I hope this e-newsletter finds you doing well. I have been enjoying the taste of spring and summer-like weather, keeping busy with outside house projects and inside spring cleaning – this morning Hazel (my 3-year-old) was very excited about swimming at Mills Pool. We pass the pool on the way to school/work each day and today she said “Momma, is it swimming day today?” I told her the pool wasn’t quite ready yet and she was a little bummed – but there is work to be done before swimming season. One of the biggest needs in the next couple of weeks is collecting swim scholarships to sponsor our (60) PreK Compass ELC students with six weeks of swimming. For $61.09, you can make sure that a child gets to swim all summer!
Darcie and I have been busy visiting friends this spring! We visited with friends at Old National Bank to learn about their various community funding opportunities. We were also thrilled to visit Catalent and learn about their grant programs, employee month of service, and more. They even surprised us with a donation of $500 to purchase grocery items. It has been such a fun season of building new relationships and cultivating existing ones.
As of April 1st, our new board term began. This year, we have six new board members – Sherene Ing, Alex Lamb, Kristin Martindale, Thomas Schwandt, Brit Moreland, and Linda Smith. Denise Lessow is our incoming board chair taking over for Joel Schneider. We will be featuring each of them on our social media in the coming weeks so that you can get to know them.
Enjoy the nice weather and I hope to talk with you soon!
Katie Broadfoot, MPA
Executive Director
Monroe County United Ministries
812-339-3429 ext.11