APRIL 2022
Wolves Word Newsletter
Boards of Education Select Superintendent of Schools
The Lake Geneva Joint 1 School Board of Education and Lake Geneva – Genoa City Union High School Board of Education are pleased and proud to announce that Peter Wilson, PhD, will become the next Superintendent of Schools. Dr. Wilson becomes the fifth Superintendent since the districts were formed in 1958. The school boards formally approved his contract on Tuesday, March 8, 2022. He will officially begin his new role on July 1, 2022.
6th and 7th Grade Families:
The week of March 21, your student(s) should have brought home a Registration form for next year. Please check with them if you have not received it, fill it out and sign it and return it to their homeroom teachers right after Spring Break. If they have misplaced it, please have them see Mrs. Knepper in the Main Office when they return.
All of our LGMS students will be taking the Math and English Language Arts (ELA) Wisconsin Forward test in April. Our eighth graders took the Science and Social Studies tests right before spring break. The Wisconsin Forward measures the knowledge and skills your student(s) should have acquired by the time they reach each grade level. The results are sent to the school mid-summer, and the results will not affect your child’s LGMS grades. The results will help us make future determinations or class placements to best support your child(ren). All of our LGMS students set goals for the Wisconsin Forward test during their homeroom time this past month. Please encourage your child(ren) to do their very best on the tests. We will be feeding all of our students breakfast on our testing days.
The students will test from 7:45-9:15 AM on the testing dates. Below are the following testing dates:
April 6, 2022 ELA 1
April 7, 2022 ELA 2 and 3
April 12, 2022 ELA 4
April 13, 2022 Math 1
April 14, 2022 Math 2
Any students who are absent will make up their tests upon their return.
Thank you so much for your support in encouraging your child(ren) to do his/her best!
Above and Beyond Ceremony
Row 1 (bottom, left to right): Sivryn Ambers, Lilliana Holden, Cameron Tennessen, Eli Pedraza, Kirsten Sertzel, Jay Carlson, and Elijah Mills
Row 2: Memphis Whitmire, Jayden Jackson, Isela Elverman, Jesus Alvarez, Anabella Gabriel, Kylah Hubbard, and Eddie Ivy
Row 3: MacKenzie Whitaker, Isaiah Hovden, Brock Walser, Noah Smith, Christian Polkow, and Maddie Gritzner
Row 4: Sam Reed, Emma Bernardo, Alexa Hernandez, and Jesslene Chavez
Row 5: Brooke Boyle, Eden Stinebrink, Kailey Benson, and Brooke McGrath
On Wednesday, March 16th, the Lake Geneva Middle School Counseling Department had the distinct honor of celebrating 36 outstanding students at our Above & Beyond Ceremony. This prestigious award is designed to showcase our outstanding students that go above and beyond our everyday expectations. Our award winners have displayed qualities such as overcoming challenges, exceeding typical performance, displaying perseverance, consistently staying positive, and supporting others. Congratulations to all the amazing students we have here at Lake Geneva Middle School.
Cash After Chaos Fundraiser
Lake Geneva Middle Schools SOUL Club hosted their Cash After Chaos fundraiser from March 21 through March 24. The Cash After Chaos funds will be donated to the Western Kentucky Tornado Relief program. The SOUL club set a goal of $700 for their fundraiser, with hopes of having each student and staff member donate at least one dollar.
On day one of the fundraiser, the Lake Geneva Middle School surpassed its building-wide goal of $700, with a total of $821.37 as of Monday morning!
Two sixth grade students were large contributors to surpassing the fundraising goal. Michael Braun and Josiah Dame raised $429.12 for the fundraiser. Without prompting from their parents or the school, the boys decided to do a bake sale. They met every day at home after school and baked on their own for 4 afternoons. Josiah had won a $25 gift card during a contest at youth group and opted to use that to pay for the baking supplies. Michael and Josiah then had a bake sale outside downtown Lake Geneva on March 19th and 20th. Even with the rain, the community was extremely generous, helping the boys successfully raise the funds. (Pictured above)
“We are so thankful for the support of all of our LGMS families. The goal of this fundraiser was to remind our middle school students that giving money is not just about making a donation but making a difference,” said Jennifer Kinney, Lake Geneva Middle School SOUL Club Advisor. Kinney went on to say, “We are so proud of Michael and Josiah. They took the initiative to go above and beyond and truly helped to make a difference.”
Over the course of the entire week, the Cash After Chaos fundraiser raised a total of $1362.87.
Thank You to the PTO from 7th Grade
Our 7th grade students have been enjoying the new furniture in our house areas. Thanks to our wonderful PTO for purchasing the lounge
furniture for 7th grade students. We really appreciate all of their help and support.
