June 15, 2022

Dear Colleagues,
I'm pleased to share with you our completed System-wide Self Study addressing how we're working together under unified accreditation. We are also sharing it today with our regional accreditor, the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE), and with the chair of the evaluation team visiting us in October, President Ross Gittell of Bryant University.

The Self Study is the product of contributions by faculty, staff, and administrators from all of our universities and Law School, and it has been strengthened and refined by feedback from those of you who read one or more of the drafts circulated in September 2021, February 2022, and May 2022.

I want to acknowledge and thank everyone who helped draft, edit, and refine the Self Study's narrative section; develop and populate the accompanying data sets; locate and organize dozens of links to UMS, university, and Law School reports, policies, and other background resources; compile the appendices; and design and produce the pdf, web, and print versions of the final document. I also want to thank Associate Vice Chancellor Jeff St. John for leading this work and partnering effectively over the past seventeen months with all of these contributors.

Later this summer, my office will share information about the fall visit, including opportunities for faculty, staff, and students to speak with the evaluation team.

Thank you.
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University of Maine System
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