Wednesday, July 27, 2022 at 6:30 pm in the AFC Meeting Room
- Virtual and In-Person -
Click HERE for the virtual link to participate
Click HERE to Download Meeting Agenda
Click HERE to Download Board Packet
Click HERE to Download Meeting Finance Presentation
Action Items on the Agenda:
Consideration of Member Survey 2022
The Planning Committee has been working to develop a new survey, one designed to focus on the community’s demographic information. Member (owners and residents) input and feedback is important because this information will help the Association set the community’s priorities for planning, programming, and budgeting. If authorized to move forward, the survey will be issued in August and will be available in hard copy as well as on-line, just like our annual election process. (A sample of the survey is included in the Board packet.)
Consideration of Roof Replacement at the WCA Office Building
The shingle roof of the Association Office Building needs to be replaced. We have received three bids on the project and management is recommending that we pursue a contract with Buckeye Builders Construction, in an amount not to exceed $6,500, from the Replacement Reserve.
Discussion Topic: Security & Vandalism Prevention
The Association has experienced a lot of acts of vandalism this year, particularly so this summer. As a result, the Board will be discussing the various types of security concerns that we have to deal with, and considering what steps we as a community may need to pursue in order to mitigate them. Ideas to consider include, but are not limited to, the use of vehicle hang tags, gate systems, upgrades and additions to security camera systems, and more paid police patrols.