Developing a Quality Workforce
November 2018
Vol II, Issue 5
2018 Madera County Fall Job Fair
On November 1 st the Workforce Development Board of Madera County and the City of Madera Parks and Community Services partnered to host the 2018 Madera County Fall Job Fair. 
The event was held at the Pan-American Community Center and drew more than a hundred job seekers. Thirty-one employers were present representing a variety of business sectors, from the retail and hospitality industry to the manufacturing and medical industry. Partner agencies from the Madera County Workforce Assistance Center such Department of Social Services, Central Valley Opportunity Center and State Center Community College District supported the event and provided valuable information to attendees. 

WDB would like to express gratitude to the following local businesses for their kind donations to support the event: Starbucks, Walmart, Savemart, Sal's Mexican Restaurant and Pak N' Save and Fallas
Save the Date
The Madera County Workforce Assistance Center is planning their 2019 Spring Job Fair. This event will take place on
Thursday, April 4, 2019
from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm.
Madera District Fair – Hatfield Hall 
If you would like to participate, please contact Jorge Espinosa at (559) 662-4540 or to reserve your space complete the job fair registration form and email it to
Let's Build a SCORE Chapter in Madera!
VOLUNTEER Your expertise, Your skills, Your Passion.
You are good at what you do. Your skills, talents, and business savvy are valuable resources that entrepreneurs can tap into. As a SCORE volunteer, not only do you use your knowledge and experience to help others succeed, you also support the community in a meaningful way. You can gain a tremendous sense of personal satisfaction from nurturing businesses so they grow and thrive. 
Contact Yuliana Franco,
SCORE Vice Chair Madera
at (559) 232-8382
Employers Can Be Liable for Distracted Driving
It’s easy to imagine: A manager takes a business call while driving to work, a driver browses social media while delivering packages, or a salesperson who’s stuck in traffic sends a text to a client. So what happens when distracted drivers cause accidents while they’re working? 
No Cost HR Hotline
The Workforce Development Board of Madera County and Sierra HR Partners have partnered to provide you with expert Human Resources information. The Madera County HR hotline is designed to handle questions from employers regarding Human Resources issues such as:
·      ADA and other accommodations in the
·      Hiring and Firing Do’s and Don’ts
·      Paid Sick Leave Laws
·      Wage and Hour Laws
·      Employee Handbook Policies
·      And More... 
Hotline hours
Servicio en Español disponible
Customer Service Agent
questions answers ask the right question and get an answer help or support desk solve problems and find solutions road sign 3D illustration
Business 30-Second Training Series and Resource Guide.
What questions can I ask when interviewing an applicant with a disability?
The Business 30-Second Training Series and complementary Business Resource Guide were developed with a business focus and designed to educate businesses, hiring managers and supervisors about proven strategies and easy-to-use resources that can assist in retaining and accommodating existing employees who experience onset of a disability.

Madera County Unemployment Rate
The unemployment rate in the Madera County was 5.9 percent in October 2018, up from a revised 5.4 percent in September 2018, and below the year-ago estimate of 6.2 percent. This compares with an unadjusted unemployment rate of 4.0 percent for California and 3.5 percent for the nation during the same period.  
Source: EDD November 2018 release of the Madera Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)