Dear Community,


I like to think of our school as a community of learners. While it's natural to think of our students as learners, our teachers are also learners, and they have been busy expanding their knowledge.


A couple of weeks ago, we enjoyed hosting two mentors from the Gradalis' Understanding Waldorf Teacher Training Program. It was an honor to tour them around our school and show off our teachers and students. Gradalis trainers had many wonderful compliments about the health of our school programs.


This month was the online Waldorf Public Alliance Conference, Creating a Culture of Belonging. We had a large group of teachers in attendance representing Woodland Star. We gathered for large formal presentations and smaller break-out groups. Gathering with colleagues from the larger Waldorf community helps to inspire and renew our teachers. We will pick up these themes in our faculty meetings.


I am obviously biased, but I believe that the Woodland Star School community has much to offer. So far, there have been several weekly tours for prospective families who are interested in learning about our school. Even in the driving rain, we had six families attend last Wednesday’s tour. Please help us spread the word about our wonderful school and the community of learners within.


Caroline Hopewell

[email protected]



Jan. 30

ELAC Meeting

6:30 pm

Feb. 9

Dine & Donate at Kina's

5:00 - 9:00 pm

Feb. 11

Waldorf Middle School Dance at

Altamira Middle School

6:00 - 9:00 pm

Feb. 9

Minimum Day

1:10 pm Dismissal

Feb. 13

Parent Association Meeting

8:30-9:30 am

Feb. 15

Charter Council Meeting

5:30 pm

Feb. 16

Minimum Day

1:10 pm Dismissal

Feb. 20-24

Waldorf Conference Week

No School

Feb. 27

All School Parent Evening

6:00-7:30 pm

March 1

ELAC Meeting

6:30 pm

March 2

Minimum Day

1:10 pm Dismissal

March 6-10

Parent Teacher Conference Week

1:10 pm Dismissal All Week

Enrollment for the 2023-2024 school year is now open. The lottery deadline for TK is 1/31/23, and the lottery deadline for kindergarten and 1st-8th grade is 2/28/23. To enter the lottery, please fill out the form on our website by clicking HERE. All new students must sign-up for the lottery, even if your family already has a student at Woodland Star. 

We have school tours every Wednesday at 9:30 am for prospective families. Please sign-up for a tour on our website by clicking HERE.

Safety in Cold Weather

Dear Community,

Let's start with heat loss. Humans lose 30% of their body heat through their heads. So, it's important to wear a hat or hood to help keep your body warm. Your fingers and toes get cold very quickly. Wear gloves and socks made of wool, fleece, or similar synthetic material to protect them from the cold. These socks are excellent for winter wear because if the socks get wet (due to excessive perspiration from the foot), the socks themselves do not lose their insulating properties. Socks made of cotton lose their insulating properties when wet, making them very hard to dry. Trench Foot, (immersion foot syndrome) is a serious condition resulting from your feet being wet for too long. It causes damage to the circulation and nerve function of the foot. To help prevent Trench Foot, also wear insulated and waterproof boots. For your clothing in the winter, wear a base layer, an insulated layer, and a shell layer. 

Special Tip: Send your children to school with extra clothing (including underwear) in case your child gets wet and needs to change.

During cold months we tend to drink less water and get more dehydrated. Each breath we exhale contains a bit of water in the form of water vapor. We lose water throughout the day through everyday activities, including sweating, exhaling, urination, and natural body exertion. Whether it's work or play, you lose the essential fluids and nutrients that keep your body operating well when you exert yourself. Proper hydration means the fluid level in your body is balanced. When dehydrated, your fluid level is low, making you out of balance. Depending on the severity of the dehydration, this could significantly impact your day. Symptoms of dehydration include thirst (though not always), fatigue, muscle cramps, nausea, dizziness, confusion, excessive perspiration, and hot, dry skin. Hydrating in hot and cold conditions is critical to maintaining balance for peak performance. Encouraging your children to maintain proper fluid levels is crucial for their bodies to function correctly. Depending on age, the average person should drink half to one quart of water per hour of active activities. For example, getting into the habit of drinking about 1 cup of fluid every 15 minutes will keep your hydration levels up. 

Stay safe, keep warm, and encourage proper water intake! 

Take care,

Marisol Cadet Cottam

Woodland Star 8th-grade student

Bring your friends and family to Kina's Kitchen & Bar on Thursday, Feb. 9th between 5-9 pm for a Dine & Donate Fundraiser to support Woodland Star's Parent Association. Check out the flyer below for more details.

Woodland Star's 8th grade is hosting a middle school dance for all Waldorf schools on Saturday, Feb. 11th! Sixth through eighth grade Waldorf students are all welcome. The theme is Neon Valentine's Dance and dressing up in glow-in-the-dark attire is encouraged! The flyer below provides more details. Students must bring a signed permission slip to attend. Have your child ask their teacher if they need another permission slip. The money raised from this event will help fund this year's 8th grade field trip.

Woodland Star Educational Foundation wants to thank all the event volunteers for making the 2022 Jog-a-thon a fun-filled event! We want to give special thanks to Seth Olyer for being our enthusiastic school spirit leader and MC and Sharolyn Townsend for the beautiful photography of the event. We are also grateful to all the Jog-a-thon donors and students who helped us raise a net of $16,774 for Woodland Star's field trips!

Show your school spirit by purchasing WSCS school swag from our online store! Men's, women's, and children's items are available, along with tote bags of various sizes. A portion of your purchase goes to Parent Association to help fund future school festivals. It's simple. Just order online by clicking HERE, and the item/s will be shipped directly to your home. You can also have them shipped to someone else as a gift. If you'd like to purchase a WSCS trucker hat or a child's size water bottle, those are available in the school office.