Wolves Word Newsletter

Welcome to the 2021-2022 School Year!

On behalf of the Lake Geneva Middle School Staff, we welcome you to the 2021-2022 school year. We are very excited to greet almost 625 students on Wednesday, September 1st along with 55 new LGMS families (not including 6th grade). The school day is from 7:30am-2:45pm and all students should be here by 7:20am each morning. All students need to be in their first period classes when the bell rings at 7:30am, and we hope that every student will be on time each and every day. We know that this school year will continue to have it's challenges due to the pandemic, but we hope to have a safe, healthy and successful school year.

All teachers are available via telephone, e-mail and in person, when you have questions about your child's classes or you have information to share about your child. If they are teaching when you call, they have a voicemail and will call you back when they are able. Rob Ocker, school counselor (last names A-L) and Julie Milligan, school counselor (last names M-Z) are also available to help with questions or concerns you may have. Finally, Anne Heck and Grant Strobel, principals, are available to help as well. Communication is key, and we want you to contact us when you have questions and concerns.

As the school year progresses, do not hesitate to ask your child about their day and what they are learning about. All students have a student agenda that they write down their assignments. Ask to see it on a regular basis. It is truly a life skill to keep their assignments as it is the equivalent to our adult calendars that we keep. In addition, check your child’s grades on Powerschool regularly. That way, if you see something out of the ordinary, you can ask your child about it. If you are unsure of the answer he/she gives you, feel free to contact the teacher of that particular class.  

Once again, we look forward to watching your child grow academically, socially, emotionally, and physically over the course of this school year. We are honored to be able to work with middle school students!  

Take care,
Anne Heck and Grant Strobel, Principals

  • Pick up your schedule (if you did not attend In-Person Registration).

  • Pay Registration Fees

  • Drop off health forms, physical forms and medication forms

Come see us in the cafeteria!

Picture Re-take Day
Friday, October 1st
Buy your Yearbook now, so you don't forget later! We also have our best deal of the year, good until September 17th. Yearbooks cost $21 and for an additional $6.50 you can have your child's name and four icons engraved on the front cover (regularly would cost $43.50!!). Order today at
Students and Parents: Another way to check announcements is at the Daily/School Bulletin in PowerSchool. Information concerning late bus options can also be found there! Check it out on your PowerSchool app!

We had an informational meeting for LGMS 8th grade girls basketball in late May. Any 8th grade girl interested should be returning signup materials to the LGMS office over the summer as our first practice will be the first day of school. Please remember to update your daughter's sports physical over the summer as well. Additional forms are available in the LGMS office for anyone who needs one. Additionally, you can email Coach Marten over the summer with questions.

(See Mr. Jooss, Mr. Marten or Mr. Booth)

  • 6th-8th GRADE CROSS COUNTRY BEGINS (See Mrs. Walser or Mrs. Hyndman)

  • 7th-8th GRADE FLAG FOOTBALL BEGINS (See Mr. McGrath, Mr. Lottig, Mr. Ocker, Mr. Dummer, Mr. Weiss, Mr. Jooss, Mr. Watson or Mr. Turk)

  • 6th GRADE FLAG FOOTBALL BEGINS (See Mr. McGrath, Mr. Lottig, Mr. Ocker, Mr. Dummer, Mr. Weiss, Mr. Jooss, Mr. Watson or Mr. Turk)

All continuing Orchestra students are welcome to stop by the Orchestra room during Open House (Monday, August 30) to drop off their instruments and binders as well as to see Mrs. Klement and meet our student teacher, Mr. Aulds!

If your student is new to the LGMS Orchestra program this year, they need to purchase an orchestra polo and a SNARK tuner from Mrs. Klement. We wear the polo for our concerts and we will use the tuner every day in class to tune our instruments. The polo and tuner are $12 each, so please bring $24 cash or a check to Open House. 

**If you need financial assistance in order to get the tuner or polo please let me know.

Also, cello/bass players and students that use school violins/violas should stop by the orchestra room during open house to sign the Instrument Agreement Form for using a school instrument.
Summer Orchestra has been amazing!
2021-2022 School Year E-Registration is open from August 2 - August 30. Please login to PowerSchool and complete E-Registration for your child(ren).

PowerSchool Login:
More Information:

PowerSchool & School Messenger Alert Reminders:
▶︎ If you already have a PowerSchool Username and Password, do not create a new PowerSchool Account. Accounts carry over each year.
▶︎ If you are using PowerSchool for the first time, please go to the district website: and click on the PowerSchool Parents & Students link. Click on “Create Account” and refer to the parent letter you should receive in late July containing your temporary Access ID and Access Password, or contact your school office for login information.
▶︎ Hover over PowerSchool menu and click on Quick Help Guide. The direct link to these instructions is:
▶︎ To receive text alerts for school closings and other notifications, verify that your cell phone is your primary phone number in your PowerSchool parent portal. Then, text Y or YES to 67587.
BACKPACKS: Students will be allowed to carry their backpacks during the day.

