Your Weekly eNewsletter 4.17.20
More than 180 volunteers gave over 8,000 hours last year!
The enthusiasm, dedication, and joyful spirit of our volunteers is the heartbeat of
The Thompson. Thank you for all that you've done and continue to do!
News & Updates
Woodstock Area Relief Fund COVID-19

The Woodstock Area Relief Fund provides immediate and timely financial assistance to residents of the greater Woodstock area who are unable to meet their basic household needs due to the economic disruption caused by the COVID-19 crisis. Please see more here
Vermont Legal Aid Covid-19 Town Halls

Vermont Legal Aid is hosting a series of 30-minute virtual town halls on legal issues related to the Covid-19 crisis. The next session is on April 23 at 10am: Unemployment Benefit Changes

Attend online at  or listen in by phone at 1 (301) 715-8592 or 1 (888) 788-0099 (meeting ID:  923-1186-6366) .  

More legal information related to COVID-19 is available at
Age Well
Local Grocery Shopping Options During COVID-19 Community Response:
Barnard General Store is offering Curbside Pick-Up & Delivery. Free Delivery service is only for Barnard Residents who are elderly, or who have compromised immune systems or are quarantined. There will be a limit of one delivery per week, per household. Curbside pick-up of groceries is also available for Barnard residents. Call the Barnard General Store for details at 234-9688 or email [email protected] . Barnard Helping Hands and Barnard BEES have volunteers in place for deliveries.

Thompson Center volunteers are in place in all of the communities we serve to help shop for and deliver vital necessities. Thompson volunteers will typically shop on Tuesdays and Fridays – those days are subject to change based on volunteer availability - and ample advance notice is requested by calling The Thompson Center.

Each town has resources and plans in place to assist people during their time of need. In the event of needing more support please call your town’s emergency phone number as listed below.

Woodstock Emergency Management   hotline  at 802-457-7516.
Emergency Manager - David Green

Bridgewater Emergency Management Team:
Selectboard Chair - Lynne Bertram: 802-342-0784
Town Health Officer - Ellen Quinn: 802-281-0615
Emergency Management Coordinator - Josh Maxham:

Barnard Emergency Management Team:
Contingencies and updates will be concentrated on the Barnard town website:
Selecboard Chair - Rock Webster: 802-234-9391
Town Health Officer - Tom Morse: 802-356-3576
Emergency Management Coordinator - Mike Manning: 802-234-5263

Pomfret Emergency Management Team:
Emergency Management Director - Kevin Rice: 802-356-7643
Town Health Officer - Hugh Hermann MD: 802-457-1200 office,
802-457-1300 home

See more specifics on grocery shopping on page 3.
For state information & resources dial 2-1-1
For online information visit
FREE ONLINE Health and Wellness Programs April - June 2020
All Health and Wellness workshops are free to all.
Please register with  Sarah Doyle at (802) 289-0045 or [email protected]
Diabetes Management
Session ONE
Location:  ONLINE
Start: Wednesdays
 April 15th - May 20th 
Time: 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm

Session TWO
Location:  ONLINE
Start: Fridays
 April 17th - May 22nd 
Time: 4:00 pm -6:00pm
Chronic Disease Management
Location:    ONLINE
Sessions Start: Thursdays
April 16th- May 21st 2020
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
 or  5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Chronic Pain Management
Location:    ONLINE
Sessions Start: Mondays
April 13th - May 18th 2020
Time:   9:00 am - 10:30 am
 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Diabetes Prevention Program
Bring your favorite morning beverage and join Sarah and Lara for weekly online Lifestyle Coaching 
Location:    ONLINE with ZOOM
Sessions Start: Tuesdays
April 14th- July 28th 2020
Time: Mornings
 1 0:00 am - 11:00 pm

The Elder Justice Project
If you have a friend, neighbor or loved one who may need assistance we are here to help! The Elder Justice Project provides confidential support, information and assistance with any of the difficult situations described below. We take a client-centered approach, which means you drive the bus along the way. The Elder Justice Project advocates for what you want.
Abuse in later life (ALL) refers to willful abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation of an older adult that occurs within an ongoing relationship where there is an expectation of trust. Power and control dynamics are often present in these deeply personal cases and thus present unique challenges that require a specialized response.
These cases are often complicated. Older victims may be healthy and active, or they may have physical or cognitive limitations. These victims may be in contact with the justice system, social services, health care, faith communities, and the aging services network. The abuser may be a spouse, intimate partner, family member, or caregiver. All situations are different and unique to your life.  
If you would like assistance, please feel free to contact Keely Marie at The Elder Justice Project,
802-698-8310, [email protected] . Helpline at Senior Solutions Toll Free 866-673-8376 or
locally 802-885-2669.
Active Aging
Take Tai Chi in the
Comfort of your Home!
Tai Chi Instructor, Anne Bower, has organized a schedule of online Tai Chi classes offered through Zoom, a FREE wireless screen sharing app. The following is a list of classes which can also be found on our website with live links to access the online classes.
Fall Prevention Tai Chi Mondays 10-11am
Sun 73 forms Tai Chi Wednesdays 11-12pm
Yang 24 Forms Tai Chi Fridays 10-11am
Introduction to Tai Chi Saturdays 11-12pm
For more information, email Anne at: [email protected] or visit her website at
Strength & Stretch
Zoom Classes

Exercise is more important now more than ever to keep our immunity and bodies physically and mentally strong. Liz is now offering online classes via Zoom. The schedule will be every Tuesday and Thursday at 10:30 am until May 28.

Below is information on how to join:

Meeting ID: 276 977 822
Password: 897561

For more information, contact Liz directly
802-522-9273 or  [email protected] om

Curbside Pick-Up Menu
Call the day before to order take-out & pick-up from your car between 12:00 - 12:30 pm  
Do you or someone you care for need a wheelchair or other medical equipment, help with taxes or applying for Medicare, caregiver referrals, help with odd jobs around the house, have transportation needs? Just ask us!    Click here for more information