August 2024

Women’s Ministry

Theme Verse


“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body–Jews or Greeks, slave or free–and all were made to drink of one Spirit.”

1 Corinthians 12:12-13

Hello, friend!

I wanted to share a quick note about Women's Ministry communications. As a member of the Women's Ministry Council, I have the privilege of leading the charge to communicate with the women of FPC. My heart is to ensure you are welcomed, informed, and encouraged. We send a monthly Women's Ministry Newsletter that is meant to do just that! In the past, we have produced both a print version and an email version.

In this August edition, instead of reproducing the print version into an email format, we are simply linking out to the print version from the email, so everyone gets to enjoy the same format (and honestly, save us a little bit of time 😉).

Moving forward, we plan to use this format, but will include links within the email to important actions you may need to take so it's easy and accessible. For example, in this email, we've included an easy way for you to RSVP for our upcoming Women's Ministry Fall Kick-Off Luncheon below!

If you ever have questions about Women's Ministry communications, please don't hesitate to reach out to me or Mandy Williams (our wonderful Women's Ministry Director!).

Thank you for reading!

Lisa Oates

In This Edition:

  • Walking Each Other Home
  • Behold & Believe
  • Summer Kayaking & Bowling Fun
  • Our Upcoming Fall Bible Study
  • Boiler Room Prayer Time
  • How To Share This Newsletter with Friends
  • August Birthdays
  • Prayer Needs & Upcoming Events

✨ View the August Newsletter 


Women's Ministry Fall Kick-Off Luncheon

Sunday, August 25, 2024

after the 11:00 service

in The Crossing

Join us for a fun time of fellowship

as we kick off the new school year

with our vision for the women of FPC

and how we can work as one body

to glorify God and build community.

This event is *free* to attend!

Please RSVP to the church so we can account for food.


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