July 2023

Workforce Development Newsletter

Georgia Mountains Works Partner

Partner Spotlight: Ellie Van Doornum

She was a member first and she saw the support offered to small business owners. Now, she's the President of the Habersham Chamber of Commerce.

“My goal is for the Chamber to become the #1 resource for our local businesses,” said Van Doornum. “As a small business owner myself I am able to recognize where we can relieve some of the stressors business owners face.”

We look forward to seeing how Ellie applies her education and business support experience towards impacting workforce development too. Georgia Mountains Works Partners include employers, educators, chambers and economic developers.

Georgia Mountains Works WAGE Report - September 2023.         To receive the report, CLICK HERE to participate.

Fall 2023 SAIL Registration Open

Supervisor & Industry Leadership Course delivered in 4-hour segments over 12 weeks.

More On Apprenticeship Programs 

Workforce Development Pays

It's not every day you get to hold one of the big checks you see on T.V.!

On June 20, the Gainesville-Hall Development Authority awarded $15,000 to each company for their participation in the Apprenticeship Model (APP101). ElringKlinger, IMS Gear and Voyant Beauty are the most recent recipients of this apprenticeship reward. Each company has an existing employee that accepted the challenge of a 2-year Apprenticeship whereby the apprentice works full time with structured on-the-job training while attending related technical training at Lanier Technical College.

MFG Sector Partners In Action

Click picture for more information.

North Georgia Technical College celebrated National HVAC Technician Day recognizing their HVAC students. Stay cool!


Haering Global hosted a plant tour for our Quality Tech Apprentices to get a look around. What a great opportunity! #PlantTour #Haering

Rhonda Samples, Hall County Schools, was named Georgia ACTE Administrator of the year! Congrats!

#GACTE #HallCo