June 8, 2020
What you need to know this week:
  • Message from the Head of School
  • Seeking applications for a new school nurse and secretary
  • Keep up to date on our plans for the fall
  • Implementation of a new parent portal and database
  • Be a school sponsor for 2020-2021
  • Ideas for things to do this summer
  • Reminder to check for your child's report card
  • Sign up for Bright Prep and Bright Care
  • Reminders about storytime, book clubs and library check out this summer
Message from the Head of School: Our Mission, More Important Than Ever
“The Bright School builds a foundation upon which students become wise and compassionate citizens of the world.”

At a time when our world seems uncertain, when our personal and communal health seems fragile, and when we look to each other—at a distance—for the common bonds of human connectedness, good schools like ours look to their mission as a reminder of their purpose. Knowing with stark clarity the importance of the school’s love for children and our work to educate them, we are able to weather any storm and overcome any challenge that comes our way. The world depends on us to do so.

Bright School’s mission places the endowment of wisdom and compassion as our highest goal. And these words aren’t chosen lightly but reflect what has been most honored throughout history: the ability to put knowledge to good use for the betterment of humankind. Whatever faith tradition we follow, we discover over and over again that we are called upon to do justice, to be merciful and kind, and to walk humbly with our God.

Our wisdom and compassion, of course, figure strongly into how we, as members of the Bright School community, approach the many challenges at hand. How will we, as parents and educators, shepherd our young children in such a way that their growing wisdom begins to value the sacred beauty in others, especially those who may be different than themselves? Or of a different color? How can we enable their wisdom to encompass truly what is meant by our country’s creed, the self-evident truth that “all men are created equal.” If we are truly building a foundation upon which their minds and hearts move confidently towards our lofty goals of wisdom and compassion, then we must continue genuinely to make it so.

At the same time, we must remember that our children are just that, children. As parents we teeter between protecting our children from the horror we see every day and, as they get older, answering the really tough questions our intelligent children will undoubtedly ask. Innocence has a heart that reminds us of what is best in life; its inherent hopefulness gives us adults hope as well.

Next week you will receive information about Sanford Harmony, a social-emotional learning curriculum for elementary school children. Our Mission Skills Committee, chaired by school counselor, Rachel Blanton, has chosen this program after much careful research to guide us in teaching those social-emotional competencies so important in one’s development into full adulthood. Areas of focus like diversity and inclusion, critical thinking, peer relationships, empathy, and effective communication skills will be integrated weekly in age-appropriate activities in the classrooms.

As a school, we won’t shy away from our students’ tough questions, but we’ll do so in a loving and constructive manner. Our goal is to create a community that reflects what we know is just, merciful, kind, and respectful of all human beings and the beautiful world in which we find our home.
Seeking Nurse/Secretary for the Office
The school is looking to hire a new nurse/secretary to replace Kelly Jennings, who is leaving to begin a graduate program. If you know of someone who would be a good fit, please contact Mr. Morgan at [email protected]. For more details, please see the position description.
Stay Up-to-Date with Planning for the Fall
As the COVID-19 situation in our area continues to change, we are continually making plans for the 2020-21 school year. We hope to provide specifics as soon as we can. Until then, please view our website for the latest information. This webpage lists possible scenarios we are discussing. We plan to announce more specifics about back to school procedures and guidelines toward the end of the month. Please check Woodshop and other emails often for updates.
New Parent Portal and Database Coming
We are in the process of switching over to a new parent portal and database this summer. Implementing Blackbaud will allow us to keep all contact information in one platform, and we believe it will be more user-friendly for you. Watch for more details coming in July.
Be a School Sponsor for 2020-2021
Support Bright School and support your business at the same time by becoming a school sponsor! The school sponsorship program is enhanced for next year and offers more opportunities for exposure for your business. Visit the Sponsorships webpage for more information. Contact Director of Advancement Kim Brown at [email protected] if you are interested.
Ideas for Summer Fun
Summertime is officially here! While this summer may look different, there are still many ways to make memories and have fun! With camps modifying what they are offering and summer travel questionable, it is easy to think of what we can't do. Reframe the thoughts to focus on and celebrate what you CAN do this summer.

Make plans! These could be plans for a vacation or they could be plans to bake cookies together. Running out of ideas? We have included a summer bucket list! Pick 1-2 activities a week to do together as a family. It will come. The infamous "I'm borrrrrreeeeeed." Remember that boredom is not the enemy. Boredom is a chance for children to learn how to find something to do. Let their creativity flow!

Create a summertime schedule and do your best to stick to it. Bedtimes and sleep are as important in the summer as they are in the school year! Routines allow kids to feel a sense of predictability and security. Spend time outside every day. Whether it is a hammock in the shade, a sprinkler in the backyard, or a family walk after dinner, these times together are memories in the making.

Wishing you a sunny and safe summer,
Rachel Blanton, school counselor
Reminder: Check for Report Cards
If you have not already checked your child's report card from the third trimester, it is still available for download on the parent portal. Go to this link and log in. Next, click on Student Profile. A list of report cards will appear from each year your child is enrolled. Click on the blue arrow on the right to download a PDF of the report card. If you have any issues or questions, contact Renee' Kropff at [email protected].
Summer Enrichment and Reading
Information about all of our summer programs is available on our Summer Reading and Enrichment page on the website.

Bright Prep
Available for rising first through sixth graders, Bright Prep is designed to help prepare students for next year. Sign up for one, two or all three weeks during July. A decision about whether sessions will be held on campus or online will be made by late June. Visit the website to fill out the grade-level form to register your child. There is no cost for families.

Bright Care
Available for rising PK and kindergarten, Bright Care is designed as a day-care experience for students to help transition and readjust to school routines and surroundings. Sign up for one, two or all three weeks during July. Visit the website to fill out the grade-level form to register your child. There is no cost for families.

Join Librarian Elizabeth Oakes for storytime each Friday via Zoom. We apologize for issues with the password on Friday. Check the website for a list of books Miss Oakes plans to read.
Rising PK and K  10:00-10:20 am
Rising 1st and 2nd 10:30-10:50 am
Zoom Meeting ID:  822 5557 7720
Password: brightread

Book Clubs
Rising third, fourth and fifth graders are invited to discuss books with Miss Oakes this summer. The first book club meeting is June 30. Check the website for the specific books to be discussed and times for the book club meetings.
Zoom Meeting ID:  842 9386 5957
Password: brightread

Library Check Out
Check out books from the Bright School library this summer. Use this online form to request books. The first pick up day is June 17. Check the website for more information.

Summer Packets
Everyone should have received the information about required reading for next year, the platform Biblionasium for recording your reading, and use of resources at the Chattanooga Public Library. If you are missing the information, click here for our website.
June 12
Storytime with Miss Oakes

June 17
Library Check Out Day

June 19
Storytime with Miss Oakes

June 24
Library Check Out Day
June 26
Storytime with Miss Oakes

June 30
Book Clubs for Rising Grades 3-5

July 6
Bright Prep/Bright Care
July 10
Storytime with Miss Oakes

July 17
Storytime with Miss Oakes

July 19
2 p.m.
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