St. Paul tells us in his second letter to the church in Corinth, "We fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." What is it that we fix our eyes upon if it is something unseen?
John 9 tells a story about Jesus healing a man who was blind since birth. Jesus mixed his own saliva with some dirt, spread the muddy mixture on the man’s eyes, and told him to go and wash in a pool—and the man received sight. For his entire life, this man had seen nothing but darkness, but Jesus gifted him with seeing eyes after proclaiming, “I am the light of the world.”
The apostle Paul advises God’s people not to lose heart when the troubles of this life dim our outlook on the future. When we are discouraged by the sin and injustice of the world, a broken relationship, a tough situation at work, a grim financial outlook, the current health crisis, and more, it can feel like we are sitting in a dark room. How will this ever be resolved?
It’s all about perspective and what we focus on. We can sit around with mud on our eyes, or we can wash it off and see the light of Jesus. Paul says the problems we see are temporary, but the hope we have in Jesus—though unseen—is eternal.
As you go about the rest of your week, keep an eye out for Jesus, but also keep an eye out for how Jesus might use you in the life of someone who needs to see the light of the world.