You may be wondering where our Spring weather is. As a Michigan native myself, I must share that we are getting close… we have passed Winter, Fool’s Spring, Second Winter, and Spring of Deception. We are now at “Third Winter.” Hang in there, my friends!
As usual, it has been a busy but wonderful month here at MCUM. We celebrated Shannon Hampton’s promotion to Director of Operations, the launch of our Spring Into Action campaign, Compass Early Learning Center’s successful visit from our Paths to Quality raters, and a well-attended first Meet and Eat hosted by the Self-Sufficiency Center.
This month, I would like to use this space to recognize some very special people: our outgoing Board of Directors members. Helen Ingersoll is graduating from our Board after serving FIVE years,
including serving as our fearless chair during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Also moving on from our board after a 3-year term is Don Shelton, who served as our Treasurer in 2022. Judith Olmsted will be leaving after she joined us to complete a vacancy and then served her own term. Susan Siena will also be completing her term with MCUM. Finally, wishing Rachael Scott best wishes as she finishes her board term. I had so much to say about these wonderful people that the newsletter was too long to send, so be on the lookout on our Facebook page where I will gush and gush about each of these delightful human beings.
While every board class is special to me, this one sure stands out and I will miss these wonderful people tremendously, though I know they will continue to be involved 😉. You can help me congratulate the service of Helen, Don, Judith, Susan, & Rachael by making a donation in their honor at
I look forward to another great month here at MCUM! Thank you for being a part of it!
Katie Broadfoot, MPA
Executive Director
Monroe County United Ministries
812-339-3429 ext.11
Pictured here from left to right: Susan Siena, Rachael Scott, Katie Broadfoot, Judith Olmstead, Don Shelton.
Join our community-wide challenge to break the cycle of poverty. MCUM's annual Spring Into Action campaign runs from March 1 to April 30 with the goal of raising $40,000 for our programs and 1,000 lbs. of food, cleaning, and hygiene items to restock MCUM's client choice pantry.
Can we count on you to join the hundreds of cycle- breakers and end generational poverty for good?
If your office, club, congregation, family, or other group would like to host your own food drive find tips HERE or email our Development Associate Camden Hill
Restock our Client-Choice
Food Pantry
For much of the past three years, eligible households across the country received increased food stamps to help offset the difficulties of the pandemic. That included Indiana residents, up until June of 2022, when the increased benefits ended. That, plus ever-increasing inflation, means food donations to the Self-Sufficiency's Center client-choice pantry are more important to interrupting generational poverty than ever before.
In 2021, during the thick of the pandemic when additional public assistance was widely available, we served an average of 196 families. By the end of 2022, that number had increased by 60% to an average of 325 households per month. That means we saw an additional 13 families a week, each week!
In order to meet this growing demand, our Spring Into Action campaign has a goal of raising 1000 pounds of food and cleaning & hygiene items. When we provide our neighbors with their immediate and basic needs, we free up their energy to look beyond day-to-day survival towards genuine self-sufficiency.
How can you help? Individual donations are always welcome and can be dropped off at 827 W 14th Ct., Bloomington, IN 47404 because 8a-4p M-F. Additionally, you can volunteer to host a food drive at your organization (visit or contact Camden Hill at to learn more).
Compass Early Learning Center
We are happy to share with everyone that we had our annual Paths to Quality visit and we have maintained level 3! We are so proud to bring high quality care and education to the children that we serve.
Spring Cleaning Challenge
March 1 - April 30, 2023
Help us break the cycle of poverty by joining MCUM's Self-Sufficiency Center's 2nd annual Spring Cleaning Challenge March 20th-31st.
Thanks to the generosity of South Central Community Action Program we have 72 cleaning kits for participants to take home. Each kit comes with a calendar and instructions to clean one thing each day for two weeks.
Our participants who complete the challenge will win a prize!
We still have 15 kits available. Grab yours today!
DROP OFF Monday- Friday
827 W. 14th Ct.
Bloomington, IN 47404
Needed Items
Dish soap
Laundry Soap
Baby wipes
Toilet Cleaner
Paper towel
Breakfast items
Canned Meat
Jiffy Mix
Here is a veteran food donor tip to help stretch your dollar. Keep an eye on the sales at local grocery stores – sometimes you can get a fantastic deal, such as buy-one, get-one-free fresh chicken at Kroger!
MCUM is equipped with the space, refrigerators, and freezers to receive any donation.
Darcie Casey
Development Director
812-339-3429 x18