As you may know, Governor Mike DeWine and the Ohio Legislature directed the Ohio Department of Transportation to conduct a strategic analysis of Ohio’s transportation system and how it can support statewide economic growth. While this is a statewide study, there is a legislative mandate to focus on the highway connection between Toledo and Columbus and Sandusky to Columbus.
On January 31st, from 2-4 pm, TMACOG is hosting an opportunity for those in our region to share their thoughts and expertise so we can strengthen the connections between statewide transportation and development. It is important for there to be a strong presence from the business community at the session so that ODOT and the consulting team clearly understand the importance of an improved connection to support both economic and population growth in our region.
If you are unable to attend but know of others in your company that can speak to the importance of an improved connection to your business, industry, or our region as a whole - please ask them to participate.
Together we are making a difference.