Words of Encouragement
from Mary Beth Tipton and Amy Zimmerman
September 26, 2020
Revelation 12:7 Then a war broke out in the sky: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon. The dragon fought together with his angels...

This past Sunday we held Children’s Eucharist for the first time since mid-March. We met in the Page Garden, wore masks, and sat spaced apart. Brett Rutledge, our Children’s Chapel leader, talked about Michael the Archangel and our church’s yearly celebration of our namesake. Fr. Peter Speropulos celebrated and administered Eucharist.

Afterwards I asked a few children what they learned about St. Michael.

Claire and Nora (in unison): “He fought the dragon!”

Avery: “He was one of the holy Archangels and he helped fight against the bad angels and kept us safe.”
Palmer: “He watches over us.”

After such a long absence, having children back at church sharing Eucharist outside on a beautiful fall day and getting to talk with them felt like a holy experience. It reminds me of the quote about “appealing to the better angels of our nature” which I have heard a number of times this political season. It brought me joy and hope. It inspired me to try to do and be better, kinder, and more merciful, at least for that moment. I am only human after all!

Please look for information about future Children's Chapel Services in our newsletter. Tomorrow Children’s Ministry will participate in the St. Michael’s Sunday Drive-Thru Celebration. We look forward to seeing everyone in their decorated cars. We will hand out lesson packets for the next part of our Beatitudes Curriculum. Please remember to bring donations of school supplies for our neighbors at Last Days Apostolic Church. They need a variety of items such as wide-ruled notebooks and paper, highlighters, rules, erasers, dry erase markers and erasers, index cards, pocket folders, markers, crayons, colored pencils, and Papermate pens.

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen

Mary Beth and Amy

  • Please register to attend Sunday's 8:00 AM in-person, outdoor worship service by 11 PM Saturday.

  • Please register to attend Sunday's 9:00 AM in-person, outdoor worship service by 11 PM Saturday.

  • Please register to attend Sunday's 10:00 AM in-person, outdoor worship service by 11 PM Saturday.

  • Sunday services are on the playground and parking on Wydown is encouraged.

  • Those following the Sunday online service at 10 AM may download the Sunday Morning Prayer service leaflet posted on the webWe join with one voice in the Worship of the living God.