Always Tired? You May Have Sleep Apnea

Your spouse says your snoring is driving her nuts.

You wake up feeling unrested and irritable.

These are common signs that you may have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a sleep disorder that—left untreated—can take its toll on the body and mind.

Article written by the FDA.
LifeSpeak On Demand:
Better Sleep for Better Health
The link between sleep and mental health, how to overcome sleep problems, and debunking common myths about sleep .

LifeSpeak Ask The Expert:
Nutrition That Boosts Your Immunity
Shauna Lindzon

12:00PM CST
November 15th
Avoiding Burnout
Proactive steps to prevent stress and exhaustion of burnout.
12:00 - 1:00 PM CST
November 15, 2018

Caring for Aging Relatives
Available on demand beginning
November 20, 2018

A full list of live and recorded webinars can be found by visiting and logging in with your organization's access code. Look in the Webinars@Work, LifeSpeak On Demand and Work-Life/Legal-Financial sections.
Featured Apps
Ipnos: Combining over 100 relaxation sounds, melodies, binaural beats and white noise, Relax Melodies allows you to create your very own relaxing soundscapes. Play them all night or for a determined period of time, thanks to its built-in timer.
Sleep Cycle: Waking up made easy. Let your phone analyze your sleep and wake you up in the lightest sleep phase – the natural way to wake up feeling rested.
Print and post monthly thematic posters to showcase all of the valuable services available to your employees through your Employee Assistance Program.

To access posters:
  1. Log in to the HR Professionals portal at with your organization's access code.
  2. Click the "+" to expand the Program Promotion section for a full list of posters.
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