April 20, 2020
What you need to know this week:
  • Read the message from Mr. Morgan about plans for the future.
  • Thank you for participating in Bright Fit Week! Check out the prize winners.
  • Join us Friday for Bright Fest Friday.
  • Can you help Mr. Morgan find his dogs? Watch The Adventures of Nigel & Sugar.
  • The last day of school is Thursday, May 21. Distance learning will take place through that date.
  • Write a letter to Mr. Morgan and mail it to school.
From the Head of School
Dear Bright School Families,

I hope everyone had a restful weekend and continues to be healthy and safe. It was so nice to see all the kids during our Bright Fest Friday Zoom meeting last week. Missing them is one of the most difficult parts of this whole experience. I'm so looking forward to being with everyone again.

This week we will be sending everyone a schedule for the remainder of the year as well as a tentative date for fifth grade graduation. We are planning at the moment to resume school as scheduled in the fall. I know there is much speculation about just when we will begin our gradual move back to normalcy, but it's important now that we have something definite to look forward to, while also making contingency plans should things change. We will also soon be sharing with you plans for no-cost enrichment classes this summer. 

This past Friday I met with 20 Heads of School from around the Southeast via a Zoom meeting. As one might expect, every Head shared similar stories as to their challenges during this pandemic. Their schools ranged from Miami to Dallas, yet to a person they talked about the continued commitment of their faculties and staff as well as the heroic work of their parents at home. The commonality in all of the conversations was the importance of a school remaining unified throughout its struggles. Boards, parents, faculties, staff, and students all were called to keep their sights fixed on the continued education of students balanced with the care of their emotional well-being. As all of us work together, I'd ask that we remain fair, generous of heart, and positive with each other. I have no doubt we will survive this episode in our lives in fine fashion, stronger as a result, and more unified than ever. Bright School needs us all!

Who Are We? Bright Fit!
We had a great week being active and eating healthy foods at home. Thank you to all the students who turned in tickets. Mrs. Kropff counted 158 students, who earned a total of 8,667 tickets!

Winners of the prizes were drawn online this morning. The winners are:

REI coupons: Eleanor Kates (Miss Taylor's second grade)
Cooking class with Ms. Howell: Lexi Vitullo (Mrs. Sharpe's first grade)
Southern Soul Yoga Youth 6 class series: Mary Katherine Sabourin (Mrs. Jill's PK)
Pickleball set: Luka Salyards (Mrs. Jill's PK)
Inflatable avocado: Jayden Cox (Mrs. Smith's first grade)
George, the Bright Fit Giraffe: Rebecca Davis (Mrs. Smith's first grade)

Coaches Linehart and McDaniel will be in touch with the winners to arrange delivery of the prizes.

Thank you to Mrs. Kropff for creating the virtual activity forms, ticket form and prize spinner, and for keeping track of what everyone did.

Thank you to Coaches Linehart and McDaniel for their video, ideas, planning, and encouragement for the week.

Thank you to Mrs. Brown and Bright Fit co-chairs Sara Mingus and Amanda Carmichael for securing the prizes and planning the week even though it was not exactly how it was envisioned to be when work began in the fall.
Bright Fest Friday
Join us this Friday for another Bright Fest Friday via Zoom at 11 a.m. Wear any Bright shirt shirt to show your Bright School spirit. Send a photo to Ms. Davis at [email protected].

Here is the Zoom log-in information:
Meeting ID: 908-767-660
Password: bright
The Adventures of Nigel & Sugar
Mr. Morgan took his dogs, Nigel and Sugar, to school, but they got loose. Can you help Mr. Morgan find them?
COVID-19 Closure
The last day of school is officially Thursday, May 21. Distance learning will take place each day.

Special Area Rotation This Week
In addition to the assignments posted by your child's teacher, your child may choose to complete activities from the Special Area teachers. Monday: Technology, Tuesday: Art/Shop, Wednesday: Music and Science (science only grades 1-5), and Friday: Spanish.

Contact Information
Please use this contact information if you have any questions.

  • If you have questions about a specific assignment or classroom resource, please contact your child’s teacher by email or phone. Teachers will be able to respond to questions during their regularly-scheduled “classroom hours,” which has been provided to families.
  • If you have questions about technology, a platform or device, please contact Renee’ Kropff at [email protected] or 1-423-298-4680.
  • If you have other issues related to distance learning, please contact Christy Lusk at [email protected] or 1-423-309-4860 or Renee’ Kropff.
  • If you have questions about a personal or social-emotional concern for your child, please contact school counselor Rachel Blanton by email at [email protected].
More information is available on our COVID-19 Closure website.
Stay Connected
Lego Build Challenge
Mrs. Kropff is challenging your child to build with Legos, Duplos, Lincoln Logs or whatever you have on hand. For more information, contact Mrs. Kropff at [email protected].

Write a Letter
Have your child write a letter to Mr. Morgan! Tell him what you are doing at home and how your distance learning is going. Our address is 1950 McDade Lane, Chattanooga, TN 37405.
April 20
Bright Fest Friday
Zoom Meeting
11 a.m.
May 1
Bright Fest Friday
Zoom Meeting
11 a.m.
May 8
Bright Fest Friday
Zoom Meeting
11 a.m.
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