The Boehm Gladen Foundation
Women's Festival
Non-Profit Partners

5 to live by
Antiaging Profit Centers
Artemis Animal Clinic
Axxess Santa Barbara
Bank of Santa Barbara
Breast Cancer Resource Center of S.B.
Calla Gold
Cheryl Y. Armstrong, SB Hypnotherapist
Citrix Online
Click Expresso Protein Drink
Compassion International
Core Alignment Coaching
DCH Lexus of Santa Barbara
Dee Tours
Demo 2 Design
Designs By Jackie
Don's Net Caf�
Don't Kick It - Click It
Dowitcher Designs
Dr. Lauren Guy
Eco Angel Enterprises
Felt Evolution
Georgeous Goddesswear
Girls Inc.
Halfcity Productions
Hot Cherry Therapeutic Pillows
Irene Hoffman Brand & Advertising Studio
Kama Sutra Closet
Keller Williams, Santa Barbara
Landau Web Design
Liz Faith Designs
LTC Insurance Resource Solutions
Maria Cordero Designs
Marmalade Caf�
Martial Arts Family Fitness
Media 4 Women
Mental Wellness Center
Michael Hutchings Catering
New York Life
Painted Sea Star Studio
Poop Pac
Sama Ayurveda Spa & Wellness Studio
Santa Barbara Auto Group
Santa Barbara Bank & Trust
Santa Barbara Chamber of Commerce
SB Click/Noozhawk
SB Parent Click
Send Out Cards
So. Cal Rep. Center
Soroptimist International
State Farm
Take 5 Body Work
Tamara's Catering
Team in Training
The Animal Reiki Lady
The Barbour Shop
The Brilliant Edge
The Jewels
The Search Engine Pros
The Wealth Creator Company for Women
Truly Botanic
Webby Ron
Women's Christian Business Network
Women's Economic Ventures
World Dance Workout
Alida Aldrich
Emily Allen
Dani Antman
Deb Artz
Marsha Bailey
Tracy Beard,
Honorary Chair
Marlys Boehm
Ruth Anne Bowe
Eve Briere
Ebony Chappell
Emiliano Campobello
Gina Cancemi
Devon Capshaw
Eliza Chon
Gillian Christie
Beth Cleary
Vic Cole
Jackie Copp
Stefanie Davis
Nancy Davison
Patty DeDominic,
Michele Pouget-Drum
Judy Egenolf
Aleshia Ehrenfreund
Susan Eigenbrodt
Robin Eschler
Ray Estrada
Lucile Ferreia
Dan Fleury
Anabel Ford
Maureen Ford
Nell Foster
Lucia De Garcia
Rick Goodfriend
Sandy Goe
Shannon Graham
Deb Halberstadt
Maggie Hott
Deborah Hutchison
Janis Johnson
Shirley Jones
Victoria Juarez
Chloe Kang
Jill Kingdon
Matt Laband
Danelle Mangone
Arlene Moody
Melissa Moreno
Marcia Orland
Neil Palache
Marie Profant
Mignonne Profant
Dave Proffer
Alissa Sears
Monica Spear
Julia St. Morgan
Shera Summer
Stacie Taniguchi
Charlotte Terzian
Dawn Thorpe
Melissa Tierney
Kimi Vandyk
Lucile Vea
Amber Wallace
Jean Weidemann
Judi Weisbart
Christina Yan
Women of the World
Dear ,
This years Women's Festival featured a number of amazing new and returning sponsors, speakers, entertainers, artists and exhibitors! We have a gift here for you, unedited footage and soon we will have edited videos. But you can take a sneek peek at the programs you may have missed. A huge thank you for being involved!
Women's Festivals here in SB and around the world are big undertakings, which happen with the help and dedication of hundreds of people! Lots of smart planning, incredible resources and hard work are required for each event.
On behalf of the Host Committee and sponsors of the 2012 Women's Festival we want to say THANK YOU!
Patty DeDominic Tracy Beard
Festival Founder Executive Director |
Gutsy Gals Inspire Me Award Winner
Kathy Ireland
Honoree Kathy Ireland of kathy ireland Worldwide gave a candid talk after accepting the Gutsy Gals Inspire Me Award from Deborah Hutchison and Patty De.
The annual Gutsy Gals Inspire Me� Award is given to someone who exhibits "Gutsy Gal" characteristics which include forward thinking, ignoring barriers and set backs, and driving your destiny.
Kathy was honored for her shift from supermodel to Super Role Model as a businesswoman. Ms. Ireland is not only CEO of her firm, she is a wife, active in her kids school and life-mom and is very involved with the products. She empowers her team, her partners and inspires thousands!
Click Here to see the full VIP Reception & Kathy Ireland receive the Gutsy Gals Inspire Me Award!
Marsha Brown

