Wolves Word Newsletter
The Joint #1 School District has made a minor modification to this year’s academic calendar. Students at Lake Geneva Middle School, Star Center Elementary School, Eastview Elementary School, and Central-Denison Elementary School will have no school Friday, January 21, 2022. This day was previously a scheduled half-day for students but is now a full day off of school.
Please note that Badger High School will still hold final exams for periods 7 and 8 on Friday, January 21, 2022, with early dismissal at 11:06 a.m. Badger High School students should report to school as normal on this day.
Teachers and Staff will be reporting to school on Friday, January 21, 2022, and will be using all non-student hours for professional development and work time.
Thank you for your continued support. Have a happy and healthy holiday season!
Dr. James Gottinger
District Administrator
Lake Geneva Schools
Students and Parents: Another way to check announcements is at the Daily/School Bulletin in PowerSchool. Information concerning late bus options can also be found there! Check it out on your PowerSchool app!
GSA CLUB: The January meetings for GSA Club will be January 17 and 31, in room 402. There will be a 4:15 bus available.
SOUL CLUB: The January meetings for SOUL Club will be January 10 and 24, in room 402. There will be a 4:15 bus available.
7th/8th GRADE GIRLS VOLLEYBALL: Volleyball began just before Winter break. We are excited to continue in 2022 and be able to compete against other schools this month!
DANCE TEAM: Following girls volleyball, the main season for Dance team will begin in early February. Sign-ups and practice will begin in the second week. During this season we will learn a routine that combines dance and stunting to perform at Boy's basketball games in March. This is open to grades 6-8, and practices will be Monday-Thursdays. Watch for more information.
6th Grade Local Solo & Ensemble will be held on January 18th at Lake Geneva Middle School. Students will be given a chance to request a time frame if needed, otherwise students will be randomly scheduled from 3:15-7:30pm. There are late buses if students need to take those, however, family members are invited (and encouraged!) to attend their student's performance. We will be selling concessions so please bring some money and plan to get something to eat while you wait to hear your student perform! Students who decide to stay after school may bring money to visit the concessions as well.
Orchestra, Band and Choir Concert Links
Click on the links below to hear the sounds of the season from our Orchestra, Band and Choir.
Thursday, December 10th, we had school-wide team-building time. The focus was on students spending time with their homeroom peers and working together. It was a perfect way to end our week!
Above & Beyond Ceremony on December 14, 2021
The morning of Tuesday, December 14th, the Lake Geneva Middle School Counseling Department had the distinct honor of celebrating outstanding students at our Above & Beyond Ceremony. This prestigious award is designed to showcase our outstanding students that go above and beyond our everyday expectations. Our award winners have displayed qualities such as overcoming challenges, exceeding typical performance, displaying perseverance, consistently staying positive, and supporting others. Congratulations to all the amazing students we have here at Lake Geneva Middle School.
Congratulations to our LGMS Health Aide-Eren Amador
On Tuesday, our Joint #1 Health Aides received Results Plus Awards. These Lake Geneva Joint #1 staff members are highly dedicated to helping students and staff during the pandemic. They all have very positive attitudes and do whatever they can whenever they can. Congratulations and thank you!
Congratulations to our LGMS Students!
These Lake Geneva Middle School students displayed excellent character and leadership skills while volunteering their time at Star Center's Scare Fair on October 29th. Their help and efforts were outstanding. They should all be proud of going above and beyond the expectations out of the kindness of their hearts while volunteering their time for our school community.
Picture 1: Jamie Kluge, Star Center Teacher, Joey Ecklund, Chad Bittner, School Board Member, Lucas Murray, Jackson Murray, Lillianna Holden, Emma Crawford. Not Pictured: Cameron Tennessen, Makenna Olson
Picture 2: Jamie Kluge, Star Center Teacher, Ethan Priester, Evelyn Garica-Martinez, Auna Ciochetto, Paige Bledsoe, Marcie Hollmann, School Board President, Patti Goff, Star Center Teacher.
Students and Staff had fun showing their Christmas spirit over the last couple weeks of school!
Click below to see more pics!
Great job at the at the Electric Winter Parade, band students! Thank you to the parent volunteers that marched along with the bands and helped supervise. Also, top notch on the decorating this year! What a fun night!
Buy your Yearbook now, so you don't forget later!
On sale now for $23.00.
VIBE - Afterschool Outreach Program - Starts November 1st
Want to hang out with friends after school, play games, make crafts, cook and watch movies or just work on school work? Then become a part of the VIBE TRIBE.
VIBE is a free Middle School Outreach afterschool program that partners with Immanuel Lutheran Church right next to the Middle School. It is a safe and welcoming space for kids 6th through 8th grade with trained volunteers providing encouragement and academic assistance.
Hours are Monday through Thursday from 2:45 to 5:30. There are two Bus options that take kids home, one at 4:15 and the other at 5:30. Parents are also welcome to pick up their kids at any time. Registration forms are at the Middle School main office or the guidance office and can be sent via email. Contact Mr. Ocker if you are interested or have questions @ rob.ocker@badger.k12.wi.us.
SKI CARDS: Students and parents! Alpine Valley is offering a ‘ski card’ that allows you to purchase lift tickets at a reduced price during the season. The card itself costs $25. Present the card at the ticket window to buy a reduced priced ($25) lift ticket for skiing after 3pm Sunday through Friday during the ski season. You can buy a card for anyone under the age of 18. See Mr. Turk for information or to purchase the cards. Cash only.
