May 2024

ï»żWomen’s Ministry

Theme Verse


“God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”

John 4:24


In This Edition:

  • Wisdom & Encouragement for Women on Mother's Day
  • A Resource for Mothers of Teens
  • Prayer & Gifts for FPC's College Students
  • An Update on FPC’s Women’s Ministry
  • Book Club!
  • Congratulations to FPC’s Graduating Seniors
  • New Members Spotlight
  • Photos from Pickleball
  • Ministry Together at Community Kitchen
  • Summer Bible Studies
  • Prayer Needs & Boiler Room Prayer Time
  • May Birthdays 


Wisdom & Encouragement for Women on Mother’s Day

“The wisest of women builds her house.”

Proverbs 14:1a


From Charles Spurgeon:

“Fathers and mothers are the most natural agents for God to use in the salvation of their children. I am sure that, in my early youth, no teaching ever made such an impression upon my mind as the instruction of my mother. Neither can I conceive that. To any child, there can be one who will have such influence over the young heart as the mother who has so tenderly cared for her offspring.” 

“You are as much serving God in looking after your own children, and training them up on God’s fear, and minding the house, and making your household a church for God, as you would be if you had been called to lead an army to battle for the Lord of Hosts.” 

“When good women lead their little ones to the savior, the Lord Jesus blesses not only the children, but their mothers as well. Happy are they among women who see their sons and their daughters walking in the truth.” 

“Children of prayer will grow up to be children of praise: mothers who have wept before God for their sons, will one day sing a new song over them. Some colts often break the halter, and yet become quiet in harness. God can make those new whom we cannot mend. Therefore let mothers never despair of their children as long as they live. Are they away from you across the sea? Remember, the Lord is there as well as here. Prodigals may wander, but they are never out of sight of the Great Father. Even though they may be ‘a great way off.’” 

“O woman, great is thy power! See to it that it be used for him who thought of his mother even in the agonies of death.” 


“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” 

Proverbs 22:6


A Resource for Mothers of Teens

Prayer & Gifts for FPC’s College Students

The Women of FPC gifted approximately 30 goodie bags to the college students in our congregation. Please pray for these students and encourage them in their walks with the Lord!


An Update On FPC’s Women’s Ministry

by Mandy Williams

I’m closing out my 4th month as Director of Women’s Ministry, and it has been such a joy to serve such a wonderful group of women! In the past 4 months, I’ve had the blessing of hearing from ladies of FPC in every age and stage. I wasn’t surprised to hear that the ministry is fulfilling the mission statement to encounter God’s Word, serve the body and beyond, love our sisters in Christ, connect in loving fellowship. I am so thankful for the faithful servant leaders that have gone before me, allowing me to step into an already robust and fruitful ministry.


From these conversations/reflections there are common themes. As women, we wear many hats! No matter the age and stage, we have full plates! Considering this I began to ask myself; how can we care well for the women of FPC as we fulfill our God-given roles? How can we steward each other’s time amidst busy lives? 


One thing is evident through the evaluation of the ministry. The women of FPC have many gifts and graces! In light of that, how does the ministry need to operate to use these gifts to build up the church? How can we best carry out Romans 12:4-8?


“For as in one body we have many members and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them.”


With these questions in mind and through the advisement of the women of FPC, leadership of FPC, and wisdom of many women’s ministry leaders; we have made a slight change in how we accomplish ministry. 


One of the many things I love about FPC is the leadership’s commitment to unity in mission and purpose. Part of my call as director is to ensure that the women’s ministry is in step with all other ministry teams of FPC, and to make sure that the women’s ministry is supporting the vision set by our Session. In order to rest under the umbrella of FPC and align with other ministry teams, the Women’s Ministry Council will move from the larger 20-member council to a council of 8-10 servant leaders.  


These servant leaders will, as needed, build teams to accomplish ministry initiatives. Many of these teams will minister together for a short season until the goal is completed. For example, a council member will form a discipleship team when it’s time to kick off our fall Bible study. This will be a team of women gathered from outside the council to serve together until the mission is accomplished! A team will be formed to carry out shepherding efforts, fellowship events, and acts of service, etc.! The hope is this will allow more women to use their gifts and graces and for a more diverse group of women to share in ministry. These teams will accommodate women whose schedules may not permit attending the monthly council meeting. Hopefully, this will be a blessing for those with hectic schedules to not be bogged down with meetings! 


Some women think that the council IS the women’s ministry! Not true! Every woman is ministering to someone! You need only look over your shoulder to find that someone is following you. Whether it be the women in your community group, children, co-workers, friends, or neighbors we are all leading and ministering to someone! My hope is that the women of FPC recognize this, that we support each other in our callings, and that we care well for our sisters in Christ. Our aim is for every woman at FPC to feel she is an important member, not just to the women’s ministry, but to the family of God!

Be on the lookout for more information from the following ladies as we serve one another side by side:

Bethany Johnson

Wendy Whitley

Evelyn Storey

Stephanie Hill

Brittni Hall

Helen Chivers

Stacey Pardue

Lisa Oates

Susanna Pippel

Staff Resource: Jessica Baker


Book Club!

by Mandy Williams

I turned 50 in February. This milestone was not met with tears or sadness! Most days I love this growing older thing, and then there are days I spend most of my time trying to remember what I have forgotten! Where did I put my phone? Where are my keys? Why did I come into this room in the first place? I think we all have moments of forgetfulness, but have you ever heard the concept of “self-forgetfulness”? Let’s find out together as we read The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness: The path to true Christian Joy, by author Tim Keller.

author Timothy Keller shows that gospel humility means we can stop connecting every experience, every conversation with ourselves and can thus be free from self-condemnation. A truly gospel humble person is not a self-hating person or a self-loving person, but a self-forgetful person. This freedom can be yours...”

