January 27, 2020
What you need to know this week:
  • Re-enrollment is happening now for next school year. Let us know by January 31 if your child is not returning.
  • Building a Bright Future Capital Campaign update: Classroom environment helps learning.
  • Bring spaghetti noodles on Thursday to donate to the Community Kitchen. We are collecting the 16-ounce boxes only.
  • Parent-teacher conferences are this week. January 30 is a half day. There is no school on January 31. Sign up for Bright Afternoons if you need childcare.
  • Sign up for spring sports: track, lacrosse, soccer skills and volleyball.
  • Community events for parents this week.
  • Registration for Bright Days summer camp begins on February 3.
Time for Re-enrollment
We're planning ahead for 2020-21 school year! This is re-enrollment time.

If your child is entering grades 1-5 next year and will be returning to Bright, you do not need to do anything.

For rising PK and kindergarten, please return your completed contracts to the office by Friday, January 31.

If your child is not returning for next year, please contact Brooke Moore at bmoore@brightschool.com by Friday, January 31.
Building a Bright Future
Did you know the type of flooring installed in a classroom can impact student performance and attendance?

Our renovations are replacing dated and hard tile floors with carpet, which has a direct and immediate impact our student's learning environment. 
Carpet keeps rooms feeling warmer than tile or wood, giving classrooms a more relaxed atmosphere to promote learning. This is especially helpful when teachers want to create small spaces for kids to sit with books for some personal reading time or for younger children to have play time. 
Classrooms are typically filled with large whiteboards, smart boards or projector screens, and hard plastic chairs and desks, all of which reflect sound. Installing carpet tiles can help minimize the echo and improve the sound quality of the room. 
Carpet improves indoor air quality. Research shows that walking on hard surfaces disturbs more particles. These particles become airborne and enter the breathing zone. In contrast, carpeted surfaces trap more particles, resulting in less dust in the air.
Pass by one of the first, second or third grade classrooms during the day, and you will likely see children sitting or lying on the floor while working with a partner or reading quietly. Our fourth and fifth graders will be the next students to benefit from these changes. Won’t you help us get started on phase 2 of the Building a Bright Future Capital Campaign? Look for a separate email about the campaign this week.
Bring Spaghetti Noodles on Thursday
We're collecting 16-ounce boxes of spaghetti noodles on Thursday in conjunction with the fifth grade vs. faculty basketball game that morning.
The spaghetti will be donated to the Community Kitchen. Please don't bring the spaghetti before that day.

Our goal is 1,000 boxes. We only need the 16-ounce size. Please put the boxes in a bag labeled with your child's name, teacher and number of boxes. Your child will drop off the boxes on the concourse in the morning.

Prizes will be given for the most donations by class and grade.
Parent Conferences on Thursday and Friday
Thursday is a half day with dismissal at 11:30 a.m., and there is no school on Friday.

Sign Up for Bright Afternoons
Childcare is available. If you would like your child to stay in Bright Afternoons, please complete this form in advance. Students do not need to wear uniforms on Friday because there are no classes.

If you need to bring your child with you for your parent conference, you can drop off him or her for a quick stay in Bright Afternoons for no charge. Please just check in at the Bright Afternoons desk in the Early Childhood Center building.

Last Chance to Sign Up for Conferences
The portal is still open for grades JPK-2, but it closes tomorrow. For other grades, please check with your child's teacher. Click here to access the portal. After logging in, click "Student Profile" and then "Teacher Conferences" to schedule a time.
Sign Up for Spring Sports
Track (Girls and Boys Grades 3-5)
The registration form and payment are due February 7. Practices are Mondays and Thursdays, and then meets will be Mondays with practice on Thursdays. See the registration form for more details.
Lacrosse (Boys and Girls Grades 2-5)
We are playing through the TryKiz League. Register online and then you must email Stacie Helton at shelton@brightschool.com to be placed on a Bright School team. Registration is due February 7.

  • Boys (grades 4-5) Practice will be 4:30-6 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays at Bright. Games will be played at North River YMCA. Practice begins February 6. Boys in grades 2-3 will not have a Bright team, but they can sign up to play through TryKidz.
  • Girls (grades 2-5) Practice will be 2-4 p.m. on Sundays at Bright. More days will be added at a later date.

Soccer Skills Clinic (Boys and Girls Grades 2-5)
Get ready for next season with Coach Linehart and Coach Eric. All skill levels are welcome. Clinic sessions begin on March 25 and will be Wednesdays through April 29, 3-5 p.m. See the registration form for more information. Registration and payment are due March 1.

Volleyball (Girls Grades 4-5)
Practices begin February 21 at Bright, and they will be Fridays at Bright from 3-4:30 p.m. See the registration form for the game schedule. Games will be played at Baylor and away. Registration form and payment are due February 3.
Community Events for Parents
Surviving the Teen Years
Ross Szabo is speaking tonight from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at the Baylor Alumni Chapel. He is the author of "Behind Happy Faces; Taking Charge of Your Mental Health," a must-read about adolescent mental health. The event is free and open to the public.

Internet Safety
Katie Greer is speaking about Internet safety on Thursday, January 30, from 7-8 p.m. at the GPS Evans Center. She created an internet safety program used by the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office and now is a consultant for parents, teachers, administrators and law enforcement. This event is free and open to the public.
Bright Days Registration Opens Next Week
Time to start planning for summer! Bright Days summer program is for 3-year-olds through rising third graders. Registration begins next Monday. Look for more information in the February 3 Woodshop.
January 30
Spaghetti Noodle Drive

Fifth Grade vs. Faculty Basketball Game
10 a.m.

Early Dismissal: 11:30 a.m.
Teacher Conferences
January 31
No School: Teacher Conferences

February 3
2nd Grade Field Trip
February 7
Bright T-Shirt Day

3rd Grade Field Trip

February 11
Bright Family Breakfast
7-7:45 a.m.

February 12-13
First Grade Play
8:30 a.m.
What's for Lunch? Click here for the menu.
Bright Scene
Teachers, students and parents gathered last Monday and participated in the 50th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial March downtown.
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