September 2021
Diversity & Inclusion Marathon
Join the conversation about diversity, inclusion, and the eradication of discrimination by participating in the LifeSpeak Diversity and Inclusion Marathon on Tuesday, September 14th between 7:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. CST. We are bringing our leading diversity experts right to you to answer your questions for a full day in our popular Ask the Expert moderated web chat format.
Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace: Why Does It Matter?
Over the past year, diversity and inclusion in the workplace has become a hot topic, with customers, investors, and employees alike calling for more equitable, just employment opportunities. As a result, many companies have revisited their recruitment, hiring, promotion, compensation, and company cultural practices. Much remains to be done, however, in terms of building truly diverse and inclusive workplaces.
Ask the Expert:
Creating Accountability for a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace

Featuring: Tomee Sojourner-Campbell
Learning, Development, Equity, and Anti-Racism Consultant

September 22nd, 2021
11:00 AM (Central)
Building an Inclusive Workplace
Recognizing systemic racism, dealing with the consequences on one's mental health, and learning how to be an ally.

Click on the image above for the full
2021 webinars on demand schedule.
Print and post monthly thematic posters to showcase all of the valuable services available to your employees through your Employee Assistance Program.

To access posters:
  1. Log in to the HR Professionals portal at with your organization's access code.
  2. Click on Program Promotion to explore available posters.
Managing Current Events
The Managing Current Events section inside the portal contains valuable resources on the topics of COVID-19 and the social justice movement. We add resources regularly so check back often.

It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!

  1. Visit
  2. Log in to the Employee Services or HR Professional box using your company code:
  3. Open the Managing Current Events section or explore other content by topic
Contact us today!
Confidential support, guidance and resources for you and your family are available 24/7.
WorkplaceSolutions  800-327-5071