FREE Healy Wellness Wearable Frequency Device & 120 Apps
Work From Home
USA Grand Opening - May 1 to 15 - Help People's Health & Well Being
Make $ by Helping People Improve their Health.

"I am using a New, Inexpensive, FDA Approved, Medical Device for Greatly Reducing my Pain, Foot Neuropathy, and Increasing my Overall Well Being.

I was so stoked with the Results that I want to tell the rest of the World about Frequency Based Wellness. Without PILLS!" Alan Gough - Healy User
Dr. Bruce Lipton refers to this as "Frequency Based Energy Medicine"
"Future Medicine is the Medicine of Frequencies" - Einstein
Today's Wellness is Frequency based Using Healy
I have been using many different types of wellness technology like Bemer Matts, BioMedici, Tens and others.
"Through my 90 days of personal use with Healy Wearable Wellness technology I have gotten most impressive results that I was not able to obtain with other wellness devices." Alan Gough
Healy is In 40 Countries Around The World
Healy's Parent Company is located in Germany.They have been in business for over 14 years and have over 500,000 users of Timewaver Products that use Frequency and Voltage for Wellness. Timewaver has its roots in RIFE and Tesla quantum physics technology.

Healy is the Brain Child of Quantum Physicist Marcus Schmieke, who has successfully reduced the size and expense of Timewaver products into what is now known as Healy.

Healy - 2nd Fastest Growing Worldwide Wellness Company this Year !
Frequency based wellness is something Dr’s Like Dr Royal Rife perfected back in the early 1900’s.

Today American friends can own technology superior to RIFE at a Fraction of the cost.

The new wearable wellness device from Healy is Like a Homeopathic Doctor in Your Pocket.

I Use My Healy for my FOOT NEUROPATHY and Well Being. Best results from anything I’ve tried !
Healy has over 120 Different Apps
to Suit Your Health, Wellness and Well-being
Healy is available in 4 different wellness based configurations. The physical Healy device is the same in the 4 configurations. It is the wellness apps that are different in the 4 configurations.
Healy Resonance is the flagship product as it offers the most advanced wellness applications that perform:
-Dietary Analysis
-Vitamin Analysis
-Aura Reading and re-balancing & Much

SAVE $1000 !!

Email Us Here and Request the Coupon Code for the Healy Resonance - Save $1000.
ORDER Healy Holistic Health BEFORE MAY 15 for $1000. and Receive Holistic Health +
SAVE $500 !!

Email Us Here and Request the Coupon Code for the Healy Holistic Health +
Save $500.
Healy with the Gold Wellness App is a one time ONLY $500, and offers the potential to save you thousands of dollars on doing away with future medications (subject to your Doctors approval).

For a limited Time until May 15, 2020 order the Healy with Gold App and GET UPGRADED for FREE to the Healy Holistic Health app ( A $500 value upgrade at NO Charge !

Email Us Here and Request the Coupon Code for the Healy Holistic Health
Save $500.

USA Grand Opening
Healy Specials
Good till May 15, or while supplies last

Order Healy Gold for $500 - FREE upgrade to Healy Holisitc Health (save $500)

Order Healy Holisitc Health for $1000 - FREE upgrade to Healy Holisitc Health + ( save $500 )

Order Healy Holisitc Health + - FREE upgrade to Healy Resonance
( save $1000 )

Healy Resonance is the flagship product as it offers the most advanced wellness applications that perform:
-Dietary Analysis
-Vitamin Analysis
-Aura Reading and re-balancing
Order Three Healy Resonance at $2500 and get one Resonance FREE
(save $2500 !!!)
Compare the Features of the 4 Healy Apps, and you will see that the Healy Resonance is the most powerful and sophisticated wearable wellness technology APP in the market today.

Healy is the World Leader in Wearable Wellness Frequency Based Technology.

ORDER Before May 15 to SAVE $1000 !

