Spring has arrived in Southern Nevada. The rays of light seem to be penetrating giving us the warmth that a " being" finds refreshing, invigorating and energizing. Mother Earth is giving us the entr�e to be out and about creating and imagining, "what if "?
What does "What if " mean for you, a friend, family member or those you work with on a daily basis? In reading a quote from Henry Ford, his "what if" might have been, "Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success." To me, it means working with others - using ones imagination to be able to feel a change, see it, sense it, feel it and best of all redirect my focus to possibilities. No matter the descriptor or definition it is working and communicating with others. It is about us, all of us.
This past week I have had the opportunity to read and review the fine work, Practicum's, of many of those that have joined us at Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator Trainings somewhere throughout the world. The stories are touching, encouraging and most of all speak of individuals coming together with a common purpose and outcome, as Henry Ford stated, "...working together is success."
Individually, how can we create a difference for others thus changing ourselves?
Warmest Wishes,
~ Yours friends at the Company of Experts |
Introductory AI Workshop: Creating What Will Be
The Center for Appreciative Inquiry is happy to announce the release of its 2-day introductory Appreciative Inquiry course "Creating What Will Be".
This two-day introduction Appreciative Inquiry (AI) workshop focuses on gaining an appreciation of Appreciative Inquiry and its applications. The objective of this course is to strengthen the capacity of your use in participatory approaches at work or at home through the use of appreciative and assets-based approaches that encourage greater self-reliance, identification of local assets, and promotion of improved decision-making within groups, teams, and organizations as a whole. By combining theory and practice, this experiential workshop provides participants with the skills to change their personal and professional relationships. Learn More>
Appreciative Inquiry Coaching Training (AICT)
Infuse Appreciative Inquiry into your coaching practice to strengthen the positive core of both you and your clients.Discover how to use your existing coaching skills within the energizing and affirming framework of Appreciative Inquiry to deepen and enhance both your personal sense of yourself as well as your skills as a coach.
The " Appreciative Inquiry Coaching Training (AICT)" is an intensive 5 day course and will comprise of a full Appreciative Inquiry into our collective experience of Appreciative Inquiry and Coaching. Together we will explore and experience each of the 5 D's as it relates to one-on-one relationships (between a coach and client). The practicum, which participants will submit for certification, will embody "Destiny" as you apply the lessons taught during this course into your coaching work.

The Appreciative Inquiry Coaching Training (AICT) is approved by the International Coach Federation (ICF) for 25.4 Continuing Coach Education Units (CCEUs) with the following breakdown: 21.6 Core Competencies and 3.8 Resource Development. CCEUs give coaches an opportunity to continue their professional development. Coaches will learn how to use the AI process, originally designed for use with an organization, system or group, as a process for coaching someone one-on-one. Learn More>
Reconnecting with Our Early Intention
We all want to be better FOR the world; reconnect with your early intentions through this simple exercise
When you find yourself in a state of questioning your leadership contribution, I believe it is worth looking at the early part of your journey. Your memory might be scattered or faint. It might take time to remember anything at all. But I am sure there were secret daydreams, fairy encounters, heroes you admired, books you were fascinated by, a painful experience that triggered a quest, a silent promise to yourself, dreams of discovery, visions of being a saviour, empathy with suffering, an identification with heroes who represent deeper human values. Read Full Article>> |
Your Phone vs. Your Heart
What is more important, your phone or your friends? Barbara Fredrickson stresses the importance of connecting with others & the dangers of opting for your phone...
CAN you remember the last time you were in a public space in America and didn't notice that half the people around you were bent over a digital screen, thumbing a connection to somewhere else? Most of us are well aware of the convenience that instant electronic access provides. Less has been said about the costs. Research that my colleagues and I have just completed, to be published in a forthcoming issue of Psychological Science, suggests that one measurable toll may be on our biological capacity to connect with other people. Read Full Article>> |
Louisa Jewell, Psychologist: The Positive Principle
'When we are elevated by other people, it causes us to feel better, to feel happier. It also causes us to behave more virtuously ourselves.'
"From a scientific standpoint, [positivity] creates an opportunity for elevation. When we are elevated by other people, it causes us to feel better, to feel happier," she says. "It also causes us to behave more virtuously ourselves. It broadens our minds to what is possible." Psychologist Jonathan Haidt, author of The Happiness Hypothesis, has attracted attention for his theories in what has made people happy around the world and across the centuries. "Elevation is elicited by acts of virtue or moral beauty; it causes warm, open feelings in the chest; and it motivates people to behave more virtuously themselves," says Haidt. "It promotes more pro-social behaviors." Read Full Article>> |
Happiness: It's Not a Coincidence
It is said that roughly around 50-60% of an individual�s happiness is determined by biological factors and variance in circumstances. This still leaves a lion�s share to the person's own actions Happiness is not something that simply happens, but rather is created by willful effort. Aristotle and William James both draw our attention to the active role of the individual in having to strive towards their happiness and well-being (Melchert 2002; James 1892/1984). Having the freedom to construct our subjective reality brings up the question of personal responsibility.
