March 2024

Women’s Ministry

Theme Verse


“God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”

John 4:24

Preparing Our Hearts for Easter & Living The Resurrected Life!

by Virginia Saunders (with excerpts from The Gospel Coalition)

You have heard the question before... “If you knew Jesus was moving into your house next week, how would you prepare?” Clean like crazy? Throw out the stuff that might offend him? Ensure everything was just right? Instead, start with purifying your heart to welcome Him. Our hearts are the center of our feelings. It’s our core, where the Holy Spirit lives within us. It’s where we interact with him. “Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him.” Eph. 3:17

“For Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the law of the Lord, and to do it, and to teach statues and ordinances in Israel.” Ezra 7:10. We can look at Ezra, a priest, scribe, and exceptional leader dedicated to serving God. He had just returned to Jerusalem from exile, determined to lead God’s people back into a right relationship. Before he began, he “prepared his heart.” Psalm 10:17 gives us insight into the work God does to prepare our hearts. He hears our prayers and desires. He prepares our hearts as a gift and a blessing. Preparing our hearts is a twofold process. We come before him with humility and deep desire; He fills us with what we need.

Ways To Prepare Your Heart:

  • Pray: Jesus made prayer a priority in His life as an example for us to follow. Pray that He gives your attention to what He treasures.
  • Immerse yourself in the Easter story. Read Matt. 26-28; Mark 14-16; Luke 22-24; or John 18-20.
  • Meditate on the meaning of Easter.
  • Reflect on His sacrifice made for you. His sacrifice began when He left the perfection and glory of heaven to come to earth, live, work, teach and die. If not for Jesus’s sacrifice we would still be dead in our sin. If He didn’t rise from the dead, we would not have the hope of eternal life.
  • Rejoice in your redemption through Christ! 2 Cor. 5:17; Ezekiel 36:26
  • Resolve to live as someone who believes Jesus has given us the victory by his resurrection from the dead.

Living the resurrected life

The resurrection of Jesus changed everything. He gave us new life through His sacrifice. The resurrected life is about how we walk in the light of our future resurrection now. This resurrected life calls us in faith to become more like Christ. We must surrender our lives to Christ. We can’t 

create our own path to transformation, we must study his word and spend time in prayer. John 15:5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” We cannot grow apart from Him. 

Living the resurrected life means renewing your mind, taking every thought captive. Don’t let random thoughts and desires rule the way you live and act. Don’t let doubt dilute your pursuit of Christ. 2 Cor. 10:5 “We demolish arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to obey Christ.” This means to capture the thought as you identify it and compare it to God’s Word.

2 Peter 1:3-4 “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life though our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these He has given us His precious and magnificent promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, now that you have escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.” It is because of God’s promises that we can participate in the divine nature.

During the weeks before Easter let us all come before God with thanksgiving for all His good works, confess and repent of our sins and accept His forgiveness going forth and live the abundant life that has been given to us. Abundant life is the joy of a life transformed by Christ. As believers we can seek the resurrected life now as well as in the age to come. Jesus said, “Take up your cross and follow me.” Let us submit to Him and live as God’s beloved, trusting in Jesus and the forgiveness that only He gives.

In This Edition:

  • Reflections from The Women’s Retreat
  • Ministry Opportunities
  • Spring Bible Studies
  • New Members Spotlight
  • March Birthdays
  • Upcoming Events
  • Office Hours for Director of Women’s Ministry

Reflections from The Women’s Retreat

Here are reflections from some of the women that attended our Women’s Retreat in January:

Ashley Evans

In Christ, we have EVERY spiritual blessing and those blessings cannot be lost or taken away. We work so hard to create “the good life” but always fall short. Those things we strive for pale in comparison to our spiritual blessings in Him. Are we being wooed by the world or by our spiritual blessings? (From Ephesians 1) We are to walk as children of the light. Christ shined on us and now we can shine on others. The light is powerful. May we be the warm glow of a porch light on a dark street. (From Ephesians 5)

Lila Smith

From the outside everything may look perfect, but on the inside if people don’t have Christ they have nothing. We have always been dead, but when God comes in we are alive in Him. One quote that stuck out to me was, “Your story isn’t over, share it.” And a verse that impacted me was Ephesians 2: 4-6: “But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love for us made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.” One way I will apply what I heard: Jen said be the porch light in the dark. And that means shine the light of Jesus Christ in dark places.

