Kildare. Then remember to use each time you shop on Amazon.  

It’s fast and easy! Simply save to your desktop favorites OR add a shortcut  to your phone’s home screen. 
Basketball Registration Has Begun!
Wolfhound Diocesan Basketball
Grades 4 through 8, boys and girls, practices start in early November, 10 game regular season, starting in early December, with a season ending tournament in late February. Many of the teams participate in pre-season and holiday tournaments!  Cost $160

Lil Hounds Basketball
Grades 2 & 3, boys and girls, 6 consecutive Sunday afternoons starting in early January. cost = $ 75, includes cool shirt and basketball for each player registered! 

CYO Basketball
For high school parishioners, leagues for boys and girls teams. SBAA to take “full team” registrations directly from the team contact. Games begin in December and end in late February. Fees to be determined by individual teams. Contact Bill Baumel for questions.
For questions on basketball - please email Commissioner Bill Baumel at
Cub Scouts New Parents Meeting
Cub Scouts Pack 117 is hosting a parents meeting for on-boarding new scouts (grades k through 5) on September 13th from 6:30 - 7 pm at Hendricks Hall.

If your son is interested in scouting this the best time to sign up so they don’t miss out on any of the fun! Our monthly pack meeting will follow from 7-8:30 so all new scouts can meet their den.

Please email and if you have any questions. 
BWHS Feeder School Football Night
The Bishop Watterson High School Feeder School Football Night is Friday, September 20. Feeder school students receive free admission.
Autism Teaching Strategies Workshop for Parents
This three-part series focuses on effective strategies for teaching children with autism, designed for parents, caretakers and teachers.

There are three courses offered in either September or November.

Click here to view the brochure.
PERC Dublin Upcoming Parent Events
PERC Dublin (Parents Encouraging Responsible Descisions) is hosting many upcoming parent education and awareness events. Save the dates below for the upcoming talks.

How to Raise an Adult - Book Talk
September 24, 9:30 a.m.

Snaps, Sexts, and Social Media - What Girls Need to Know in the Digital Age
September 19, 9:30-11:00 a.m. and 7-8:30 p.m.

How to Raise Emotionally Healthy Boys in the Digital Era
October 23, 9:30-11:00 a.m. and 7-8:30 p.m.
Adult Volunteers: Protecting God's Children Class
All adult volunteers working with children in our parish and school need to complete the Diocesan safe environment requirements which include attending a Protecting God's Children (PGC) training session and completing a fingerprinting background check and application.

St. Brigid will be hosting PGC sessions on:  
  • Tuesday, September 17th at 8:30 am in the Carr Room
  • Tuesday, September 24th at 6:30 pm in the Carr Room 

Please contact Stacey Nerone at snerone@stbrigidofkildare with questions.