Cause of death.
Fatally crushed by forklift.
Fatally struck by truck.
Fatally crushed by forklift.
Electrocuted when derrick contacted power line.
Fatally crushed by falling boxes.
Died in fall from rafters.
Fatally struck by falling blocks.
Fatally crushed between tail gate and truck.
Electrocuted by contact with meter box.
Electrocuted by lighting system.
Fatally crushed by auger.
Fatally crushed by dump truck.
Died in fall between roof rafters.
Fatally crushed by forklift boom.
Fatally struck by pump jack.
Died in fall from ladder.
Fatally crushed by trailer chasis.
Fatally struck by forklift.
Drowned in retention pond.
Fatally struck by porcelain slabs.
Electrocuted by residential condensing unit.
Electrocuted by contact with power line.
Suffered fatal injury after tripping and striking truck.
Died in fall from attic.
Died of heat stroke.
Fatally injured in fall on working surface.
Fatally struck by forklift.
Fatally burned in trailer fire.
Died in fall through roof.
Fatally crushed by bowling pin setter machine.
Electrocuted by lumber saw.
Died in fall from scaffold.
Electrocuted while replacing ice machine.
Fatally struck by falling tree.
Fatally crushed by falling vehicle.
Died in fall from ladder.
Fatally crushed by compact tract loader.
Fatally struck by drunk driver.
Died in trench collapse.
Died in trench collapse.
Fatally crushed by excavator.
Fatally struck by truck.
Died in trench collapse.
Fatally struck by falling bag of resin pellets.
Died from heat stroke.
Electrocuted by communications cable.
Died of heat stroke.
Died in fall from roof.
Sustained fatal burns from electrical switch.
Died in fall from ladder.
Fatally struck by door.
Died in fall from scaffold.
Died in fall through floor.
Fatally injured by boring machine.
Fatally struck by drill bit.
Worker fatally struck by falling ice.
Electrocuted by contact with wiring.
Fatally stung by bees.
Died in fall from scaffold.
Fatally struck by motor vehicle.
Fatally injured in ATV rollover.
Died in fall from drilling platform.
Died from heat stroke.
Collapsed from heat exhaustion and fell from roof.
Died in chemical tank explosion.
Fatally crushed between forklift and storage rack.
Fatally struck by block.
Fatally struck by pumpjack brake.
Died in fall through skylight.
Fatally crushed when derrick toppled over.
Electrocuted while installing light fixture.
Electrocuted by thermostat wire.
Fatally crushed by car during servicing.
Asphyxiated from Argon gas exposure.
Electrocuted during excavation.
Electrocuted during excavation.
Electrocuted by faulty drop light.
Died in fall from roof.
Died in fall through skylight.
Died from self-inflicted gunshot wound.
Electrocuted by power lines while trimming trees.
Died in fall through roof.
Died in fall from roof.
Died in fall from ladder.
Fatally struck by vehicle.
Fatally struck by water truck.
Committed suicide at work.
Died in fall from roof.
Fatally crushed between forklift and guard.
Fatally shot by robber.
Died in fall from truck.
Fatally crushed under motor vehicle.
Died from drug overdose.
Fatally struck by steel pipe.
Died in fall from roof.
Fatally struck by motor vehicle.
Died in fall from scaffold.
Fatally struck by pipe.
Died in fall from platform.
Fatally crushed by motor vehicle.