Happy holidays from all of us at Monroe County United Ministries!
Though Thanksgiving is still a week away, we’re already getting into the holiday spirit here at MCUM. In celebration of the season, we’ll be sharing some of our staff and interns' favorite holiday traditions and memories.
Kristina Bechtel, Fundraising Coordinator
“Every year my husband and two sons go to my mother’s house on Christmas Eve and watch Christmas movies. Once the kids are in bed we set up the living room and get ready for Santa to come. When we wake up in the morning my mom always makes biscuits and chocolate gravy!”
Katie Emery, Financial Services Coach
“I love Christmas! I always decorate immediately after Thanksgiving is over. On Christmas night my husband and I like to exchange Christmas pajamas, and we put stockings at the end of the bed for in the morning. And I have always loved going to Christmas plays like The Christmas Carol. My parents live in New Hampshire so I always mail them their stockings.”
Caitlyn Cotter, Client Advocacy Fellow
"When I was very young, my favorite holiday was New Year's Eve. My best friend would come over to spend the night and my family would throw a small party with close friends and family, and so there would be a bunch of kids my age that I got to play with. I think my favorite part was that I never had a bedtime and always ended up staying up later than the adults, which made me feel very grown up. We would also drink a million Shirley Temples, and it was super exciting not to get in trouble for having that much sugar, even if it always left me with a stomach ache."