As America comes to grips with the reality of Covid-19, the terms social distancing, self-quarantine, and lockdown are making their way more and more into our daily conversation. There’s a lot of information out there about ways to stay connected with family, friends, and co-workers when we can’t be with them physically. But what about those people with whom you might be feeling, ahem, a bit too connected? 
LifeSpeak On Demand:
The Importance of Social Distancing
Learn more about the importance of social distancing and how to best cope with the changes to our lives during this tense time.

LifeSpeak: Ask the Expert
How to Manage Your Money in Times of Uncertainty

Featuring: Shannon Lee Simmons & Bob Gavlak
April 22, 2020
12:00 - 1:00 PM (Central)
Maintaining Your Composure During the Coronavirus Outbreak

The session will cover strategies to tackle feelings of anxiety and stress, practical techniques for working from home, ways to address signs of panic in the workplace, and when to reach out for further help and support.

Click on the image below for the full 2020 webinars on demand schedule.
Let's Break the Stigma

Join our team of leading mental health experts on May 6th for our day-long Mental Health Marathon.

You'll be able to submit your own mental health questions, completely anonymously, and get an answer from a leading expert in real time. Ask questions about:
  • Children's mental health/parenting
  • Mental health in the workplace
  • Mental health through life stages
  • Relationships
  • Coping with stress and anxiety

Information on how to sign up coming soon!
COVID-19 Resources
We created a new section specifically for COVID-19 resources in the Workplace Solutions client portal. Visit this section regularly as resources are updated continually. It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!

  1. Visit
  2. Log in to the Employee Services or HR Professional box using your company code:
  3. Open the COVID-19 section
Featured App: Audible
While school is on pause, kids listen free.

Audible is typically a membership based app that is currently offering select books free for children and young adults while schools are closed or engaged in e-learning.

Check out the selection including the editors pick arranged by age group.

Print and post monthly thematic posters to showcase all of the valuable services available to your employees through your Employee Assistance Program.

To access posters:
  1. Log in to the HR Professionals portal at with your organization's access code.
  2. Click the "+" to expand the Program Promotion section for a full list of posters.
Contact us today!
Confidential support, guidance and resources for you and your family are available 24/7.
Workplace Solutions    800-327-5071