LIFT TICKET DEALS: Mr. Turk has lift tickets for every Friday in January and also the first two Fridays in February. These tickets are good for anyone, no age limit or limit of tickets. $25 cash can be given to Mr. Turk the week of the Friday you want to ski. Call or email Mr.Turk for more information--scott.turk@badger.k12.wi.us
BACKPACKS: Students will be allowed to carry their backpacks during the day if they choose to.
WATER BOTTLES: Students are allowed to have water bottles during the school day - WATER ONLY. Please, no other liquids.
START AND END TIMES FOR LGMS: Students need to be in class when the bell rings at 7:30am. School is dismissed at 2:45pm.
BREAKFAST: Breakfast is served starting at 7:00 a.m. The cafeteria area is only open to students purchasing breakfast.
STUDENT ABSENCES: When reporting your child out ill, please provide us with a detailed message with the exact symptoms your child is experiencing and how long they have had these symptoms. If your child is out of school due to COVID, please provide specific details including symptoms, if tested, or when they were exposed to a confirmed case of COVID. Thank you. To report an absence please call 262-348-3000 x3040.
STUDENT PICK UP: If you need to pick up your student during the day, we ask that you please send a note with your student in the morning with a time that you will be picking them up. That way we can write them a pass to hand to their teacher when it's time to leave. This avoids having to disrupt classes by calling in looking for a student. If you are giving your student permission to walk to an appointment, that must be stated in the note.
BUS PASSES: If your student will be riding the bus home with a friend, please send a letter in the morning indicating who he/she will be going home with. We will then issue a bus pass.
Late buses run as follows:
3:30 p.m. - Tuesdays and Thursdays
4:15 p.m. - Mondays through Thursdays
5:30 p.m. - Mondays through Fridays
LATEX BALLOONS: We have students with latex allergies so please, no latex balloons.
Please enter from the southwest end of the loop (closest to the football field). Parking will only be allowed on the curb side. Thank you for being patient during drop off and pick up times. This area gets very busy, and we want to make sure our students are safe.
Please take a moment to review the Student Dress Code as outlined in the Student Handbook. The handbook is part of every student's agenda.
Dear Lake Geneva Schools Families,
Lake Geneva Food Service is participating in the United State Department of Agriculture (USDA) Seamless Summer Option (SSO) for the entirety of the 2021-22 school year. This means that our schools provide free meals to all students! This program provides additional support and flexibility for our district to continue serving meals to children while maintaining safety measures and managing the impacts of the COVI D-19 pandemic.
Included in the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic are nationwide supply chain and product availability shortages. Disruptions are due to a lack of availability of raw ingredients and labor to produce, unload, and transfer food products. Some food and/or beverage products normally provided to students may not be available or arrive as scheduled. Due to unforeseen circumstances, last-minute menu changes and product substitutions may occur. Be assured meals will remain balanced, healthy, and plentiful. We ask for patience and understanding as we do our best to meet the needs of your children.
Jaclyn Sanders
Food Service Coordinator
Lake Geneva Schools
RevTrak Credit Card Payment System
E-payments are a convenient way to pay school fees and deposit lunch money with a credit card or check online. The Lake Geneva Schools now utilize RevTrak.
All Food Service online transactions are assessed 3.49%. A parent can make deposits to multiple students' accounts in a single order and only incur one 3.49% fee.
All non-food service transactions are also charged a 3.49% transaction fee excluding mandatory registration fee.
Free Student Breakfast & Lunch
Due to a nationwide waiver for the 2021-2022 school year, Lake Geneva Schools will again be offering a free breakfast and lunch to all students. Lake Geneva Schools students are eligible for one FREE breakfast and one FREE lunch daily for the entire 2021-2022 school year. We encourage each student to take advantage of our nutritious meals at no cost. This will require no action on your part, just show up! Additional meals, milk, or a la carte purchases will be debited from the students' account. If your family has already paid toward your lunch balance we ask that you please leave the balance for future use. Thank you.
Please click below for all information regarding
health and wellness at Lake Geneva Middle School
POWERSCHOOL PARENT PORTAL: The PowerSchool Parent Portal gives parents and students grades 6 - 12 access to real-time information including attendance, grades and detailed assignment descriptions, school bulletins and even personal messages from a teacher. You can also use PowerSchool to register to receive email alerts for grades, attendance, assignments and more. It’s a great way to stay connected to your child’s teachers and our school.
Assistance for Current/
Overdue Internet Bills
Parents can apply directly with the Wisconsin Emergency Rental Assistance Program (WERA) for rental and utility assistance, including current/overdue internet bills.
Consumer Reports is asking consumers to share their monthly internet bills at broadbandtogether.org. They will analyze the cost, quality, and speeds that are being delivered to people in communities across the United States to better understand the factors that affect price and why consumers pay different rates for the same service. The findings will help broadband advocates press policymakers on making internet service more available, affordable, and reliable. You can view information about the Coalition and learn more about the project here: https://advocacy.consumerreports.org/press_release/cr-broadband-together/
Online Bulletin for Youth-Related Community Activities & Educational Opportunities
Lake Geneva Schools recognizes the important role that community organizations play in serving our students and area youth. Our Community Backpack program provides opportunities for local civic and not-for-profit organizations to share youth-related program information with the students and families in our district.
If you have a submission or you'd like to see events happening in the area, visit our Community Backpack page: http://bit.ly/2Nuk1jF
Please note that the content on this page will be updated frequently, so check back often.
Click the link to follow
Badger Community Education
It is our hope that you find a class or two that is of interest to you
and sign up!
Community Backpack
The Lake Geneva Schools Community Backpack is your online bulletin for youth-related community activities and educational opportunities. Learn More
Share News With Us
Share your news, event summaries, photos and/or give us a "heads up" on your upcoming events so we can promote your successes. Learn More
Our Website
Please visit our website frequently for district-wide