February 22 - March 5, 2021
Wolves Word Newsletter
Friday, February 26
NO SCHOOL - Teacher Inservice

Friday, March 5

Friday, March 26
NO SCHOOL - Teacher Inservice

Week of March 29-April 2

Week of April 26
OUTDOOR ED (see information below)
Students and Parents: Another way to check announcements is at the Daily/School Bulletin in PowerSchool. Information concerning late bus options can also be found there! Check it out on your PowerSchool app!

ROBOTICS CLUB: Robotics Club will meet Wednesday Feb. 24th and March 3rd.

YEARBOOK: Yearbook will meet Thursday Feb. 25th and March 4th. These meetings are for any students still working on pages. March 4th will be our final meeting. We will have a small celebration to honor all the hard work students have done this year.

INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL: 7th and 8th grade intramural basketball will start having games the week of February 22nd. Due to limited space, no spectators are allowed during these game times. Please see our practice/game schedule for details.

SOUL CLUB (Service and Outreach) : Our next meeting is Monday, February 22 at 3:00 in room 402. There is a bus available after.

GSA CLUB: Our next meeting is Monday, March 1 at 3:00 in room 402. There is a bus available after.

CHESS CLUB: Chess Club will meet Monday, February 22nd in room 415.

STUDENT COUNCIL: Student council will meet after school Thursday, February 25th in room 505 until 3:25.
ROCKS CLUB: Students interested in designing kindness rocks are encouraged to join LGMS Rocks Club. Permission slips are available in the main office. The first club meeting is Monday, March 1 in Mrs. Pettijohn's room #415 until 4:15. There is a bus available after.

JAZZ CHOIR: No Jazz Choir on Tuesday, February 23rd.

BAND AND ORCHESTRA: The 6th-8th Grade Bands and Orchestra will be recording during the school day on Monday, Feb. 22nd for a Virtual Mid-Winter Concert. Students need to look nice. Band students should wear their red band shirts, or a red shirt. Orchestra students should wear their black orchestra polo, or a black shirt. They should wear nice pants. No sweatpants or jeans with holes or rips. We will be publishing this for the school and the community - we want to look and sound our best!

OUTDOOR ED: 6th grade students will be receiving a letter to take home next week. This is our first information about this year's Outdoor Education trip. Please click on one of the links below to review the letter. Permission slips will come home at a later time.

8TH GRADERS / OUTDOOR ED: Outdoor Education is looking for 8th-grade Peer Helpers to assist our 6th-graders on their trip. 8th-graders will assist LGMS teaching staff run the outdoor education classes. They will also help 6th-grade students travel around camp while there. This does require 8th-grade students to miss two days of classes, and students will have to make up their missed work while they are at Outdoor Ed. Interested 8th-graders may apply to be a Peer Helper. Applications are due by March 5th. Chosen applicants will be notified before Spring Break. Click here to review the application.
We added a new member to our band family this week! Meet our newest marimba, Doug. We are all adjusting well and adapting to the sweet new sounds this instrument has to offer.

Reece Meinel entered the Science Buddies Fluor Design Challenge "Tallest Paper Tower Challenge". He built a tower entirely out of 30 pieces of paper that measured 112 cm tall. Wow! https://www.sciencebuddies.org/fluor-challenge-2021-entry...
LGMS 8th graders have been playing in orchestra together the past five years but are separated this year to allow for more distancing in the classroom. They will come together for our Midwinter Concert recording on February 22 and perform without ever having actually played the piece together. How do we accomplish this? Lots of metronome practice! Keep up the good work 8th graders (and thanks for not complaining too much when I blare the metronome on the speakers!)
Parenting Through the Pandemic
Help us show our appreciation for Wisconsin's amazing teachers!

Nominate an outstanding educator you know for our Grand Slam Teacher of the Month program. Each winner will receive a certificate, a Brewers fan pack, and more.

For details: brewers.com/teacher
For our Virtual/Blended students during class time:

1.  It is very important that the student is on time to class. Students,please be waiting for a few minutes before the start of class time in order to click on at the beginning of class. The teachers are taking attendance and beginning class with activities. When a student joins the class late, it causes a disruption both on-line and for the students who are in-person.  

2. Students need to have their cameras on during class unless the teacher says otherwise.   The teachers need to see the students when they are taking attendance and during instruction. 

3. The Chat feature during Google Meet is for asking questions of the teachers or answering their questions.  It is not for the students to talk to each other during class.  

Chromebook Problems? Please follow these steps:
If a student is having tech problems with the device, you, or a parent/guardian, should send an email to techsupport@badger.k12.wi.us. Please include the words "Virtual Student Tech Help" in the subject line. Explain what is happening in as much detail as possible, including what you were doing when the problem happened. We will respond with some things to try but ultimately you may have to bring the device to Chromebook Corner. If we cannot fix it quickly we will issue a loaner while yours is getting repaired. We configure the loaners on a case by case basis so they can wait while we do that or come back.  
Online Bulletin for Youth-Related Community Activities & Educational Opportunities
Lake Geneva Schools recognizes the important role that community organizations play in serving our students and area youth. Our Community Backpack program provides opportunities for local civic and not-for-profit organizations to share youth-related program information with the students and families in our district.

If you have a submission or you'd like to see events happening in the area, visit our Community Backpack page: http://bit.ly/2Nuk1jF

Please note that the content on this page will be updated frequently, so check back often.

BREAKFAST: Breakfast is served starting at 7:00 a.m. The cafeteria area is only open to students purchasing breakfast.

STUDENT PICK UP: If you need to pick up your student during the day, we ask that you please send a note with your student in the morning with a time that you will be picking them up. That way we can write them a pass to hand to their teacher when it's time to leave. This avoids having to disrupt classes by calling in looking for a student.

BUS PASSES: If your student will be riding the bus home with a friend, please send a letter in the morning indicating who he/she will be going home with. We will then issue a bus pass.

Late buses run as follows:
3:30 p.m. - Tuesdays and Thursdays
4:15 p.m. - Mondays through Thursdays

LATEX BALLOONS: We have students with latex allergies so please, no latex balloons.

WATER BOTTLES: Students are allowed to have water bottles during the school day - WATER ONLY. Please, no other liquids.
Chromebook Care
Parents and Students: While we understand that accidents happen, it is important that students do their best to properly care for their chromebook. Should something happen to the chromebook, students should complete a Chromebook Repair Request form and take it, along with their chromebook, to the LMC.
Food Services

You can also access Free and Reduced Lunch paperwork!

Click the link to follow
Badger Community Education
 https://bit.ly/368vMEA on Facebook.

It is our hope that you find a class or two that is of interest to you
and sign up!
Quick Links
Community Backpack
The Lake Geneva Schools Community Backpack is your online bulletin for youth-related community activities and educational opportunities. Learn More
Share News With Us
Share your news, event summaries, photos and/or give us a "head's up" on your upcoming events so we can promote your successes. Learn More
Our Website
Please visit our website frequently for district-wide
and school specific announcements, and important information. lakegenevaschools.com