I realize that the month of May is short for MayDay! May is jam-packed! The great thing about this book? It is tiny, but packs a powerful punch! It can be read in one sitting! We will read independently throughout the month of May and have a Book Club meeting on May 29th (details to follow) to discuss this life changing book! I have 10 copies of the book in my office.

Email Mandy Williams if you are planning to read together.


Congratulations to FPC’s Graduating Seniors!

The Men’s & Women’s Ministries will present each graduate with a copy of 10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) About Christianity, by Rebecca McLaughlin, at the Senior Banquet. Please be in prayer for the Class of 2024 — 

Mary Kate Bojo, Abby Chivers, Lillie Claire Espy, Tae Johnson, Emily King, Alyssa Okubo, Lizzy Pardue, Mary Wren Wilson, Tommy Cowan, Grant Cross, Jacob Fisher, Cooper Giddens, Jack Heath, Caleb Pearson, and Benjamin Rooke.


New Members Spotlight

Ashlie Harper

Hi! I’m Ashlie Harper, mom to Charlie and Samuel and wife to Aubrey. We made the move from South Atlanta to Rome over 20 years ago and have enjoyed every minute of being a part of this small community. My husband and I are serial entrepreneurs, which is how we ended up in Rome, following our passions. Aubrey is a commercial contractor and 3 years ago I heard God tell me to grow flowers. That is how Camille’s Cut Flowers began. (Camille is my middle name). Prior to the pandemic we had been members of a local Baptist church, which we loved and were very involved in. Once we were ready to get back to physically attending church we felt led to search for a new church home and were led to First Pres through friends that we felt embodied Christ. It’s wonderful to be a part of a community of believers that are so active in the community around us and in the world. We are open to learning the needs of the church and how we can best serve. It’s also fun meeting new people and there is never a shortage of us seeing new faces.

Landon Harper

My name is Landon Harper. My husband, Jacob, and I moved to Rome two years ago. We have two young boys, Cal (2 years old) and Banks (2 months old). I currently work part time as a physical therapist. I enjoy hiking, photography, and playing with our golden doodle, Charlie. Prior to moving to Rome, we were members of Trinity Presbyterian Church in Montgomery, AL. I am excited to become a member of First Pres. and look forward to getting more involved in the Women’s Ministry.

Lucy Morgan

My name is Lucy Morgan and I grew up in Montgomery, AL! I graduated from The University of Alabama in 2020 and moved to Mentone, AL to work for Camp Skyline - the camp I grew up loving! In April of 2023, I married Garrett Morgan who is from Rome and grew up in FPC so it was a very easy decision to join the whole Morgan family at FPC! I love Alabama football, playing tennis, being outside and playing with our dog, Ollie!


We had a fun time at the pickleball courts in April! Special thank you to Amy Fulton and Desiree Dollahite for coordinating this women’s event! Stay tuned for more fellowship events in the coming months...

A Note From the Director of Women’s Ministry

Ministry Together! 

Come join me for service and fellowship on Wednesday, May 15th from 9am - 12pm at the Community Kitchen (with optional lunch afterward)! Let’s work shoulder-to-shoulder in ministry to this worthwhile community ministry. Please email Mandy if you plan to show up!


Summer Bible Studies


Hosea teaches that knowing God transforms life through faith and obedience, illustrating God's unwavering faithfulness and love for the chosen people, amidst judgment

Led by Virginia Saunders & Katey Temple

ï»żTuesdays, June 4 - 25

Hardy Chapel

10:00 am

Sign Up for Hosea

Everyday Gospel Conversations

A 3-week workshop helping women to build confidence in "dripping" the gospel into their everyday conversations

Led by Brittni Hall

ï»żThursdays, May 30, June 6, June 13

Hardy Chapel 

9:30 - 11:00 am & 7:00 - 8:30 pm

Sign Up for Everyday Gospel Conversations

Prayer Needs

Mothers, Mothers-To-Be, Mothers in Grief, Daughters & Sisters

Graduating Class of 2024

FPC's College Students

FPC's New Members


Boiler Room Prayer Time

Please join us the last Monday night of the month at 6pm for “Boiler Room Prayer”. We join together to pray for our session, our church, our community and our nation. You don’t have to be eloquent and if you’d like you may say a silent prayer. It’s all about uniting in Spirit to ask the Lord’s guidance. Watch FPC’s website for details about location!


May Birthdays













Beth Walker

Andrea Sartorato




Suzannah Peek

Peggy Cowan


Joyce Van Leuven

Emily Preston


Tammy Richardson



Elizabeth Wilkes

Patty Causey



Joni Pittmanï»ż


Mary Grace Davis


Madelyn Taylor

Jennifer Edwards


Shannon McIntosh


Carol Brown

Joanne Ellis






Mary Helen Heaner

Julie Blankenship








Angie Stegall

Ashlyn Earnest


Marie Carlisle


Annaliese Clevenger

Emily Barnett




Patti Ledbetter



Mary Taylor



Mary Holcomb


Westminster Shorter Catechism

Q #14: What is sin?

A: Sin is any want of conformity unto, or transgression of, the law of God.

Women's Ministry @ FPC
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