“Resolve to be tender with the
young, compassionate with the
aged, sympathetic with the
striving, and tolerant of the weak
and the wrong. Sometime in life
you will have been all of these.”
~George Washington Carver
Master Class Course III
with Lama Surya Das
New and seasoned practitioners from any spiritual tradition may join Master Classes,
One Saturday per month thru April 2023
On Demand Viewing & Download Available
"Dharma Dances"
Session 2
What is BuddhaNature?
Saturday, October 15, 2022
11 AM to 1 PM EDT
What does it mean to be more
transparent to and live out our
innate BuddhaNature, our original goodness, our best Self?
Join Lama Surya Das for the
Live Virtual Advanced Meditation Retreat
"Living Enlightenment:
Being Dzogchen, Exercising SuperAwareness"
October 21-23, 2022
Friday evening thru Sunday afternoon
Together let's discover the way of
Dzogchen - the Dharma that contains
and embraces all dharma.
Become a Member of the Dzogchen Center
Special benefits for members!
Tap into your mystic heart and uncorrupted Spirit. Unfold your mystic potential like you are planting a seed to grow and strengthen it as you expand your mystic prowess.
Sponsored by Infinity Foundation
"Awakening the Buddhist
Mystic Within"
November 12 & 13, 2022
A Two-Day Workshop
Join Lama Surya Das
for Live Virtual
Meditation Town Hall
Open to All and Free of Charge
Meditation, Prayers, Teachings
11 AM to 12 PM ET