For Immediate Release
Rande Sotomayor Inducted into
International Academy of Mediators
Sotomayor's mediation expertise recognized by elite international dispute resolution academy
June 4, 2019

Los Angeles mediator Rande Sotomayor was inducted into the International Academy of Mediators (IAM) as a Fellow at its Spring Conference in Banff, Alberta, Canada on May 30, 2019. The IAM is an invitation-only organization of preeminent commercial mediators from around the world. Adhering to the highest standards of integrity and competence, members are committed to learning and sharing innovative and best commercial mediation practices.

“I am deeply honored to join an international community of the most highly regarded mediators known for successfully tackling challenging and complex business disputes. The IAM is one of the most ‘nourishing’ resources for my mediation practice because of the members' passionate commitment to promoting the highest standards and creative uses of mediation,” Rande said of her induction in the prestigious group.
About Rande Sotomayor
You might have passed Rande on a trail or tried to keep pace with her on a run. She might have chatted with you about your family, your business, or your life anywhere from the line at the grocery store to a local Chamber of Commerce meeting…

You probably have sensed that there is something different about her approach to law and conflict. Confident yet humble, Rande is committed to others’ success, and it shows. She will remember details that even you might have forgotten. She will keep thinking about your case long after you part, and she will not give up on finding a resolution. Rande taps every resource she can, and her resources run deep.

Top lawyers and mediators nationwide and around the world have noticed Rande’s unique value to “dispute resolution,” which she says encompasses all of law. “Isn’t the entire legal process supposed to be about resolving disputes, not creating more of them?” she often asks. She likes to make us think beyond our (often self-imposed) limitations, and she encourages us by reaching beyond her own. 

A business litigator, legal counselor, and mediator for over 35 years, Rande has been praised for her “indefatigable spirit,” for “always coming up with out-of-the-box ways to get cases settled,” and for being “a sharp mediator who knows when to listen, when to push and what to do in difficult situations.” 

Focusing on people , she takes a down-to-earth, common-sense approach to helping them resolve their differences and move on. “Tenacious,” “extremely hard-working,” with “a keen eye and ability to navigate through tough legal issues,” she has an exceptional ability to perceive and manage the emotional components of conflicts. She specializes in business, real property, employment, personal injury, insurance bad faith, and ERISA benefits disputes.

Rande can be reached at and 626-616-5843.