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LGBT News for December 2020
Links and videos of interest to the mature LGBT adult are just a click away.
The Memorial Quilt Is Getting a Virtual World AIDS Day Exhibition
The AIDS Memorial Quilt is going digital for World AIDS Day.

The National AIDS Memorial, the caretaker of the quilt, is inviting individuals, businesses, and nonprofits across the United States to participate in a pioneering virtual exhibition.

In past years, the memorial worked with partners to create thousands of displays showcasing portions of the quilt, a moving memorial that pays tribute to victims of the AIDS crisis within its panels, timed to World AIDS Day.

Since this is now impossible due to COVID-19, display hosts are invited this year to curate quilt selections in a digital space organized by state, which can be viewed online for the world to see. This will also be the first-ever 50-state exhibition of the quilt.

LGBTQ people of color keep breaking election barriers. And it 'feels amazing.'
Kimberly Jackson, an Episcopal church leader in Atlanta, made history last week when she was the first Black lesbian elected to Georgia’s state Senate. She was excited about winning — and doing so with 80 percent of the vote — as well as making history. Then her election win got even sweeter.

Shortly after Election Day, a constituent approached Jackson at the gym and informed her that part of her district intersects with one represented by Karla Drenner, Georgia’s first openly gay state representative, who has been in the state House of Representatives for nearly 20 years.

10 Ways Biden Can Support LGBTQ People
From setting public health goals to achieve the end of the U.S. HIV epidemic to creating a federal plan to address the violence against transgender people, especially Black transgender women, here’s a list of 10 actions President Biden can take to support LGBTQ people during his first week in office.

Watch Lifetime's Sweet, Gay Holiday Trailer for 'The Christmas Setup'
We've said it before and we'll say it again: 2020 is the year of the gay yuletide. Last night, Hallmark Channel debuted their first holiday film featuring an LGBTQ+ lead storyline with The Christmas House. Later this week, Hulu is getting into the fair with the much-anticipated lesbian romcom Happiest Season. And today, we've found the trailer for Lifetime's The Christmas Setup.

WLEN Peer Workers Available by Phone for Socialization and Referrals/Resources
If you are in need of resources or socialization during this challenging time, please reach out to our WLEN Peer Workers, Joan and Dot. They are available to chat and break up your day, or assist you in getting the resources you need to stay home and stay safe during the COVID crisis.

To reach us, just email [email protected], we check our email regularly, someone will reach
out to you with the best time to call.

Stay safe and stay healthy everyone!
Trans woman becomes mother to eight orphaned children after being abandoned herself at the age of five
Manisha lives in the Indian town of Pakhanjur in Chhattisgarh, where she has taken seven girls and one boy under her wing. Although she struggles to make ends meet she is determined to provide them all with the loving home she was denied as a child.

"I can understand the pain of not being loved and cared for. So, whenever I come across an orphan, I take that child home with me,” she told Gaon Connection.

Manisha knew she was different from a young age and was cruelly ostracised for it. At school she was chased away by other children, and at home her parents locked her indoors so she wouldn’t “malign” their honour.

There are only 15 lesbian bars left in the entire country. This campaign is trying to save them https://www.lesbianbarproject.com/
Supper and Lunch are Cancelled!
In the best interest of public health, sadly, the Rainbow Supper and lunches scheduled in September are cancelled. Please stay tuned and check your inbox for updates regarding the status of future Rainbow Lunches and Suppers.
LGBTQ Retirement: Looking Back to Look Forward
Despite recent gains made toward equality, many LGBTQ retirees have suffered decades of personal, professional and financial discrimination, styming their ability to prepare for retirement over the long term. That’s why to truly understand the retirement savings gap many face now, you have to look back at the historical maelstrom of systemic forces that made (and in many ways still make) financial stability and success more difficult for the LGBTQ community.

Laid-Off Bartender Stopped ‘Binge-Watching TV’ And Started A Food Drive For LGBTQ Seniors — He’s Already Raised Thousands
Story is from May, 2020, but worthy of sharing!

BOYSTOWN — A public relations worker and bartender who lost his jobs due to the pandemic has filled his newfound free time with creating a food drive for LGBTQ seniors at the Center on Halsted.

Danny Beers, of Edgewater, started collecting donations two weeks into Illinois’ stay at home order because he was “tired of binge-watching TV and needed some more purpose.” He’s now raised thousands of dollars and donated so much food the center is giving it away to non-residents.

12 Ways to Help Senior Citizens Have a Happy Holiday Season Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic and Beyond
Aside from the potentially deadly physical effects of the coronavirus pandemic, the COVID-19 crisis poses even more risks for senior citizens: Crippling loneliness, anxiety, and depression stemming from the isolation they face as a high-risk group. Elderly persons who are already at risk of feeling alone during the Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Year season and their respective celebrations may feel even lower this year as populations around the world are encouraged to stay home and continue social distancing amid spikes in infection rates.

As downright depressing as these circumstances may be, there are still ways to connect with seniors during the 2020 holiday season to ensure that they’re both safe from disease but still happy, fulfilled, and festive. These experts provided their best tips on how we can all help senior citizens remain happy and healthy during the 2020 holidays.

WLEN– Worcester LGBT Elder Network, is a joint effort of Elder Services of Worcester Area Inc.,
Central Massachusetts Agency on Aging and the Worcester Senior Center.