Starting a Newfoundland Puppy in Water Work

Introducing a puppy to the water slowly using a step-by-step approach will help him develop confidence and good training habits to benefit him throughout his water work career.

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Coaching The Reluctant Rescue Dog

By Sue Marino, Chair, NCA WDC Are there actually Newfoundlands that don't know how to swim? More than likely, all Newfoundlands know how to swim, but there are some that are too afraid or unwilling to try. Granted some Newfs swim better than...

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Can’t get to the beach but need to work on the basics? Take, hold, give and carry and basic obedience/control can be done in your yard, at the park and while watching TV! There are many great online programs that you can build the skills you need for this foundation work , and some super books that may help as well! Or join beginning obedience class to learn more about these needed skills.
A look back - check out these historical photos of some early water tests. This year the Great Lakes Newfoundland Club (GLNC) is hosting their 50th Anniversary Water Test!
Regional Clubs Please Note:
The 2024 National is still looking for Regional clubs to host events at the National Specialty! Can your club pitch in? Obedience, Rally and Draft Tests all need support. Join in the fun of making 2024 a wonderful event!

Clubs are always looking for fun ways to get your members engaged in working events. How about considering some of these additions to your summer plans?

At picnics, host “demos” for water and draft with hands-on time for things like
  • Fastest bumper fetch
  • Pull a milk jug
  • Harness fitting events
  • “Run the bases” where you set up three people and send your dog to each of them one at a time for cookies

Before your tests this summer, set up a day with “mock tests” to give folks a run through! People who are experienced and are interested in seeing what judging is like are GREAT candidates for your “judge” for those too!

Specialty Carting! It’s great for specialties, picnics, meetings! With very minimal equipment and a little bit of space, your club can put on a Carting event using the Specialty Carting regulations! Its a great way to have lots of carting fun!

We are sure you can come up with hundreds of ideas! Share them with us and we will post them!
Need help getting started with a working event? Check out these tools for
Regional Clubs!
Judge's Corner
Please Note: The NCA Board approved the proposed changes to the Requirements for becoming a Judge, please review them here.

Reminder: Judges - we are offering a new option for email on the NCA website. You may now enter a "public display email" in your member profile. This will allow you to have a designated email address just for public display, so you can easily sort and find communication coming from the NCA website, and to protect your private home or work email from scam, phishing emails or mass marketers.

To add a public email, go to the Member Portal, select "My Profile" then select the red "Edit Profile" button. Add the email address you wish to use in the "Public eMail Address" field. Then click the red "SAVE" button at the top of the page.

You may wish to get a free email address through Gmail or other service to use specifically for this purpose.
If you would like to share photos of working dogs at work (and play), please send them in - we'd love to see them! Make sure you have permission from the photographer for us to use the photos for publication.