In order to attain long-lasting results from positive interventions, one must be willing to work diligently to establish beneficial habits and attain a high degree of mastery over their consciousness. In other words, happiness requires conscientious work. Read Full Article>> |
Optimism: Is it Earned or Learned?
The study of - even search for - happiness and general well-being has been of relevance to people the world over for centuries, as indicated by the World Happiness Report. So what makes people happy? To the surprise of many analysts and leaders who focus entirely on traditional economic indicators to gauge the well-being of certain peoples, recent data from Gallup shows that may be a flawed premise. Read Full Article>> |
One Key To A Happy Team? Storytelling
Studies show that the stories we tell each other -- to our kids, our employees, and our peers -- have an impact on the emotional health of the group.
Outside of extenuating circumstances like tragedy and hardship, why are certain families happier than others? A recent article in the New York Times profiles the work of Marshall Duke, a scientist interested in ritual and myth in family life. Duke's research includes administering a test called "Do You Know?" to kids, asking them questions about where their grandparents grew up, how their parents met, and other important events in their family history. He's found that kids who know more about their families tend to be happier, ostensibly because they feel like they're part of a network--an "intergenerational self."
Duke suggests that if parents want to raise confident kids, it's important to tell them stories about their family and their beginnings. And the most powerful type of narrative--there are three major ones--is one where the family has ups and downs, as opposed to all ups or all downs. Interestingly, the same goes for companies, and even soldiers in the Army. Read Full Article>>
Creating a Culture of Patient Satisfaction Positives change methods (e.g. Appreciative Inquiry) can lead to better focus on patients
Hospital leaders increasingly recognize the connection between their cultures and patient satisfaction, and realize that many roles and people in their organizations are not inherently patient-centric. Some medical specialists, for instance, deliberately objectify patients' conditions, thereby reducing their emotional involvement with the patient. They may believe that objectifying promotes better treatment decisions and protects physicians from the stress of making incorrect decisions or being unable to help a patient. Similarly, administrators have so many processes and procedures to follow that they might feel compelled to focus more on paperwork than on serving patients. There are many elements in hospitals that steer employees away from patient-centric attitudes and behaviors. Changing hospitals to be more patient-centric requires a significant cultural change, made more difficult by the depth of current attitudes and behaviors and the complexity of hospital processes and financial pressures. For example, physicians are educated to think of themselves as experts in their specialties and are, therefore, often reluctant to adopt new attitudes and behaviors. Changing a hospital's culture is a difficult task. Read Full Article>> |
Stories and Feelings
Stories are incredible vehicles to teach lessons and set the climate for success.
Stories are incredible vehicles to teach lessons and set the climate for success. Since the beginning of time, influencers, leaders and teachers have used anecdotes as the means to communicate vital information and explanations. When used properly, the story is a powerful channel to share examples and experience in a gentle way. Anyone who needs to relate to others and seeks to move them to action needs to command the energy of stories. Good stories touch feelings, engage listeners and have a purpose.
Great speakers and leaders are storytellers. They connect with people to communicate values, vision and performance. The story is the vehicle to create engagement, fuel passion and create the energy for performance. It is a key tool for leadership emotional intelligence. Read Full Article>>
Mindfulness, Meditation, Wellness and Their Connection to Corporate America's Bottom Line
On Tuesday I'll be guest-hosting CNBC's Squawk Box, a program that bills itself as the show that "brings Wall Street to Main Street." As well as discussing Cyprus and a possible euro-crisis, we are going to discuss the growing trend in corporate America of taking steps -- meditation, yoga, mindfulness trainings -- to reduce stress and improve health and creativity. One of my guests will be Mark Bertolini, CEO of the third-largest health insurer in the country with 30,000 employees insuring 17 million people. In 2010, Aetna partnered with Duke University's School of Medicine and found that regular yoga substantially decreased stress levels and health care costs. Following this, Bertolini made yoga available to all Aetna employees nationwide and has a much bigger mission: to make sure there is research available to facilitate private as well as state and federal coverage of yoga and mind-body therapies. Read Full Article>> |
Being More Creative Brick By Brick
Thought-provoking article, Are you collecting bricks along life's path to build future experiences upon? When I was younger I remember visiting my grandparents home, an old, red bricked building with just one floor. The story was that my grandfather had built the home himself decades ago, by hand, brick by brick. He wanted to live near some land that had housed his orchard of apples, grapes, apricots, and - most understated - honey bees. So he bought up the nearby lot and built a home for his young family. Read Full Article>> |
Join Our Free Monthly Appreciative Inquiry Chats #AIChat The Center for Appreciative Inquiry is happy to announce that we will be hosting a free monthly tweet chat the first Thursday of every month!
