Benefits of Exercise for Women’s Health

A new National Institutes of Health-supported study finds that women may see more benefits from regular exercise than men, lowering the risk of premature death.

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HPV Vaccine Efficacy

STAT reports a new Journal of the National Cancer Institute study found no occurrences of cervical cancer in women vaccinated against HPV before age 14.


Join NEBGH’s Upcoming Webinar on Cardiovascular Disease in Women

March 21 - 12:00-1:00PM on Zoom

This members only webinar serves as a companion to our recently published digital guide, “Cardiovascular Disease Diabetes and Obesity in Women: A Guide for Employers.”

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Colorectal Cancer Screening Recommended for Individuals 45 and Older

Fight Colorectal Cancer shares information about screening guidelines and provides a free screening quiz to help assess risk.

ICYMI: NEBGH Webinar“Colon Cancer and Your Workforce: What You Need to Know Now.”

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---- Other News You Can Use! ----

Kaiser Family Foundation Shares Survey on Racism, Discrimination and Health

KFF provides insights into public attitudes regarding racism, discrimination, health views and trust in institutions, offering valuable perspectives on the intersection of these factors in contemporary society.

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Exploring Challenges Faced by Black Workers in the Era of AI

SHRM discusses the challenges faced by Black workers in navigating artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, shedding light on the intersection of workplace inclusion, equity, diversity and emerging technological advancements.


CDC Issues New Respiratory Virus Isolation Guidance

Associated Press reports on updates to Respiratory Virus Guidelines from the CDC, including COVID-19, with information on changes and considerations in response to evolving circumstances.

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Congress Introduces Automatic IRA Act

SHRM discusses the Automatic IRA Act introduced in Congress, offering insights into potential changes and implications for retirement plans.


Advancements in Alzheimer's Diagnosis

Medical News Today explores the potential of diagnosing Alzheimer's disease through a simple blood test, highlighting advancements in research and methods for detecting Alzheimer's in fluid samples.

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