Congratulations to all of our Math team members who competed in our Math League competition in February. Our 6th-grade team finished with 66 points, 7th-grade with 61 points, and our 8th-grade with a whopping 93 points! 8th-grade had the 11th highest score for our region! Special congratulations to the following students for the top score at their grade: Daniela B (6th), Oliver G (7th), Lysander H, Hudson I, and Olivia W (8th, all tied for first!).
Solo and Ensemble 2022
Congratulations to the following students who performed a class A solo and have earned the honor to perform at the State Festival in May:
- Chloe Alheit on a xylophone solo
- Zach Bittner on a xylophone
- Nicholas Bowler on a xylophone solo & vocal solo
- Kate Steel on a clarinet solo
- Eli VanDeBerg on an alto sax solo
- Emma Derrick on a vocal solo
Congratulations to all of the LGMS Band, Orchestra, and Choir students who performed at Solo & Ensemble on Saturday, March 5th. You represented our community, school, and your programs with pride. And thank you to our wonderful volunteers and judges! You played such a huge part in making this Festival a success We are incredibly proud of your efforts.
Elementary Music Tour
6th grade choir and 5th grade band and orchestra students performed at Star Center Elementary School and Eastview Elementary School on Wednesday, March 9th. The Elementary Music Tour helps introduce students in 3rd through 5th grade into the musical opportunities that are available for them starting as early as 4th grade (orchestra), 5th grade (band), and heading into middle school (choir). Students and families will receive more information this spring about joining these programs for next school year! Wonderful performances 5th and 6th graders!
Like us on Facebook to find out about more great things happening at Lake Geneva Middle School, the District and the Community!
The District Orchestra Festival concert took place on Thursday, March 3rd for Grades 4-12th. Great job to everyone who participated!
Click on the link below to hear the concert.
An Evening of Percussion and Combos
Color Craze 5K Fun Run and Walk
Color Craze Fun Run/Walk - All are welcome! It is on Saturday, April 30 at Badger High School (behind the baseball field). The 5K will go through the Big Foot State Park. People are welcome to run or walk. The NHS from Badger High will also be providing music, a photo booth, food, and a short fun obstacle course for young children! All proceeds go to the "Never Say Never" playground fund. This is an organization that is raising money to build a playground at Veterans Park for children with special needs. Click here to print your registration form: https://bit.ly/3u60KYE Forms can be returned to your school office. Registration forms are due Monday, April 4th.
Please spread the word and help make this fun event a successful fundraiser. Thank you!
Students and Parents: Another way to check announcements is at the Daily/School Bulletin in PowerSchool. Information concerning late bus options can also be found there! Check it out on your PowerSchool app!
SOUL Club: The April meeting for SOUL Club will be April 11, in room 402. There will be a 4:15 bus available.
GSA Club: The April meeting for GSA Club will be April 25, in room 402. There will be a 4:15 bus available.
National School Breakfast Week
It is National School Breakfast Week and our incredible school nutrition staff of the Lake Geneva Schools Food Service have been recognized as Breakfast Hero's. Wisconsin's school nutrition directors and their teams are true heroes and have been on the frontline of the pandemic since day one. Despite ongoing challenges with the pandemic, school nutrition departments continue to demonstrate impressive adaptability and commitment to meet students' needs.
SAVE THE DATES! Registration coming soon!
Lake Geneva Schools' Summer Enrichment program offers stimulating, hands-on learning to three-year-olds through eighth-graders. The program promotes life-long learning while making friends and having fun. Our dedicated teachers, who are passionate about their subjects, can't wait to share their excitement and ideas with students! Classes are open to all three-year-olds through eighth graders on a first-come, first-served basis. Three-year-olds must have turned three on or before June 1 and must be fully toilet-trained (no pull-ups, please).
Buy your Yearbook now, so you don't forget later!
On sale now for $23.00.
BACKPACKS: Students will be allowed to carry their backpacks during the day if they choose to.
WATER BOTTLES: Students are allowed to have water bottles during the school day - WATER ONLY. Please, no other liquids.
START AND END TIMES FOR LGMS: Students need to be in class when the bell rings at 7:30am. School is dismissed at 2:45pm. Door Q (side door) is locked by 7:29am. Students will need to be dropped off by the main office after that time. Students are allowed 3 tardies per semester.
BREAKFAST: Breakfast is served starting at 7:00 a.m. The cafeteria area is only open to students purchasing breakfast.
STUDENT ABSENCES: When reporting your child out ill, please provide us with a detailed message with the exact symptoms your child is experiencing and how long they have had these symptoms. If your child is out of school due to COVID, please provide specific details including symptoms, if tested, or when they were exposed to a confirmed case of COVID. Thank you. To report an absence please call 262-348-3000 x3040.
