September 25, 2019
Our preschool Hearts class playing in a box of fun!
The O'Reilly Minute
Dear Parents,

We successfully completed our first school safety drill yesterday. The State of Ohio requires three School Safety Drills each year in addition to our traditional fire and tornado drills. For this drill, our teachers and students practiced two events in our safety plan: 
  1. Evacuation of the building including a discussion of alternate escape routes
  2. Reverse evacuation if outside and needing to get back in quickly

Students were instructed that in a real incident, they are to run so they no longer can see the building, then work their way to Karrer Middle School or Brigid’s Green, if they can do so safely.  Once in a safe location, parents will be contacted. We also benefited today by having two members of the Dublin Police Department join us to observe and offer constructive feedback.  

Several parents have requested some tips to use when talking to their children about school safety drills or violence in general. Below are several links with great suggestions for parents and teachers:

(Please keep in mind our drills utilize principles of A.L.I.C.E training and not lockdown trainings. If you have any questions about the safety drills we practice, feel free to contact Bruce McKenna at mr.mckenna@stbrigid-school.org)

As part of today’s drill, we also sent out a test email and phone notification to all parents. If you did not receive the test notifications via phone and email, please contact the school office at (614) 718-5825 or mrs.dorley@stbrigid-school.org. Thank you for your assistance in helping to keep our students safe.
Kathy O'Reilly
P.S. The Family Directory was made available yesterday. We have already received some changes from families. The most recent version will always be available on SchoolSpeak with a revised date. You may want to wait for a few days to print to allow time for changes/updates to take place. 
Student-Led Conference Sign Ups
Student-Led Conferences will take place on Wednesday, October 2 for Grades 3, 4, 7 and 8, and Thursday, October 3 for Grades K, 1, 2, 5, and 6.

If you have not yet signed up for a time slot, please use the links below to sign up.

Register for Barn Bash
Barn Bash is Friday, October 25 from 6-8:30 PM at Leeds Farm in Ostrander, Ohio. 

The price is $11 per person by October 21 and $15 per person after October 21 and at the door. Children 2 and under are free. This includes dinner, snacks, beverages, baked goods, family activities, fun and games and a DJ! Click the button below to register.

Volunteers & Donations Needed
We need many volunteers and donations for this event to run smoothly! Please consider helping out during the event, and/or bringing items to donate. 

Click the button below to view the sign up genius to see how you can help out.
Friday, October 25
The Fall Book Fair is Next Week!
Fall Book Fair Hours:
Sunday Sept.29th th 10am-Noon 
Monday Sept.30th 8am-3:30pm
Tuesday Oct.1st 8am-3:30pm 
Wed Oct.2nd 8am-3:30pm *Open 5-7pm during conferences!
Thurs Oct.3rd 8am -3:30pm *Open 5-7pm during conferences!
Friday Oct.4th 8am-noon (closes early)

Volunteers get 20% OFF book fair purchases!! Sign up link below.

Questions? mrs.desocio@stbrigid-school.org
Home & School Sign Up Form
There are still plenty of opportunities to sign up to be a part of St. Brigid Home & School!

Click the link below to view the opportunities to help out.
After School Study Table for Grades 5-8
October Study Table sign ups are now live! Study table is a wonderful time for students to have a quiet setting to work on homework, study for an upcoming test, spend some time getting organized, or get help from one of the teacher monitors. 

Study tables will be held every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 3pm until 4pm. 

If you would like your child to attend study table, please sign them up using the sign up link below. Also, you must send a change of transportation note for your child's homeroom teacher the day of the study table. 

Questions? Email Katy Nentwich at ms.nentwich@stbrigid.school.org
PERC Dublin Upcoming Events
See below for more information on the following upcoming events:

Sept. 30th - Dublin Family Night
Oct. 23rd - How to Raise Emotionally Healthy Boys in the Digital Era
How to Raise Emotionally Healthy Boys - Oct 23
Dublin Family Night - Sept 30
Alumni Gathering at PINS Dublin
We will be holding an alumni gathering for our Saint Brigid of Kildare School alumni age 21+ at PINS Dublin on Saturday, October 19 from 3-5 PM.

Please help spread the word to your friends (or children) who might have/be a graduate of our school age 21 or older!

Use the link below for more event details and to RSVP!
Article: Comforting the Anxious Teen
“The good old days.” “The best years of our lives.” “Back when life was easy.” Sometimes we refer to our growing up years with more than a little nostalgia. Sure, we had things to worry about. We dealt with shifting emotions, changing bodies, challenges at home, and the pressure to live a better life than our parents did. But compared to the weighty responsibilities we carry as adults, the stress of our teen years was minimal.

Times have changed.

A recent study shows that 48% of young adults these days are diagnosable for a behavioral disorder like anxiety.
Basketball Registration Has Begun!
Registration is open for basketball for grades 4 through 8, boys and girls, and lil hounds basketball for grades 2-3.