September 2023

Woman Mentor of the Year Award: Honoring Those Who Pave the Way

By Inessa Ruffman, JonesTrading


As our Annual Market Structure Conference in DC draws near and the anticipation builds, it's important to take a step back and recognize those who have helped pave the way for so many. The return of our Woman Mentor of the Year Award exemplifies that need, especially in an era when opportunities for women in finance are continuing to grow.

We recently announced Eva Walsh, Executive Director, Equity Trading at J.P. Morgan Asset Management, as the recipient of our 2023 Woman Mentor of the Year Award. As a member of the STA Women in Finance Committee, many in our community, and the industry at large, have recognized Eva's exemplary qualities that make her more than worthy of this honor. With over 30 years of experience at J.P. Morgan Asset Management, Eva's deep knowledge of the markets and longstanding recognition as a dedicated mentor and colleague made our decision an easy one.

The core mission of STA Women in Finance is to provide a platform for new generations of leaders and trailblazers. Mentorship throughout all levels of an individual's career is a vital part of achieving this goal. We all have had at least one mentor who has made a positive impact on our career, which is why we're taking things a step further in 2023 as we continue our tradition of thanking women like Eva for their encouragement and wisdom.

8th Annual STA Women in Finance Symposium

*At Capacity!*

Wednesday, Oct. 11

11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

JW Marriott Washington DC

Penn Avenue Terrace


2023 Woman Mentor of the Year Award Recipient

Eva Walsh

Executive Director, Equity Trading

J.P. Morgan Asset Management

Keynote Speaker

Tracy Caliendo

Managing Director, Head of Global Commission Management and

Hedge Fund Services

Bank of America Securities

Sponsored by

Check out the latest edition of STA WIF's "Changing the Face of Financial Services" interview series, featuring

Brandis DeSimone, VP and Head of Data Sales at Nasdaq.

Brandis DeSimone

VP and Head of Data Sales


Read Interview

Women in Finance Events

September 13: STANY WIF Empowering Excellence

STANY Women in Finance and Hudson River Trading recently hosted a fireside chat with Rayna Lesser Hannaway, CFA, Head of Team, Portfolio Manager & Analyst, Polen Capital, who shared her insights, experiences and expertise as a successful portfolio manager and analyst.

Articles of Interest


BP Names Kate Thomson as Interim CFO. Now, 3 Major Oil and Gas Companies Have Women at the Helm of Finance


Last week, BP named Murray Auchincloss, the company’s CFO since July 2020, interim CEO. BP then announced that Kate Thomson will take on the role as interim CFO. Thomson is the first woman in that role at the company.

Additional major oil and gas companies where women are finance chiefs include Exxon Mobil SVP and CFO Kathryn A. Mikells, since 2021, and Shell plc CFO Sinead Gorman, since 2022.

here ($)

Women Are Likely to Face Financial Curveballs in Retirement — Including One Potentially Life-Destroying Event


Many women already feel they are behind when it comes to being financially prepared for retirement. There’s another risk they have to watch for: disruptive curveballs life throws at them that may put them off track, according to recent research from financial services firm Edward Jones and aging research provider Age Wave. A majority of female retirees, 81%, have experienced at least one such unexpected financial event, versus 69% of men.


Student Loans: Women Bear the Brunt of the Student Debt Crisis

Yahoo Finance

The student loan crisis is often a woman's problem. Overall, Americans owe over $1.7 trillion in federal student loan debt and women hold two-thirds of it. But with women with a bachelor's degree earning only 70 cents for every $1 men earned, student loan repayment is a bigger struggle for females.


New WTO Publication Underlines Need to Boost Women’s Participation in Trade


A new WTO book on trade and gender, published on September 14, looks at ways of bolstering women’s participation in international trade and highlights how women’s economic empowerment can support trade growth and economic development. Launched at the WTO’s Public Forum, the book brings together the latest research on the role of trade policy in improving gender equality.


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