EU review and the impact of US presidential election on global trade 
Webinar - 15th December 2020 from 3:00 pm - 4:30pm

We are very pleased that our panellists will be:
  • Alan Rides MD Hounslow Chamber of Commerce - Former DIT Trade Officer
  • David Billingsby - International Trade Advisor - mtxpress
  • Sebastian Barillot - Supply Chain -Whysebird
  • Nick Farmer, Partner - Menzies 
  • Nauzar Manekshaw - Director – Branduin Business Support

Trends in trade: 
  • What impact will Brexit have on supply chains? 
  • What are the new standards and rules?
  • What are the implications of the BIden incoming Presidency - Issues with Northern Ireland have quickly been cleared as announced by Michael Gove 8/12/20
  • What will be the effect on global trade for 2021, COVID / BREXIT / BIDEN

Trade receivable finance:
  • A new landscape and outlook
  • What FOREX issues do you need to understand and how can you best protect your business from a fast moving volatile market?

Followed by Q&As

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If you have missed our webinars, you can watch them now: 
Hounslow moves ahead with Streetspace engagement

The next round of Hounslow's Low Traffic Neighbourhood and Streetspace engagement will start this month.

The online consultation will now be extended until 31 January 2021 to allow any further representation to be made following these engagement sessions.

The feedback gained during this engagement will be considered alongside other data, including road safety, air quality, and traffic data, in determining the future of the proposals.

Events will take place as follows.

  • 17 December 2020 19.00 Bedfont, Feltham, Hanworth, Heston, Cranford and Central Hounslow
  • 18 December 2020 19.00 Brentford
  • 21 December 2020 19.00 Businesses - boroughwide
  • 7 January 2021 19.00 Businesses - boroughwide
  • 8 January 2021 19.00 Chiswick North
  • 11 January 19.00 Chiswick South
  • 12 January 2021 19.00 Isleworth

#KeepitLocal in Hounslow!

Our ‘Keep it Local’ campaign supports local businesses in the lead up to Christmas. We are encouraging residents to do their Christmas shopping locally, as businesses can remain open under Tier 2 restrictions.

‘Keep it local’ showcases independent businesses from across the borough and encourages residents to support local businesses after a difficult year.

If you would like your business featured email:

Find out businesses who are taking part in the campaign HERE

To keep an eye on the campaign, follow our Twitter account @LBofHounslow
The HMRC Employer Bulletin (December 2020, Issue 87) includes a host of useful information including the extension to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, VAT deferral and VAT reverse charge measures for the construction industry, Virtual Christmas Parties and Brexit transition updates.

There’s also a timely reminder about how to report PAYE Real Time Information early due to Christmas.
Skills Escalator Business Mentoring Programme

This programme is for residents of Hounslow, in receipt of means tested welfare benefits, in work (self-employed/sole trading) or recently made unemployed and either running or hoping to start a successful business

If this is you, we can help with free business mentoring from entrepreneurs who have run their own businesses.

  • Offering up to 6 hours of 1 to 1 mentoring,
  • Focusing on how to make money doing something you love,
  • Work flexibly,
  • Be your own boss and reduce your dependency on means tested benefits
  • Reduce your dependency on benefits

Sign up to the next Work Hounslow event called ‘How to start a business without any money' here 

You can also contact Elizabeth Whenu via email: [email protected] or on 07790359392
The Bank of England has just published its December Financial Stability Report. Please find the links below:

Also here is the link to the FSR press conference from this morning:

The Financial Conduct Authority have launched their Loan Fee Fraud Campaign to raise awareness of the issue and encourage people to go through the 3-step loan fraud checklist to protect themselves.
Loan-fee fraud is a type of scam that targets people who are looking for loans online. Scammers then contact the victims to offer them a loan but ask for an upfront fee. Scammers often pressure people to pay the upfront fee quickly, or they might ask for payment in an unusual way such as with vouchers or a money transfer. Ultimately, the victim never receives the loan.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, income for households has fallen by a quarter on average. Around 12 million people in Britain are likely to struggle with bills and loan repayments.
FCA Loan Fee Fraud

Loan fee fraud occurs when people pay an upfront fee for a loan they never receive. The good news is that you can protect yourself with this quick three-step check:

  • If you’re asked to pay an upfront fee, it could be a scam.
  • If you’re asked to pay quickly, it could be a scam.
  • If you’re asked to pay in an unusual way, such as vouchers or money transfer, it could be a scam.

Always check that the provider is authorised by the FCA before you borrow. Visit the FCA’s Financial Services Register.
Cyber Crime – sadly owing to Covid-19 there has been a dramatic increase in cyber crime. Please click here so you don’t become be a victim. Having been a victim of a scam, back in July, I know how horrible it makes you feel.
Feasibility study into possible Greater London Boundary Charge for non-Londoners

The Mayor has called on the Government to allow the Capital to keep the £500m raised annually from Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) charged to London-based drivers. Despite this money being collected from drivers who live in London, ministers spend this huge sum almost exclusively outside the capital, with Transport for London (TfL) left to fund maintenance of major roads in Greater London from fares income.
The Mayor has said that unless London is allowed to keep the £500m a year Londoners pay in VED, other ways of raising this money will be needed to help overcome our unprecedented financial challenges and achieve the aims of the Mayor's Transport Strategy. He has asked us to investigate the feasibility of a new Greater London Boundary Charge for non-residents, which would apply only to vehicles registered outside London that are driven into the capital.

A small charge of this nature could have significant benefits in terms of managing congestion, reducing emissions and encouraging more use of sustainable modes of transport. Income from the charge would also be reinvested in the capital’s transport network. Our feasibility study will need to establish whether such a scheme would be effective in delivering key existing policy objectives at the same time as providing essential income for London’s transport network.
Initial estimates suggest a scheme like the Greater London Boundary Charge for non-residents – if levied at £3.50 a day and applying only to non-Londoners – could reduce the total number of weekday car trips across the GLA boundary by 10 to 15 per cent and raise around £500m a year. The worst polluters could be charged more to encourage those who do need to drive to do so in the cleanest vehicles, resulting in further air quality benefits.
Following the outcome of the feasibility study, a thorough public consultation process would be required before any charge could be introduced, in addition to economic, environmental and equality impact assessments. Development of the scheme, consultation, and implementation would take at least two years.
The Mayor’s request to TfL to begin examining the feasibility of a new charge comes as an independent review of our long-term future funding and financing options is published. The full press release can be found here:
2020 has been a shocker of a year for so many people in so many ways.
But amongst the tragedy and hardship, there has been a great positivity in the way that businesses and individuals have worked to find ways to help their neighbours and communities.
At Simon Inc, we have also embraced this new localism, and over the past few months we've focussed on doing more work with charities and projects which support our own local community. Please click here to learn more.
Chamber member, Smart digitalPARTNERS offer a basket of Services in Business Transformations with a focus on digital - Cloud Platforms, eCommerce, Big data & Analytics.
Covid19 is providing us new challenges together with new opportunities, our Business Transformations - Advisory, Consulting Model and Tie-ups, offers the SME Customer a Complete Retail Solution :

These are excellent opportunities to take your customer online alongside your traditional presence.

Please do contact Basil Fernandes on: 07821 196033 or visit:

November issue of Let's Talk Business out now

West London Local Chambers & Hounslow Chamber of Commerce are the primary support, networking, and representation organisation in west London for SMEs.

We support the interests, the commercial aspirations and the investment from businesses in Ealing, Hounslow and Hammersmith & Fulham - the Chamber is the voice for all businesses located in the borough