Cori Bradham

God’s word illuminates the truth about everything we can possibly imagine! Get in it. Soak it in. Commit it to memory! Let’s take one step at a time faithfully being anchored in His word because the truth coming from it will be the only thing bringing light to the world and circumstances surrounding us. I imagine a lot of the time we will only see our very next step, but maybe we won’t even see that much. If I stood beside my 2-year-old daughter in front of a dark room and said, “It’s okay, girlie, just take a step forward, I am right beside you.” I know she could take a step forward in a heartbeat. We all know why. She trusts my heart for her. In some ways, this is kind of comforting to me in this season of life. I just need to remember my Light is right beside me, within me, and all around me thanks to my unity with Christ. I just need to make a move, have that conversation, set that meeting, and stay in His word. I was created for purpose and good works long before I got here. Ephesians 2:10: “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

Jenny Long

As a believer, God asks us to walk in the abundant grace that He has poured over us, and the full weight of this glory is not really felt until we re-visit the depths of sin from which we have been saved. A quote that stuck with me is that “Some of you need to tell the Gospel to your face.” I was impacted by Ephesians 2:13: “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.” To apply what I heard at the retreat, I will ask the Lord to open my eyes to the gifts He has given me, and to ask for the strength to live wholeheartedly—taking every opportunity to love and act on the grace He has so freely given me.

A Note From the Director of Women’s Ministry

Let’s Chat! 

Are there times when you feel like Christians are speaking a language you don’t understand? Do you want to go deeper in your relationship with Christ, but you don’t know where to start? I have been there! I would love to connect with you!

Office Hours: Mon - Fri, 9 - 3 in CLC 207, or email

The Mission of the WOC Community Service Committee is to gather support for local charities. We help to gather workers for the Community Kitchen, organize Haven Health’s clothes closet and fill goodie bags for expectant mothers, provide a monthly meal for the Ruth & Naomi Women’s Shelter, help hang donated clothes to be placed in the Salvation Army store, and provide two meals per year for families and ESP consumers and provide a brown bag lunch for ESP Summer Camp. We are using our hands and hearts to show Jesus to Rome, Georgia. 

If you would like to participate in any of the above outreach ministries, please contact Tha Berry.

New Members Spotlight

Suellen Thompson

I have three daughters and one son. I came to live in Rome to be with my son Keith Thompson and his family after my husband passed away. I chose to join FPC when Keith, Marsha and Sydney joined. It’s important to me to worship together as a family. I love the people of FPC and enjoy being with my Wed. night ladies bible study. It means a lot to be connected to a group of ladies that love & support me.

Joyce Edwards Duke

We’ve been attending FPC for 2 years. I’m very happy to become a new member here. The ladies are so kind and I have been learning much through the Bible studies. Hearing the whole gospel preached and singing real hymns offers me a great worship experience. Being a part of a church family is very important to me. I look forward to many wonderful times at FPC.

Katie Lightner

I live in Rome with my husband Jared, almost 3-year-old son Lawson, two dogs, and have worked for Delta Airlines for ten years. We first moved to Rome when I was 14 to be closer to family; my father’s family is from here and it’s where he grew up. In 2008, I went to Auburn and moved to Nashville and Atlanta before finding my way back to Rome with my husband in 2019. In high school we often attended FPC so when I moved back it was the first church my husband and I visited when looking for a future church home. We enjoyed visiting FPC and always felt so welcomed. We love seeing familiar faces from my younger years and making new connections with people we’ve met in my adult years at the church. Our son practically begs us to go to church because he loves talking about Jesus and seeing friends so we love that he has found joy in learning about Jesus through the children’s ministry. We felt FPC was a church that our family could grow and be surrounded by a wonderful community with similar beliefs and values. I’ve found many of the sermons to be powerful and at times challenge me to dig deep and ask myself questions which have led me to grow as a follower of Christ. I’m grateful we found a home at FPC.  