WATER BOTTLES: Students are allowed to have water bottles during the school day - WATER ONLY. Please, no other liquids.
BREAKFAST: Breakfast is served starting at 7:00 a.m. The cafeteria area is only open to students purchasing breakfast.
STUDENT ABSENCES: When reporting your child out ill, please provide us with a detailed message with the exact symptoms your child is experiencing and how long they have had these symptoms. If your child is out of school do to COVID, please provide specific details including symptoms, if tested, or when they were exposed to a confirmed case of COVID. Thank you. To report an absence please call 262-348-3000 x3040.
STUDENT PICK UP: If you need to pick up your student during the day, we ask that you please send a note with your student in the morning with a time that you will be picking them up. That way we can write them a pass to hand to their teacher when it's time to leave. This avoids having to disrupt classes by calling in looking for a student. If you are giving your student permission to walk to an appointment, that must be stated in the note.
BUS PASSES: If your student will be riding the bus home with a friend, please send a letter in the morning indicating who he/she will be going home with. We will then issue a bus pass.
Late buses run as follows:
3:30 p.m. - Tuesdays and Thursdays
4:15 p.m. - Mondays through Thursdays
5:30 p.m. - Mondays through Fridays
LATEX BALLOONS: We have students with latex allergies so please, no latex balloons.
Please enter from the southwest end of the loop (closest to the football field). Parking will only be allowed on the curb side. Thank you for being patient during drop off and pick up times. This area gets very busy, and we want to make sure our students are safe.
Please take a moment to review the Student Dress Code as outlined in the Student Handbook. The handbook is part of every student's agenda.

Please click below for all information regarding
health and wellness at Lake Geneva Middle School

POWERSCHOOL PARENT PORTAL: The PowerSchool Parent Portal gives parents and students grades 6 - 12 access to real-time information including attendance, grades and detailed assignment descriptions, school bulletins and even personal messages from a teacher. You can also use PowerSchool to register to receive email alerts for grades, attendance, assignments and more. It’s a great way to stay connected to your child’s teachers and our school.
PowerSchool can be accessed via any device, and a free App is available for Apple and Android users in your phone's app store. The District Code for all schools is: QHKK. Learn more here: 
Assistance for Current/
Overdue Internet Bills
Parents can apply directly with the Wisconsin Emergency Rental Assistance Program (WERA) for rental and utility assistance, including current/overdue internet bills.
Consumer Reports is asking consumers to share their monthly internet bills at They will analyze the cost, quality, and speeds that are being delivered to people in communities across the United States to better understand the factors that affect price and why consumers pay different rates for the same service. The findings will help broadband advocates press policymakers on making internet service more available, affordable, and reliable. You can view information about the Coalition and learn more about the project here:
RevTrak Credit Card Payment System
E-payments are a convenient way to pay school fees and deposit lunch money with a credit card or check online. The Lake Geneva Schools now utilize RevTrak.
All Food Service online transactions are assessed 3.49%. A parent can make deposits to multiple students' accounts in a single order and only incur one 3.49% fee.

All non-food service transactions are also charged a 3.49% transaction fee excluding mandatory registration fee.

Free Student Breakfast & Lunch
Due to a nationwide waiver for the 2021-2022 school year, Lake Geneva Schools will again be offering a free breakfast and lunch to all students. Lake Geneva Schools students are eligible for one FREE breakfast and one FREE lunch daily for the entire 2021-2022 school year. We encourage each student to take advantage of our nutritious meals at no cost. This will require no action on your part, just show up! Additional meals, milk, or a la carte purchases will be debited from the students' account. If your family has already paid toward your lunch balance we ask that you please leave the balance for future use. Thank you.
Online Bulletin for Youth-Related Community Activities & Educational Opportunities
Lake Geneva Schools recognizes the important role that community organizations play in serving our students and area youth. Our Community Backpack program provides opportunities for local civic and not-for-profit organizations to share youth-related program information with the students and families in our district.

If you have a submission or you'd like to see events happening in the area, visit our Community Backpack page:

Please note that the content on this page will be updated frequently, so check back often.

Click the link to follow
Badger Community Education on Facebook.

It is our hope that you find a class or two that is of interest to you
and sign up!
Quick Links
Community Backpack
The Lake Geneva Schools Community Backpack is your online bulletin for youth-related community activities and educational opportunities. Learn More
Share News With Us
Share your news, event summaries, photos and/or give us a "head's up" on your upcoming events so we can promote your successes. Learn More
Our Website
Please visit our website frequently for district-wide
and school specific announcements, and important information.