Healy is a micro current medical device that has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for relief of acute, chronic, and arthritis pain and muscle soreness due to overexertion. Healy also has non-medical applications that use individualized frequencies to help balance your mind and body and relieve stress. Always use your Healy in accordance with its instructions for use.
HealAdvisor Analyse App:
Emerging science supports the use of Information Field analysis and optimizations as goals or affirmations. Information Field analysis and optimizations are not intended to diagnose, treat, mitigate, cure or prevent disease and are not substitutes for examination or treatment by a medical doctor or other healthcare professional.
Healy provides personalized information that can help users understand how to improve their level of wellbeing, vitality and awareness. Healy information should not be the only information relied on to make legal, business, medical or personal relationship decisions, and the manufacturer specifically disclaims any responsibility for user actions based on Healy information.
HealAdvisor Search App
The HealAdvisor App and its recommendations are meant to guide you in getting the best use of the Healy frequency programs, not to cure, treat, mitigate, diagnose or prevent disease or provide medical advice. If you believe you may have a medical condition, always consult a healthcare professional.
HealAdvsior Digital Nutrition App
The content displayed by the Digital Nutrition App does not constitute medical advice, which can only be provided by a medical professional. The substances, foods and Healy programs displayed are recommendations that depend on user input. If you have or suspect food intolerances, allergies, deficiencies or medical conditions, or if a supplement regimen has been recommended by a health practitioner, you should consult a physician or other healthcare professional before following these recommendations.
Healy Watch
Healy Watch is intended to support vitality and well-being, and is not a substitute for medical advice, which can only be provided by a medical professional. The physiological measurements displayed on Healy Watch and in the Healy Watch App are designed to help you develop healthier habits and meet your fitness and wellness goals, to guide you in using the programs available in your Healy, and to alert you to information that may make a consultation with a healthcare provider appropriate. No claims are made that Healy Watch or Healy Watch App readings are diagnostic of the presence or absence of any medical conditions.

Health, Wellness & Wealth Opportunities
Health & Wellness Issues Effect Us All
Do You Know Friends and Loved Ones
in the United States of America with health issues?

There NOW is an inexpensive way to treat the ROOT CAUSE of Aches, pains and emotional upsets without pills , complications, side effects or expensive therapy, and on going prescriptions!

Traditional Allopathic Pill Based Medicine
is Expensive and has Many Side Effects.
Healy Frequency Wellness is 90% more effective at wellness delivery when compared to Allopathic Medicine, Says Dr Bruce Lipton and others!

Many Healy users do not need Pill Based medication after using Healy for a month or more. Of course you must talk to your Doctor and get their approval before changing any of your prescription and non prescription regimens.

Imagine the hundreds and thousands of dollars you will save over time, by doing away with medication's that your Dr can take you off of (only on Dr's recommendations) once you see the amazing results that Healy Frequency Based Wellness Technology will have on your mind body and spirit.

Healy reads your bodies frequencies using a built in Quantum sensor, and upon evaluating your bodies information field, Healy then sends the appropriate frequencies to your body to treat the root cause issues that effect your health.

There is no other Wellness technology out there that does what Healy does. That's one of the reasons Healy is such a popular device in Europe and 40 other locations, and why Healy is the 2nd fastest growing Wellness Networking company in the World.

Come Join us on this exciting health and wellness opportunity, and if you are like me, tell your friends and family of your wellness success's with Healy.

Healy offers an amazing wealth aspect to the business which is one of the best in the world as well. While you share your wellness stories with others and they acquire Healy, you can earn up to 40% commission on Healy and its 140 different wellness apps!

30 DAY FAST START BONUS - Great Ways to Get Healy's for Free

Sign up 3 people within 30 days of your sign up into Healy who each purchase a Healy Gold, Holistic Health, Holistic Health +, or Healy Resonance and you will receive a Free Healy with the same apps as the three who purchased.

For example, if you signup three people for the Healy Holistic Health + and they order before May 15, they will get the FREE upgrade to the Healy Resonance Product.

Since all three people signed up within the 30 day fast start (the fast start commences the same day as your sign up date) for the Healy Holistic Health plus they get the Free $1000 dollar value upgrade to Resonance for the cost of Holistic Health +. You will also get a FREE Healy Resonance !  

Healy is waiving the annual $49.95 Membership fee, until May 1, 2020 , if you enroll people as Healy World Partners.
Contact Information
General Information

I recommend you contact us by Phone at:
for help with any order & sign up questions

Our email address is:

To Your Health & Wellness
Cheers, Alan Gough