September 27, 2021 | Number 39
Movement on League Bills - Fall Floor Session Begins
Both the Assembly and the Senate will be in session this week on Tuesday, September 28th.
The Senate calendar includes the confirmation of four Secretary/Chief Executive appointments in agencies that impact municipalities including:
- Secretary designee Dawn Crim, as the Secretary of the Department of Safety and Professional Services,
- Missy Hughes, as the as Chief Executive Officer of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation,
- Secretary designee Randy Romanski, as Secretary of the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, and
- Secretary designee Craig Thompson, as Secretary of the Department of Transportation
All executive level appointments on the Senate calendar for Tuesday were voted out of committee on a unanimous, bipartisan vote.
The Senate will also vote on the following bills the League supported:
Senate Bill 488, Relating to: water supply service area plans for public water systems and
Senate Bill 489, Relating to: procedural changes for applications under the Clean Water Fund Program and the Safe Drinking Water Loan Program
*If passed these bills will be sent to the Assembly for action.
The Senate will also vote on the following League initiated or supported bills confirming Assembly action:
Assembly Bill 300, Relating to: deadlines for certain Public Service Commission actions after a water public utility application for certificate of authority or approval of lead service line financial assistance is filed
Assembly Bill 302, Relating to: meter installation or replacement projects by water utilities.
Assembly Bill 376, Relating to: a statewide urban search and rescue task force, regional emergency response teams, and making an appropriation.
*If passed, these bills will be forwarded to the Governor for his action in the final step before becoming law.
The Assembly will take up AB 376 before it is sent over to the Senate for action.
First Responder of The Year Award
State Assembly offices are now accepting applications for the First Responder of the Year Awards. This program will recognize public servants in our police, fire and EMS departments. First Responder of the Year nominations can be sent to your state representative until Friday October 8, 2021. Find your representative here. A winner will be selected from each Assembly district and all of the statewide winners will be recognized during an October floor session as part of First Responders Appreciation Month. The Assembly is making it a priority to honor first responders who serve and protect our communities every single day. Individuals nominated can be a police officer or sheriff’s deputy, a firefighter or any level of EMS provider who is a paid or volunteer public servant. The nomination can be predicated on a variety of factors including a specific heroic action, a significant professional achievement, community work and/or length of service.
DOR Interactive Data Visualizations
The Department of Revenue's Research and Policy Division has worked hard to create Interactive Data Visualizations (vizs) that meet the needs of our municipalities and other stakeholders. The information is not only interesting, it is also helpful for your communities. Can’t find a viz that meets your needs? Email with your suggestions for future visualizations. If DOR has the data, they can work to create and customize a visualization for your community!
2021 Wisconsin Tax Update Seminars
This year, you can choose to attend meetings either in person or virtually through a webinar. The event is free, and will include:
- Tax law changes, updates, and reminders
- Tax processing, forms and e-file update
- DOR Initiatives
- Audit update
- Collections update
- My Tax Account update
AB 575, Property Tax Exemption for Regional Planning Commissions. This bill provides a property tax exemption for property owned by regional planning commissions. Current law provides a property tax exemption for property owned by a county, city, village, town, school district, technical college district, public inland lake protection and rehabilitation district, metropolitan sewerage district, municipal water district, joint local water authority, long-term care district, or town sanitary district, among others. By Representative Magnafici (R-Dresser) and Senator Petrowski (R-Marathon).The League is neutral on this bill.
AB 579/ SB 568, Responsibility of a Property Owner for Discharge of a Hazardous Substance by another. This bill exempts a property owner that is not a corporate entity from responsibility relating to the discharge of a hazardous substance on or originating from the owner's property if all of the following apply:
- the owner acquired the property prior to September 1, 1992;
- the owner demonstrates that the discharge was caused by another person without the owner's knowledge; and
- the property was not listed in the database of contaminated properties maintained by the Department of Natural Resources when the owner acquired the property.
The bill also exempts a county that takes a tax deed on property contaminated by a hazardous substance, or any person who subsequently acquires the property from the county and meets certain requirements, from responsibility relating to the discharge of the hazardous substance. By Representative Mursau (R-Crivitz) and Senator Jacque (R-DePere). The League is reviewing this bill.
SB 573, Allowing Persons to Charge Fees for the Use of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations and the Installation and Operation by the DOT or a Political Subdivision. This bill allows a person to charge a fee to users who park an electric vehicle near the person's charging station and establishes criteria for setting a fee. Additionally, the bill specifies that a person who owns, operates, manages, leases, or controls a charging station is not a public utility if the person does not otherwise provide electricity to others for a fee. The bill also prohibits a political subdivision from owning, operating, managing, leasing, or controlling a charging facility that is available to the public unless authorized by the governing body of the political subdivision and prohibits the Department of Transportation from authorizing the installation or operation of a charging facility that is available to the public or located at a wayside unless the department submits to the Joint Committee on Finance a request for authorization to install or operate the charging facility and the Joint Committee on Finance approves the request. By Senator Cowles (R-Green Bay) and Representative VanderMeer (R-Tomah). The League is reviewing this bill.
(Paywalls may apply)
Wisconsin Legislature Asks US Supreme Court To Intervene In Federal Redistricting Case Read the article.
Republicans plan to pass measure aimed at limiting changes to legislative and congressional districts Read the article.
Federal stimulus funds may be used to construct water tower in I-94 corridor Read the article.
Local groups team up to offer new course for community that focuses on civil discourse in La Crosse Read the article.
Janesville City Council asked to pull trigger on wheel tax increase, relief funding allocations Read the article.
Reid Magney reflects on 12 years with the Wisconsin Elections Commission Read the article.
Oconto County moves into critically high COVID-19 case activity level Read the article.
Municipal Assessors Institute 2021
Sept 28-30, 2021 in Oshkosh
Best Western Premier Waterfront Hotel & Convention Center
Building Inspectors Institute
October 6-8, 2021
Lismore Hotel, Eau Claire
Police & Fire Commission Workshop
November 3, 2021 in Wisconsin Dells
Wilderness Resort, Glacier Canyon Conference Center
The League's 123rd Annual Conference
Pre-conference Webinars October 12-14 Via Zoom
Annual Conference October 20-22
K-I Center, Green Bay
Human Resources for Small Communities
Three one-hour long webinars
November 9-11, 2021
10AM each day
Municipal Water Issues Web Series
December 7, 8, & 9, 2021
12PM each day
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