Undergraduate summer schedule now available »
Get a jump on summer! Explore undergraduate classroom, online, hybrid, and study away course offerings on the BC Summer website .

BCCS 2019 will feature lectures and panel discussions on critical topics related to emerging technologies, operations, and enforcement, as well as real-world cyber and national security issues related to risk, compliance, policy, threat trends, preparedness, resilience, and defensive strategies.

To learn more about this sold-out event, visit the program page.

Two of the programs are already under way: Coaching Today's Athlete and Leader as Coach . The photo shows Coaching Today's Athlete students with professor Cathy Utzschneider.

Two additional certificates will launch through BC Continuing Education, the Woods College, and BC Law later this semester:
This inaugural event, hosted by our Applied Research Department, is designed to showcase the scholarship of Woods College faculty and students.

Its theme is Gaining and Maintaining Power: The Important Role of Research .
The keynote speaker, Boston College Police Chief William Evans , will highlight the importance of research in policy decisions and . the role research has played in his career.

Woods College faculty will take part in an interdisciplinary panel conversations about exciting revelopments in their various research fields, as well as surprising research outcomes related to their industries, which range from business and law to sustainability and history.

Call for Proposals
Woods College students are encouraged to share their research during the poster presentation. If you are interested in participating, please submit a proposal here . The call for proposals is open until February 28th.
Woods College Women's Mentoring Group »
Women of Woods College:

Join us for our February meeting!
Date: Thursday, February 21
Time: 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. 
Location: Woods College Conference Room, St. Mary's Hall South ground floor
Highlights from the Boston College Career Center »
Eagle Intern Fellowship : provides financial assistance to full-time undergraduates who obtain an unpaid internship

Envision: for freshmen and sophomores to discuss career discernment; especially for those unsure of their direction

Launch : students preparing for or in the midst of a job or internship search can receive help with resumes, cover letters, interview skills, and more.

Looking for another spring 2019 course? »
Join Professor Erika Prijateli for
Marriage and the Family (ADPL130901)
Saturdays, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
MAR 16-MAY 11.

This course explores the significance of the most fundamental and intimate relationships, marriage and family. Through analysis of film, popular literature, social science research, philosophical sources, and theological texts, the course will survey the philosophies of personhood and relationality that function as the foundations for how we understand the historical and modern institutions of marriage. The course will consider how contemporary political, economic, ideological, and technological pressures have altered the condition of the family system and intimate relationships in the context of 21st century American life.

Speak with your advisor today to register or learn more.
Celebrating our students and faculty

BC's Events Manager Piers Dooley (right) and Professor Jennifer Cole, who leads the Woods Sustainability Certificate program , presented at the 7th Annual World Congress Global Pharmaceutical and M edical Meetings Conference. Their interactive talk focused on how to create and host a sustainable event within these two complex fields. While many organizations in these areas cite sustainability as a goal, their events do not always reflect that, the speakers said. They discussed how professionals can make decisions about everything from site selection, transportation, and food and beverage choices to donations and vendor buy-in, in ways that will have a positive impact on the environment.
Woods MS in Applied Economics student Ivan Lozano is currently serving as a Resident Assistant , in the Boston College residence halls, a coveted position on campus.

“Coming into my second year at Boston College, I found myself wanting to be part of the larger community and to learn about what other graduate students were interested in pursuing," Ivan says. "Being a Resident Assistant gave me a broader perspective on the vast network of BC's residential community and allowed me to be a leader in the undergraduate class. The opportunity to be an RA while finishing my studies in the MSAE program revealed that Boston College really cares about bringing students, faculty, and alumni into the community, no matter what your background might be.”
Woods senior Anna Asaridis was accepted to a second degree nursing program at Massachusetts General Hospital's Institute of Health Professions. Anna will graduate from Woods in May with a degree in psychology.

Anna shares, "All my life I wanted to be a nurse and so I knew that with my determination I would eventually fulfill this goal. Through the support of the Woods College, my professors, and my strong work ethic, I was accepted into the MGH Institute accelerated second degree nursing program. It is completed in 16 months and is very intense, but I am excited to get started. I will never forget the people that I have met along the way at Woods and cannot thank everyone enough for their support."
Woods senior Nicole Russell was accepted into and will attend George Washington University's Pre-Medical Certificate program.

"Woods College has provided me a rigorous undergraduate education while also giving me the flexibility and support needed to maintain a full-time job while being a full-time student," Nicole says. "Taking evening and online classes gave me the opportunity to shadow several physicians and immerse myself in the community during the day. What impressed me the most was how available and invested my professors and advisors were in my education, and I am truly grateful."
Sarah Says »
 Advice from longtime Woods College administrator Sarah Piepgrass.

One of my favorite resources is “Daily Writing Tips,” an email that arrives every day with information about writing, vocabulary, reading, publishing--all things literary. Here is the intro to a recent ‘tip’ article:

Learning to Write by Reading                      
Posted: 31 Aug 2018 07:54 AM PDT

You might think avoiding other influences makes you a more original writer. But nobody can write in a vacuum. Even the meanings of words depend on how others have used them. You didn’t invent the English language. Everything you write, you learned from someone else, even if only from your first grade teacher. Only when you’re aware of your influences as a writer can you transcend them, instead of unconsciously copying them.

Instead, reading other writers (which you already do) and learning from their style will help you develop your own, original style. Besides improving your vocabulary, it will give you a wider array of tools from which you can choose. You may recognize your own style as you read someone else’s. Or you may learn what you don’t want to sound like.

Subscribe to "Daily Writing Tips" here.
With Deepest Sympathy   »
 A message from Dean David Goodman:

It is with deep sadness that I write to inform you of the passing of one of our valued faculty members, Professor Richard Zaiger, who passed away on February 4, 2019. Services were held on February 6.

Professor Zaiger, a long-time member of the Woods College faculty, taught several courses pertaining to labor relations and human resources management, as well as labor and employment law. He was a cherished part of this community and a generous and caring mentor to our students.

Please keep Professor Zaiger's family in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.
Upcoming Events
Women's Mentoring Group
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Woods College Conference Room
Woods College Graduate Programs Information Session
Wednesday, February 27, 2019 | 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
Woods College Conference Room, St. Mary's Hall South
Thursday, March 14, 2019 | 5:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Union Street Bar, Newton Center
MSLA and MSSA students: Come mingle with your classmates, faculty, and alumni, share food and drinks, and celebrate the near arrival spring.
Saturday, March 23, 2019
Gasson 100, 8:30 am - 3:00 pm
Call for Proposals deadline February 28th.

Celebratory Dinner Honoring the Graduating Class of 2019
Keynote speaker Dr. Kelli Armstrong
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 | 6:00 p.m.
Corcoran Commons, Heights Room

Other News from around Boston College
BC's McMullen Museum of Art exhibition celebrates and contextualizes Boston College’s iconic 'golden eagle' and other Japanese depictions of birds of prey. Also on display:
' Cuenca: City of Spanish Abstraction'

Woods College of Advancing Studies
St. Mary's Hall South
140 Commonwealth Avenue
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467

Phone: 617-552-3900