"From Here to There and Everywhere"
Words - they're everywhere - written and spoken - all hours of the day. Words of declaration. Words of challenge. Words of empathy. Words of affirmation.
As we meet and greet many of you, this is what we hear about words:
- some of you don't hear many words each day
so are grateful to come into the store and
hear a human voice and just visit
- some of you are listening to the news a lot and are
tired of all the words and just want to wander
in a place full of beauty
- some of you have heard the angst and frustration of
others around you and just want to send out
beautiful words of support to the
world around us
- some of you want to surround yourself with words of
affirmation to help you stay focused on the good
and beautiful
- we all can use words of encouragement every day
- even one kind word can change someone's day.
Let's discover "words" in World's Window