Words of Encouragement
from Joe Carpenter and Rita Winters
with a Report on the Traveling Nativity
December 8, 2020
Mary & Joseph arrive
Joe Carpenter and Rita Winters recently hosted some special guests in their home. The Winters shared some details of their time together. 

Members of the CSMSG Knitting Ministry lovingly created these travelers so that our parish may experience the traveling nativity, a modern take on the Mexican tradition of the Posada. If you would like to host these travelers, please sign up online. To learn more about this tradition, read Fr. Tom’s Words of Encouragement. Please share pictures of your experience with us. 
Mary & Joseph wine
When Mary and Joseph first arrived at our home, they seemed a bit uneasy so we offered them some wine.
Mary & Joseph watch football

Soon they relaxed and watched a little Sunday Night Football. 
Their donkey found space in the stable, but wisely steered clear of the Grinch.
Mary & Joseph dine
They enjoyed a simple supper with gold forks.
Mary & Joseph sleep
After saying a prayer, we tucked them in.
Mary & Joseph in the snow
The next morning they saw their first snowfall. Then they donned face masks for their journey from The Aberdeen apartments to Aberdeen Place. Safe travels, you three.
Oops – you four.
Sign up online to host the Traveling Nativity in your home. Please share pictures of your experience with us. 

  • Please register to attend Sunday's 8:00 AM in-person, worship service by 11 PM Saturday.

  • Please register to attend Sunday's 9:00 AM in-person, worship service by 11 PM Saturday.

  • Please register to attend Sunday's 10:00 AM in-person, worship service by 11 PM Saturday.

  • Sunday outdoor services are on the playground and parking on Wydown is encouraged.

  • Those following the Sunday online service at 10 AM may download the Sunday Morning Prayer service leaflet posted on the webWe join with one voice in the Worship of the living God.