Once I served a congregation with a choir comprised of volunteer choristers, and it had its challenges like many church choirs. It was not uncommon to hear a flat note or something off-key. But Wednesday night after Wednesday night they faithfully came to practice, and Sunday after Sunday, they sang to the glory of God. One Sunday morning, the anthem was particularly fine. The choir was splendid. When they finished the anthem, there was a silence, and into that silence, a small child said in a loud voice, “Good!” It was one of those church moments when you had to be there. The congregation was united – the child spoke what we all felt, and when he did, we were overcome not only by amusement at the spontaneity but grateful that he spoke the truth for all of us. It was good, and we all knew it. Such moments are priceless – literally. You cannot buy them. You get them free when you’re part of the community and show up week after week.
This time of the year you can find about a gazillion stewardship sermons striving to hit just the right note. I’ve heard them all, and I’ve preached many of them. And right off the bat, let’s acknowledge that we all know the church needs to keep the lights on and pay salaries. But that’s not the best reason to support the church financially. The church, with all its admitted faults, is the place where God’s love empowers the faithful to face off against the forces of evil and death. It’s the place that fosters essential community and strengthens people for good. Week after week. The appointed round of Biblical texts are read aloud that tell of God’s love for all people and God’s desire for justice. Anyone can find them online, but the church is where you have to hear them, whether you like it or not. It’s the place where the gospel of Christ confronts the challenges of the world and it’s where we are asked to stay in it for the long haul no matter how we feel at the moment.
In this time of anxiety and stress, technology allows us to talk with people around the globe, but it’s not so good at fostering the kind of community that truly supports and nurtures. Even in these hard times when we can’t come together as usual and when we long for the end of Zoom, the parish church of St. Michael and St. George continues to thrive and to proclaim the Gospel of Christ’s love. There’s no substitute. And it’s up to us to make sure that it thrives.