Mabrey Couch

I am the Girls Youth Director here at FPC Rome! I am so grateful to have joined FPC as a member last month. My husband Jackson and I were welcomed into this church after I had received my current role as youth director. We had many hopes and expectations for a church that we would be spending so much time at and we were nothing short of impressed with the way that we were immediately invested in and cared for by the members of this church! I’ve gotten to watch God’s faithfulness throughout many seasons of life, but the short version is I became a believer as a senior in high school after many years of wanting something more fulfilling! I met Jackson and he played a pivotal role in my relationship with Christ! I went to Jacksonville State University and met a great group of friends who pushed me deeper into my walk with Christ. I am humbled to love and serve the students that God has entrusted me and I can’t wait to continue walking with them through these important years of development!

Robin Seabolt

David and I have been married since 1985. We moved here from Gainesville, GA. I taught school for 31 years and absolutely love it! David is retired also. He was in sales with Ralston Purina & then Nestle. We have 2 wonderful adult children. My daughter, Meredith, lives in Rome and has a daughter Audrey (6) & is married to Glynn Tidwell who has a daughter Adalee (9). John is married to Kristen & have 7 month old twin boys, Avery & Austin. They both teach in Cartersville with John coaching football as well. We started coming to FPC 2 years ago and immediately felt the messages were beautifully delivered and touched our hearts. We’d been looking for a church whose sermons were focused on God’s Word. We joined as members in January.

Spring Bible Studies

1, 2, 3 John

Led by Joan Brock

Mondays thru Apr 30

in Hardy Classroom

9:30 - 11:00 am

Nursery provided; must register


Led by Mary Holcomb

2nd Monday of the Month

in Fellowship Hall

6:30 pm

It Is Well by The Daily Grace, Co.

Led by Susanna Pippel

Tuesdays in Hardy Classroom

9:30 - 11:00 am

Nursery provided; must register

Please contact Susanna Pippel at 660-624-3781 or to sign up


Led by Amanda Davidson

Tuesdays thru Apr 30

8:00 am in Van Dyke Room

1:30 pm in Hardy Classroom

Ignite Your Passion for God

Led by Bethany Johnson

Tuesdays, Feb - Mar

in CLC 203

6:30 - 8:00 pm

Women’s Community Groups

Led by Amy Davis, Robin Sorrow, & Joan Brock

Wednesdays after FPC Family Dinner 

6:15 - 7:15 pm

Nursery provided

Upcoming Events

Women’s Axe Throwing

March 2 at 7:00 PM

Game of Throwns, 241 Broad Street

Desserts Provided; Cost: $21

Even if you don’t want to throw, you can join the fellowship at no cost!

RSVP to Amy Fulton

at 706-266-3584

March Birthdays









Bobbie Garrett




Kelly Culbertson


Pam Gates

Mary Win Brock


Stacey Pardue


Sherry White

Megan Grimley


Sarah Cline

Sandy Lester




Natalie Doss

Frances Edwards


Julie Barnes




Evelyn Storey

Ruth Ann Cox

Jeannie King

Jeanie Hogan



Linda Sturdivant

Mae Mae Shadday

Gina Clevenger



Megan Watters


Tyler Hayes


Kathryne Ledbetter


Georgia Doss

Callee Peek

Melinda Brown




Judy Roebuck

Graysen Morgan


Frances Ann Graham

Teresa Puckett


Sadler Davis

Jordan Orr

Gina Robinson







Westminster Shorter Catechism

Q #12: What special act of providence did God exercise towards man in the estate wherein he was created?

A: When God had created man, he entered into a covenant of life with him, upon condition of perfect obedience; forbidding him to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, upon pain of death.

Women's Ministry @ FPC
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