Was incredible and taught us how to think like private investigator!She's a modern day Nancy Drew, and her expertise includes bus and rail accidents, as well as human resource incidents such as sexual harassment and discrimination.
Click Here to see Marsha's Talk
Jane Choi
Of Sponsor, The New York Life Co.
exemplifies her core values of integrity and action. The NYL team included Brad Johnson and Del Hegland, Barbara Cerf and a dozen more awesome professionals! Jane has earned
national trophies and awards for her work with New York Life which led to becoming the first female member of the Managing Partner's Action Committee. She is proud to manage 50+ agents and Financial Service Professionals in Ventura, Santa Barbara County and San Luis Obispo.
What a powerhouse and great friend!
Click Here to see Jane's Talk
Robert Ferguson
CEO of Diet Free Life, was entertaining and
motivating as he showed us how not to become a Sumo wrestler or gain weight like one! We especially appreciate his allowanced for dark chocolate among other cherished delights to live a diet free life! Yay, Robert, we have a bunch of NBA moms we want to introduce you to and Pat Lynch of Women's Radio is thinking about asking you to do your own Radio Show on Women's Radio!
Click Here to see Robert's Talk
Heidi Kuhn
 Roots of Peace has found ways to plant vines andother effective crops to make a positive difference for farmers around the world. She inspires others to action as she has called for the World Wide Elimination of all Land Mines by 2025.
Click Here to see Heidi's Talk
Marilyn Tam
 Marilyn Tam can help you life the LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS!
Marilyn Tam took what she learned from being an unwanted, neglected and abused girl child in Hong Kong to become an international business success and humanitarian who is happy, healthy and at peace with herself.
Thank You Media Panel
& Poet's Hope for Love
Media Panel
The Runaway of Life: Modeling a New Role
Click Here to watch the Media Panel Discussion
Deborah Hutchison - Panther Productions
Pat Lynch - Women's Radio Network
Marie Manning - Empowering Women TV
Judy Foreman - Montecito Messenger
Closing Ceremonies
Poet's Hope for Love
Click Here to watch Poet's Hope for Love
Lucia De Garcia
Judi Weisbart
Lois Mahalia

There simply aren't words that do enough justice to Lois' signing on both Friday and Saturday. You will have to watch the video!
Click Here to watch Lois' Performance on Friday Night

Djun Djun Mamas
The Djun Djun Mamas are a community of empowered women who are united in Rhythm, Song, & Dance. Featuring two Women's Festivals regulars, our wonderful photographer Rachel S. Thurston, and Jo Williams!
GAIA Drumming Goddesses
What can we say, they were unbelievably motivating and awesome........!!!
GAIA is an all-female drum and dance troupe .
The group started with Mediterranean frame drums called Tars and have expanded to include Italian and Egyptian tambourines, congas, djuns and djembes. GAIA performs regularly in Santa Barbara, for the Solstices, Equinoxes and Celtic cross-quarter holidays Samhain and Lammas.
Hip Blessings
In addition to being featured on the cover of this year's program, Hip Blessings once again showed us how to shake it up with their great performance on Saturday!
Jo Berkus
and Friends showed us how it's done... around the world. Staying fit with Frisbee Sports fans!! So fun! thank you Barry and JO!! and the A team!!
Jo Williams
Back by popular demand, the vivacious NIA Black Belt is too fantastic for words! She drums, she encourages and motivates. EVERYBODY loves JO!!!

Andreya von Waldenfels Marks
Inspired us with YOGA in the grass all day long. Thank you dear ones for making us mello. It might kick in any time now!!! :-)
Calla Gold Earring Winner
Gail Bray!
Winner of the gorgeous sterling silver earrings from
Please join us for our thank you party for all speakers, resources and volunteers at Women's Festival HQ on
Saturday April 14th at 4pm.
Please call our office Mon-Friday 9-5pm
805 565 9967 for directions and details.
It will be a pot luck.
We will give out prizes, sooth any ruffled feathers, give lots of hugs and have some edited videos prepared for you.
Thank you so much for all your help in spreading the word and helping to celebrate the accomplishments and the potential of women!!
Girls Inc.
Garden to Table Celebration
Save the Date
March 19th
Garden to Table Celebration
Featuring Kathleen de Chadenedes and Honoring Marni Cooney, Janet Garufis, Janet McCann, Meredith Scott.
Monday, March 19, 2012
11:30-1:30pm - Luncheon
Girls Inc. Carpinteria
For more information contact or
Women's Festivals encourages you to donate directly to Girls Inc and our other non profit partners. We know they will use your donations wisely to make women and girls stronger!