STUDENT PICK UP: If you need to pick up your student during the day, we ask that you please send a note with your student in the morning with a time that you will be picking them up. That way we can write them a pass to hand to their teacher when it's time to leave. This avoids having to disrupt classes by calling in looking for a student. If you are giving your student permission to walk to an appointment, that must be stated in the note.
BUS PASSES: If your student will be riding the bus home with a friend, please send a letter in the morning indicating who he/she will be going home with. We will then issue a bus pass.
Late buses run as follows:
3:30 p.m. - Tuesdays and Thursdays
4:15 p.m. - Mondays through Thursdays
5:30 p.m. - Mondays through Fridays
LATEX BALLOONS: We have students with latex allergies so please, no latex balloons.
Please enter from the southwest end of the loop (closest to the football field). Parking will only be allowed on the curb side. Thank you for being patient during drop off and pick up times. This area gets very busy, and we want to make sure our students are safe.
Please take a moment to review the Student Dress Code as outlined in the Student Handbook. The handbook is part of every student's agenda.
Dear Lake Geneva Schools Families,
Lake Geneva Food Service is participating in the United State Department of Agriculture (USDA) Seamless Summer Option (SSO) for the entirety of the 2021-22 school year. This means that our schools provide free meals to all students! This program provides additional support and flexibility for our district to continue serving meals to children while maintaining safety measures and managing the impacts of the COVI D-19 pandemic.
Included in the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic are nationwide supply chain and product availability shortages. Disruptions are due to a lack of availability of raw ingredients and labor to produce, unload, and transfer food products. Some food and/or beverage products normally provided to students may not be available or arrive as scheduled. Due to unforeseen circumstances, last-minute menu changes and product substitutions may occur. Be assured meals will remain balanced, healthy, and plentiful. We ask for patience and understanding as we do our best to meet the needs of your children.
Jaclyn Sanders
Food Service Coordinator
Lake Geneva Schools
RevTrak Credit Card Payment System
E-payments are a convenient way to pay school fees and deposit lunch money with a credit card or check online. The Lake Geneva Schools now utilize RevTrak.
All Food Service online transactions are assessed 3.49%. A parent can make deposits to multiple students' accounts in a single order and only incur one 3.49% fee.
All non-food service transactions are also charged a 3.49% transaction fee excluding mandatory registration fee.
Free Student Breakfast & Lunch
Due to a nationwide waiver for the 2021-2022 school year, Lake Geneva Schools will again be offering a free breakfast and lunch to all students. Lake Geneva Schools students are eligible for one FREE breakfast and one FREE lunch daily for the entire 2021-2022 school year. We encourage each student to take advantage of our nutritious meals at no cost. This will require no action on your part, just show up! Additional meals, milk, or a la carte purchases will be debited from the students' account. If your family has already paid toward your lunch balance we ask that you please leave the balance for future use. Thank you.
Please click below for all information regarding health and wellness at Lake Geneva Middle School
Need a Sport's Physical??
If your student wants to participate in Intramural Sports at LGMS, they must have an up-to-date physical on file. If you're unsure if your student is due for a new physical, you can call the Health Office at LGMS.
Click the link below links to locations that offer reduced cost Sports Physicals and General Health and Wellness visits:
POWERSCHOOL PARENT PORTAL: The PowerSchool Parent Portal gives parents and students grades 6 - 12 access to real-time information including attendance, grades and detailed assignment descriptions, school bulletins and even personal messages from a teacher. You can also use PowerSchool to register to receive email alerts for grades, attendance, assignments and more. It’s a great way to stay connected to your child’s teachers and our school.
As of January 1, the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program has officially transitioned to the Affordable Connectivity Program. All pre-existing EBB recipients have rolled over to the new program, except those that do not qualify through an ACP eligibility program (i.e. substantial loss of income or participation in a provider’s approved COVID-19 program). Please refer to these websites for the latest information:
Online Bulletin for Youth-Related Community Activities & Educational Opportunities
Lake Geneva Schools recognizes the important role that community organizations play in serving our students and area youth. Our Community Backpack program provides opportunities for local civic and not-for-profit organizations to share youth-related program information with the students and families in our district.
If you have a submission or you'd like to see events happening in the area, visit our Community Backpack page: http://bit.ly/2Nuk1jF
Please note that the content on this page will be updated frequently, so check back often.
Click the link to follow
Badger Community Education
It is our hope that you find a class or two that is of interest to you
and sign up!
Community Backpack
The Lake Geneva Schools Community Backpack is your online bulletin for youth-related community activities and educational opportunities. Learn More
Share News With Us
Share your news, event summaries, photos and/or give us a "heads up" on your upcoming events so we can promote your successes. Learn More
Our Website
Please visit our website frequently for district-wide