September 23, 2020
Yesterday our tents were installed in the field behind the school. Once we have the final inspection completed our students will be able to use these as additional outdoor classroom spaces.
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The O'Reilly Minute
Dear Parents,

A reminder about technology -- with the pandemic causing us to rely on so much technology usage by our children, parents must remain vigilant and stay informed on what their children are viewing online. Please see below for an alarming TikTok story, with a link for the latest technology and social media resources for parents.

Kathy O’Reilly
Prayer Warriors Needed
The School Advisory Committee is asking for your prayers for the students, staff and administrators at St. Brigid of Kildare School and Parish. Please select a day to devote to praying for their health and well-being during these times of uncertainty. May God continue to bless your family and we ask that you all join in embracing our school motto for this year "With God We Can".

Just click the link below to sign up for a date -- you will be emailed a reminder two days before the date you signed up for.
Barn Bash Update
Due to the large number of students and family members that attend Barn Bash each year (nearly 1,000), we have made the decision to cancel the event for this year in order to exercise caution and keep our school community safe.

We look forward to when we can all safely gather together again! If you are interested in being a co-chair for this event next year please e-mail Kara Tinkler at ktink1010@gmail.com
Dismissal Announcement for Car Riders
We will switch the order of car rider dismissal when we reach the halfway point in the school year. Please be aware of this now if you are already scheduling activities for mid-January and later. Starting Tuesday, January 19, 2021, we will dismiss the L-Z car riders at 2:52 and the A-K car riders will be dismissed at 3:05.
School Safety Drill - Sept 30
There will be a school safety drill held on Wednesday, September 30.

This drill will allow students to listen to a scenario and decide if the best decision is to evacuate from the building or to stay in the classroom and barricade the door. These drills always allow time for students to reflect, process the different choices and make decisions, thus training how to think in an emergency.
Social Media Warning
Last week, a video of a man dying by suicide was live streamed on Facebook, recorded, and uploaded to TikTok. It has been reported and removed. Accounts that are trying to re-upload the video are being banned. Parents, use this as an opportunity to talk to your kids, not only about the awful content that is rampant on TikTok but also about mental health and what to do if a friend or they are struggling.

Click below for a website with the latest resources for internet safety for children.
Scouts Online Popcorn Sale
It’s Popcorn Time!! Please Support St. Brigid Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts by Purchasing Popcorn.

St. Brigid Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts need your help. Due to COVID-19, we will not be able to sell popcorn door-to-door nor at retail locations. However, our expenses have increased, so we need your help more than ever.

If you believe that it is important to help our youth grow up with high moral values and to become contributing citizens of our church and community, please help us.

Go to the link below to order popcorn, coffee, chocolate and other goodies to help our boys safely continue on their journey.
Hope Hollow Contest
Hope Hollow, the organization our children completed a service project for during last year's CARE meeting, is a finalist in State Farm's Neighborhood Assist crowd-sourced philanthropy competition. Hope Hollow been chosen as one of 200 nonprofits in the U.S. from 2,000 applicants! They will compete for online votes between September 23 –October 2, and the top 40 vote-getters will each earn $25,000 from State Farm for their missions!

Supporters can vote at www.votehopehollow.com up to ten times per day per email address during the contest.

With your help, Hope Hollow will win $25,000 to help cancer patients and their loved ones who are financially in need when traveling to central Ohio for their medical care.

Thank you for your support and belief in the mission of Hope Hollow!
Flu Vaccine at School Oct 27
We are happy to announce the opportunity for St. Brigid students and staff to receive Flu Vaccine at school this year. The date for Flu Vaccines is Tuesday, October 27. Mark your calendar! Registration forms will be available in the next few weeks.
Earn Our School Rewards While Shopping
Our school earns over a thousand dollars each year through loyalty reward programs! Please remember to register your Giant Eagle card, Kroger card, and to shop using Amazon Smile to help our school earn rewards. These donations add up to large increments when we all use them!

For instructions to register for all of these programs, click the link below.
Volunteer with Home & School - Treasurer Needed
The Home & School Association is a parent-run organization with the purpose of enriching the Catholic School experience for Saint Brigid of Kildare students and staff by supporting our school’s mission statement, building a strong sense of community spirit, and expressing appreciation to those committed to our school.

Home & School is currently looking for a treasurer. The time committment is low. If you are interseted or would like more information, contact Nancy Davis at 336-337-4421 or tdnd1234@aol.com.

Kindergarten Girl Scouts
You're invited to join Girl Scouts! A new Kindergarten Girl Scout troop is currently working through details in order to form a troop at St. Brigid this school year. If your Kindergartner is interested in joining Girl Scouts, please contact Natalie Mitchell for more information - natalie.cygan@gmail.com.
Spiritwear Store Open Until Sept 27
The Wolfhound Spiritwear Store is open now until September 27 with new items available.

The new store link is below. Options for pick up will be at the store during store hours, or shipped directly to your home.

If there are any Spiritwear questions, please contact Stacy Austin stacyandrob2001@yahoo,com, Lesley Beran lesley.beran@gmail.com or Katie Davis katherinedavis8@gmail.com
Mom to Mom Play and Walk
The St. Brigid Ministry of Family First is sponsoring an organized playdate/walk series to help new moms (and veteran moms) get and stay connected to St. Brigid school and parish. If you are an experienced St. Brigid parish or school mom, would you consider hosting a socially-distanced playdate at a local park or hosting a walk (if your children are school-aged)? New moms and experienced moms alike, select a date with a host signed up and meet someone new! Please read the directions in the signup genius carefully, and if you have any questions, feel free to email Erin Heise at erinjolene@hotmail.com.
Family First Mom to Mom Kickoff - Sept 24
Moms, come and refill your spiritual cups with Mom to Mom this Fall as we meet virtually beginning Thursday, September 24th from 1:15 to 2:15 pm. The Fall schedule, podcast links and Zoom links can be found on our website at stbrigidofkildare.org/familyfirst. Join us even if you can’t listen to the podcast before the meeting!

Mom to Mom is a vibrant faith-sharing community and discussion group that includes Catholic moms in all stages of motherhood. To be added to our email list, please send a request to stbrigidfamilyfirst@gmail.com. Please contact Gretchen O’Reilly (gsoreilly@yahoo.com) or Erin Heise(erinjolene@hotmail.com) with any questions.
Gifts of Gratitude
Gifts of gratitude was established by the Home and School Association as a united effort to provide a generous monetary gift to every school and parish teacher and staff member at Christmas and the end of the year to thank them for all they do for our children.

Why participate?
This is a convenient way for families to make sure that each teacher, aide, and staff member who touches your child’s life is recognized for all they do at St. Brigid. Instead of several small gifts from each student, each teacher and staff member will receive a monetary gift that they choose how to use–whether they want to splurge on themselves or help with their own family’s expenses.

Will my family be recognized for participating?
Yes — the teachers and staff will receive a list of families who participate in this program. You may also let the teachers and staff know that you participated in the program by marking “G.O.G” inside your Christmas card.

How much do I give?
The suggested annual gift amount is $25 per child once a year, however any given amount is graciously accepted!