Do you have questions about Appreciative Inquiry and its applications? The Center for Appreciative Inquiry invites you to participate in their monthly tweet chats where Appreciative Inquiry Practitioners will be online and available to answer your questions, suggest readings, and provide additional resources to help you as you continue your AI journey. Upcoming #AIChat Information: Topic: Defining the Affirmative Topic
Date: April 4, 2013 Time: 4:00pm PT / 7:00pm ET
Where: Online via Twitter
Cost: Free; no registration requiredDo you have a question that relates to the topic listed above that you would like answered? To submit a question for our upcoming #AIChat, please click here. Be sure to add your Twitter name e.g. @yourtwittername so we can credit you with the question during the #AIChat.
Become a Host for our Trainings We offer incentives to hosting organizations for their hospitality
Company of Experts is seeking host organizations throughout the world to host any of our trainings (Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator Training (AIFT), Department Chair Institute (DCI), and Leadership Development Institute(LDI)). To show our gratitude, host organizations receive two complimentary registrations for a training held on their site when minimum enrollment is met.
Host organizations may limit the training to people at their organization or it can be open to others. If the training is open, Company of Experts partner with the host organization to help promote the training. Please contact Kathy for more information.
Free Downloads:
Leadership Excellence (March 2012) - Highlighting Appreciative Inquiry
By: Various Authors
The Neuroscience of Leadership
By: David Rock & Jeffrey Schwartz
Aligning Strengths Through Appreciative Inquiry
By: Nancy Stetson
Managing with the Brain in Mind
By: David Rock |
Upcoming Events:
Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator Training (AIFT)
Location: Edmonton, Canada
Dates: April 29 - May 2, 2013
View Event Page >>
Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator Training (AIFT) Location: Las Vegas, Nevada Dates: May 20 - 23, 2013 View Event Page >>
Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator Training (AIFT)
Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Dates: May 27 - 30, 2013
View Event Page >>
Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry: Creating What Will Be Location: Las Vegas, Nevada Dates: June 3-4, 2013
Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator Training (AIFT)
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
Dates: July 9-12, 2013
Department Chair Institute (DCI) Location: Las Vegas, Nevada Dates: July 29 - 31, 2013 View Company of Experts' Entire Event Calendar
here >> |
Recent Tweets |
5 Lessons in Learning and Leadership
Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change. - Wayne W. Dyer #perception
What happens to you at the neurochemical level when a story gets your full attention? Great video explains...
Webinar video explains how you can utilize Appreciative Inquiry to define a corporate Social Media strategy
A co-creative photo project that focuses on the positive shift of attention & joy. TY 4 sharing
Video: David Cooperrider explains how Appreciative Inquiry can nurture & create encouraging environments at home/work
Videos Worth Watching
Whole Systems Healing - Interview with Diana Whitney
Description: An interview with Diana Whitney about Whole Systems Healing and Appreciative Inquiry.
Appreciative Inquiry in the Working Place
Description: Prof. John Hayes discusses Appreciative Inquiry and its use in the workplace.
The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
Description: An interesting look at what motivates us as told through a short animated drawing.
LinkedIn Conversations:
Using AI with Young Employees with High Staff Turnover
I'm working with a department where they have young and non-college degree (high school mainly) employees. The company is struggling about the high turnover about this level employees and they need help about this. Help!
When top management does not uphold the organization's values, getting them to commit to a change agenda can be challenging, especially if staff believe they don't "walk the talk." What ways have you found to overcome this?
As AI practitioners we spend a lot of time helping others discover their positive core (i.e. their strengths, best practices, positive attitudes, knowledge, skills, capabilities, etc.), but we don't always get the opportunity to discover our discuss our own. I'm curious to know how you discovered your own positive core and what you'd say is one of your greatest strengths. How Do You Deal with Resistance?Have any of you gone into an organization who resisted using AI? If so, how did you overcome the resistance? Also, I am curious how you were able to get your foot in the door to discuss the benefits of using AI.
We invite you to join our LinkedIn Group called "Discovering Appreciative Inquiry". It is an open group that allows participants to ask questions and share stories in regards to AI. All are welcome!
Webinar Recordings Available On-Demand
| Providing professional development tidbits on-the-go!
Company of Experts' webinar recordings provide you with the opportunity to learn at a time and place that is most convenient. Gather a group in a conference room or listen at your desktop when it works with your schedule. Company of Experts' webinar recordings are available for download which can be replayed as often as you wish and can be shared with with your colleagues and friends.
To view a list of our webinar recordings, please click here. |
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